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Everything posted by DARKJOKER666

  1. At least 4 times from what I saw Pete come in her mouth earlier, then once while fucking her then the last shot happened about 30 min ago once again in her mouth. The other dude came on her back right after they broke the couch bed in half and he was fucking her from behind while she was blowing Pete. *Edit* And I THINK dude almost came in her mouth when she was doing a double blowjob on the couch. But she jerked away and it got on her arm and all over his own legs. He cleaned himself off with that blanket he's had wrapped around himself all night. Other members can correct me if I'm wrong but I think that's one of Lexy and Petes rules that no one is allowed to cum inside her other than Pete. Both orally and vaginally, and I guess Anally. I could be wrong but that's what I've observed since I've been watching them.
  2. Damn at this point poor Lexy's nipples are going to be so damn chaffed. I don't think her tits haven't had a hand on them for the past 12 hours. lol @Lexy&Petelet Lexy sleep in tomorrow. She's more than earned a reward for all the hard work she put in tonight.
  3. From what I''m gathering he physically wants to, but from the bits and pieces that I can understand with my terrible knowledge of the language he seems to be implying that he won't do anything without permission.
  4. oh damn man, well don't push it past your limits. Be safe out there.
  5. I'm a little concerned for Pete here. He kept checking his pulse with his watch and at one point Lexy took his pulse both on the wrist and at the neck. Just now he walked out the bathroom holding his chest over the heart. They tried to get him to get into the trust fall thing they were doing but he refused. He said something to Lexy that I couldn't hear then pointed to his chest and she immediately stopped smiling and looks super concerned. The other two guys started scrambling around going "What is it? what?" Lexy then looked something up on her phone turned to Pete and said "Look! AND YOU'RE SMOKING!!!!" Pete then poured himself a drink and lit another cigarette.
  6. I'm predicting an Apartment fire before the weeks out followed by the complete collapse of the entire apt. building.
  7. Wait is it possible to see someones google.drive account like this too?
  8. I am so sorry for being insensitive because I know this is a language barrier/google translate thing. But holy shit. I'm in tears. This is one of the most hilarious sentences I've ever read.
  9. I agree with this 100% I grew up in a military family. My father was in the Air Force and we moved literally every single year. It was stressful because growing up I didn't have a core group of friends. I had a new school for every grade. But as you said the people are what make a home a home. Unfortunately this was before the internet existed so I couldn't even keep in touch with any friends I did make because they were also in military families and would have moved as much as I did. But having said that I do believe that @Lexy&Pete deserve their own place. They've proven they are more than capable of being one of the best couples on the site. I think they are going to finally have a chance to stretch out and relax and truly live comfortably.
  10. Woo! Congrats! I hope you guys have as much fun there as you did here.
  11. lol Don't feel bad for the puppers, it easily outsmarted paul there.
  12. This picture is adorable. @Lexy&Pete you two are beautiful and perfect together.
  13. If Lexy ever appears on Cam wearing this, Hand to god I'll pour ever dollar I have into this site. You hear that @Lexy&Pete? The challenge has been given.
  14. @Lexy&Pete Pete! Turn around! Look at that tasty treat! Go for it dude! Dive right in there!
  15. lol let me rephrase that, are there any videos floating around of her doing it?
  16. Has Lexy ever done solo Masturbation yet? That's something I'd pay admission to see for sure. Especially if it's one of those hardcore really getting into it sessions.
  17. lol Lexy always wins. She's a born winner. That girl could take gold at the sexual Olympics.
  18. Oh yeah definitely. As we Americans say 'She's locked cocked and loaded' the only thing that's holding her back is Grant.
  19. I heard her say "I lost my underwear........I had it......I will find it in the morning." Then in the kitchen she said to Pete "Don''t worry, it's not like the first time. You will be ok." At least that's what I heard.
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