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Everything posted by ed2

  1. I was watching Sabrina. Then right when something happens, the stream cuts off! 😡🤬👿
  2. Bedroom and upstairs bathroom not loading.
  3. Straight to the camera, and terrible lights. It's probably an attempt to compensate for being away so much. Just bullshit! Start bringing the fun back home again instead, Stella! That was great!
  4. I think it is the guinea pig. 🐹
  5. Actually, I this is meant to be the private toilet for the resident, as it's located inside the bedroom. The guest toilet would be the one in the bathroom.
  6. What is that shining thing high up in the sky? Is it a bird? Is it a star? Is it the sun? No, it is the hairdresser!!!!
  7. Amazing party with several nice guests! 🥳 Two average sized women and one fat lady! I loved all three! 😍 Our beloved hairdresser rules! 🤘🏽
  8. Huge upgrade from Turbo! These actually seem like interesting tenants far! Great sex! And exciting party events!
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