Is it possible to have two windows open or maybe two taps (windows 7 and chrome) with only the sound from one of the windows or taps? Pandora on one and an RLC's room that is miked?
Nice to see you back Squirrel I hope you found your socks. Looks like you found a few other things in their. Keep digging maybe you will find Emelia's airplane.
True story. I was at my dads last year and my step mom.was at the store about 15 min. away. drove home talking to my dad and then sat in front of the house for about 30 min. still talking to him. I have seen kids at the mall on their phones talking, I wonder if they are talking to each other. :o
No we are just to old with nothing to do or play with. He have more time on our hands then we know what to do with so we post because we can not do _______ anymore (I will let you fill in the blank)
Yes they have. I still like a full bush. Maybe if i was younger I would like and understand the music and the shave look. It is hell to get old. I wish I knew then what I know now.
Mine was 059. The year before they stopped calling people up. That was during the VietNam war. (call it what you want to) a lot of my sisters friends where called up to go. For those who do not know here is a link to the draft: Looks like the young ones still need to register. I wounder if most of them do?
I'm happy for you tbj150. My fist time I drove to NV and paid for it. 8 hour drive. Now I live here and pay for it when I can. :'( It is hell to be ugly and shy and now old.
I hear a song or will play a cd with old old song that reminds me of the girl I did not ask out because I was shy and still im.and I kick my self every time because I know I lost out on a good friend and maybe a girlfriend. I hate to look back because Of all the times I should have said something and did not. Every now and then I see someone that could be a daughter of someone I liked is school. Never did go and ask if her mothers name is ***.
The whole world watch the landing on the moon. Now it is just stuff like killing, 91. and1 wars. The world as a whole need to watch something good for a change.
peace love and rock and roll to each and everyone of you.
we called our drills duck and cover. I did not think much of it at the time tell I was in my 20's and found out how close we where to all being killed. I was a kid It must have scared the hell out of all the adults at the time. Sometimes watching the History channel is not a good thing.
Lucky you I was on the west coast at the time and never did see a launch live. I still want to know what it feels like to be weightless and have sex in space. The dreams of my youth.
When was TWA going to outer space? and did they plain to make a name change? We should have not built the space station but built a moon base instead. Now they are talking about building a moon base. Squirrel if you have time would you gather the nuts at NASA and do something with them.