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Everything posted by ed2

  1. Stella has just showered and made her hair, so we'll see.... 😬
  2. Gina and Stella are voice messaging back and forth right now. So maybe there is still hope for a great little last party (or two) before Stella leaves next week. 🤞🏼😉🤞🏼
  3. Actually, I don't really think there was any deep conflict between Gina and Stella. The very next day after that episode with Cesar, I heard Gina open a voice message from Stella. This evening I heard Stella open and answer a voice message that I think was from Gina. They just don't hang out as much anymore, because Stella found something, someone or somewhere more tempting to be, away from us.
  4. Great atmosphere! 🙁 Not a word spoken between Radislava and Stella since Stella returned.
  5. She needs more than beers to make up for the time lost. It would be nice if she invited the people she's been hanging out with the last few weeks for a party in B1. Instead, we'll likely get three days of hungover sleepiness.
  6. And she had a pitstop from, 09:15 to 10:15 yesterday. This has become quite ridiculous! Her stay started out pretty amazing. Regular parties at Gina's, and a couple at B2. She found a boyfriend who was willing to be on camera. One day she brought a whole bunch of friends in B1. Then, suddenly, it all shifted to the opposite. She pretty much stopped hanging out at Gina's, she started spending both day and night away, and B1 became a place to shower and change clothes. It's gone gradually, but she seems to have completely checked out now.
  7. The ones who will never do anything stay in bed all day. The one who might actually do something unpredictable even hides off-camera to sleep now. 😴😴😴😴😴😴
  8. It is an amazing place, and it's also the flagship of the site. Close it, and almost half of the GOVs are gone. And after they lost everything in Russia, the GOVs are pretty much the only thing they have left. It will definitely be noticed, if they close B4. With even less content, one can wonder how long the project will survive.
  9. Well. Whatever it was that happened last night, I don't think it had anything to do with their relationship status afterall. Today they all seem as happy together as ever.
  10. They say Scott is a controlling asshole. It may very well be that he is, as a person, but if so, he is terrible at it. People around him do mostly whatever they want, and they come and go as it suits them. I do not understand alot of the critics. Compare him to a guy that has a very good reputation on here. Stifler. Scott is definitely much better than Stifler, in my opinion. Stifler does not seem to care at all. He only uses the girls, until he gets bored, then he throws them away. And he is much more controlling than Scott! Look at Goldie for example, he's out every night, while she lies on the couch at home, bored to death. It's sad to watch. I feel sorry for Goldie. Especially since she's obviously pregnant now.
  11. But today they have all joked and laughed a lot together, like one big happy family. So who knows... 🤷🏼‍♂️ Anyhow, I actually think Scott has somewhat of an undeserved bad reputation. The more I see of him, the more it looks like he's a good guy who actually cares about his friends.
  12. Seems like Stephie broke up with Scott tonight. They laughed and partyed and had fun together downstairs. Then Stephie withdrew alittle, and began to cry for herself upstairs in the guest room, before she went downstairs and asked Scott to sit down to talk. They probably sat for an hour out in the hammock. She was looking serious, and Scott looked like he was trying to comfort her. After the conversation was over and Scott had gone to bed, she collapsed in tears on the sofa in the guest room. She has cried almost uninterruptedly afterwards. For two hours and a half now. She went out to smoke at some point, and fell asleep on the hammock outside. After a while Scott came out to see where she was, he begged her to come inside, but she did not want to. She is still crying. Lyla is out there comforting her.
  13. Stephie crying hard in the guest room now. 😢 And Scott has went to bed with Sabrina. 🙁
  14. Maybe dropping a bombshell here now, but to be quite honest, I'm kinda of the opinion that Lyla is abit overrated. Yes, she is wild, and yes, she creates alot of action, but alot of the time it seems to me that she is trying way too hard. It often just come off as rather ridiculous instead. Not my type, I'm afraid.
  15. I think it's one of the better setups on VH. The only room with terrible view is the guestroom. The rest is either average or above average.
  16. I was a fan when Scott was actually living there. For the last month or even longer he has been more and more absent, and the apartment has become deader and deader. It seems to be this guy 👇🏼 who is running the show now, and he is about as exciting and lively as a sack of potatoes.
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