Just don't pay attention to Snaky's post. only he knows why he defends this couple when anyone talks bad about one or the other. Me I'm too busy with my life to care about any couple on RLC or Snaky. RLC and CC is just something to pass the time with.
I hope they do not leave at all I would like to see him or her grow up on the internet something like the Truman show. (1998) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120382/?ref_=nv_sr_1
Are we sure that they live rent free? some say RLC pays part of the rent. Do agree with what else you said.
I also would hate for them to contact us and us them. But I would like to know the set up. How do they find the couples, and in a few cases did RLC find people with apt's then added cams like I think is the case with Noria and K.
Looking for a list of who was the first couple on RLC up to the last couple to Join RLC including the ones that have moved on. Anyone what to add to my List?
Nora & Kiko I think was the first or second couple, Lora and Max then near the end Isabel and Marcelo, then Angela and Valare. What do you rember?
You should be here. Tay. There are too many people complain about this or that. Or wanting this or that. You bring balance and order to CC. I have to hide behind the computer screen because hve been very shy all my life and it is people like you that make my day a little brighter
It started out as age but I feel all are welcome as long as the young ones respect their elders and do not mind when our mind wanders and other things we do.
I also do not like Frab. We used the term jack off. which I still use and do. Do not know when or how it did show up maybe like Disco it will die soon.
Being paid by RLC as always just been a roomer. Like a very old post someone thought that they got paid more if more people watched them, or they got rent free ect.... to me it is all just old roomers that do not die.
Not too many woman even know what a dress or skirt is (are). Help me out with that line squirrel. now doary they know we are out there and will not whear dresses or skirts. I blame the news for that.
panther063 I should introduce you to my friend She is also annoying and narrow minded but when I can sweet talk her into it she is good in bed.
Like you said you can look elsewhere so go and be happy.
My friend tells me she feels cleaner if she takes it all off. I tells her about the 60's ( she is younger than me)
She tells me it is gross. I feel that the some men who like it clean like the younger ones. So having sex or making love to a clean woman is doing it without crossing the line.
NIJ that got me thinking is it only in the USA the that couples kiss when they get home or before they go out? I thought that a lap was for a persons head or for a kitty to lay in to be petted. I do not see any play time with the dogs and cats. I do not watch a lot so I might be missing something.
it went off for me then i went to CNN for a time and came back then the cam was back on. Do not know if it was a problem or if they found out how to turn off or unplug a cam for a time.
I hope not. I also hope that is does not have anything to do with that cam being locked. I believe they know what cams are locked and unlocked and where there is no cam view.
I posted something someplace else on CC and it got me thinking Is their anyone like me left. I came in from the cold. Over the years it became unsafe with all the news coverage. They labeled us peeping toms and or perverts. I just wanted to watch. I did not want them to know that I was watching or for them to see me. That would take the the turn on and turn it off. I used to go out hunting for that perfect view. The steaming windows the open curtains. Driving in the park down back alleys with my headlight off. It was not important what I saw. The turn on was that I was invading their space with my eyes. I'm I the only one left that feels this way. RLC is the only safe way for me to watch and it would be a shame if the tenants play for the cams or post here. Put I would like to know what the contract states and how they found out about RLC.
You might be right. If so then I'm gone. I'm an old voy that came in from the cold. Over they years there has been too much news about us. Some used the term peeping tom. It is not save anymore for me and others like me to go hunting for that perfect spot. Under a window, In a park late at night. The world is changing and maybe it is time to slip into my cave. I hope not for sometime. Most people what to see this or that. My turn on is to see without being seen or to invade their space with my eyes. Sorry to ramble. That is what us old dudes do.