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Everything posted by ed2

  1. Quite ironically, people complain about Nelly and Bogdan being there. And yes, it's not optimal. But they do atleast share some life. Flying a drone. Playing an instrument. Having sex in different rooms. Getting drunk when there was a party. It's not a whole lot, but it is atleast something. Compared to nothing.
  2. I agree with all of this. And yes, we have seen example where they have found guys who are willing, but the girls obviously only brought them there to tease and tease and tease, then send the guy home, and collect their bonus. These girls are nothing but a terrible casting, I agree. What I meant with my post is that I don't demand sex. There are alot of other things they could do to get my support. But they aren't doing that either.
  3. Cleopatra has had enough, she vomited in the kitchen sink. Now to bed on the couch.
  4. It wouldn't be amazing and impressive, by no means, but it would atleast be something. And it's better than the N'th massage show, wouldn't it?
  5. Sex is mostly an exception from tenants in the vacation-apartments. I too wish this was different, but I understand that it can sometimes be harder to arrange. However, lack of sex is not the only problem. Someone called the twins robots, wich I think was a very fitting description, but Nana and Vivian are actually also robots in the exact same way. When they do a massage, it is the same show every time. When they masturbate, it is the same show every time. They possition the lights, they find the right angle for their bodies, and everything is done for the camera. It's all calculated and boring! No excitement, no passion. It says something about the situation when the most unpredictable, genuine and emotion-filled moments we see from Vivian is when she spots an insect in her room. I'm not demanding that they need to do anything crazy. But honestly. Come on, girls! You are better than this! I'm sure you can be alittle more creative! If you need suggestions: Have a joined dinner. A barbeque. Spend a day by the pool, swimming and suntanning. Spend a day in the garden, playing badminton and have a picknick. Use the fitness room to do a session of yoga. Have a movie night in the living room. Masturbate in the shower, or on the couch, without thinking about cameras and lighting. Try to vary it, do different things each time. Be spontaneous! Enjoy yourself, and have some fun! If you want to go really crazy, invite some people and have a party! You can definitely do alot better than all the nothing you are doing now!
  6. Yep, but we named her Cleopatra for the forum. We try to avoid using their real names on here, it is against forum rule. It can be a very necessary rule, to protect their identity. Even though an innocent first name is probably not a huge deal, it's a nice gest to try and follow.
  7. Gina, and Cleo never left either. Resting on the couch under the TV.
  8. Yes. I think you are right. It kind of looks like they are testing out different people, like to see if they can find a good cast. But it is not working very well. We have a few guests and minor parties that is completely separate from the tenants and the everyday real life, and I think that is a big part of why it feels so dead lately. They are in the way of each other. Both the parties and the real life will be sort of half way.
  9. I’m a huge fan of this place. I still think it is the best apartment on VH. But even I must admit, it has become pretty dead. It’s not just that there are no crazy parties and fewer people having sex. That’s maybe fair enough. But the guests that are there lately just seems like one person more boring than the other. Take that heavy built guy who has been staying there for ages now as an example. All he does is sleep, he doesn’t even seem to socialise much. Meanwhile, the people who are actually invested in this place, who are actually living their lives here. Like Scott, Stephie, Sabrina. They have been more and more absent recently.
  10. I agree. I'm a big fan of Cleo. But I also just think there is a very cozy atmosphere whenever a guest couple makes up the couch and starts to make themselves comfortable in this living room. It is something with the lights, the big wooden door and the wall decorations. It kind of makes me think of a cozy little cabin or something. Very lovely atmosphere!
  11. RLC newsfeed: Guest has now returned to the project. She is a reoccuring participanant of such great value to the project that the management has decided to give her two rooms this time. One in B1 and one in B4.
  12. In 2001, I mean. Europe had no interests in Afghanistan. It was USA who made a questionable* link between Taliban and Al-Quida, and USA somehow argued that 9/11 was an attack on your nation from Afghanistan, so you demanded that all NATO-countries ought to wage war on Afghanistan. It is actually the only time the NATO article has been used. Now we have wasted 20 years of money and resources on occupying this country. We went to war for you, for your security, for your vengeance. We too lost many lifes in this war we had nothing to do with. Think about that the next time you hear conservative Americans complain about Europe not paying for their own security. In addition to this, it is also Europe who has to handle the hoards of refugees that comes from all your wars down there. Remember that the next time you or someone else are discussing NATO, and who's paying for whose security. *questionable because most of the leader of Al-Quida came from Saudi-Arabia, most of the funding also came from Saudi-Arabia, and it turned out later that Al-Quida was actually hiding and training in Pakistan, not Afghanistan.
  13. So. For all you Trump supporting Americans, who think Europe is only freeloading on USA through NATO. Well. Europe just invaded Afghanistan, and helt it for 20 years. FOR YOU! All in vain, it seems.
  14. Actually, completely honest, I can live fine with them never showing their pussy... for me it is worse when they intentionally hide their face during masturbation.
  15. With the Elisa/Stella/Adri style you see their whole buttocks contracting instead. 😉 And thighs flexing. Worst bate style ever is the one Mila is practicing this time around. Everything under a tipi.
  16. Norwegian: "Have you stood up with the wrong foot today?"
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