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Everything posted by Sparkles

  1. No, i meant since their arrival, cause as far as i remember (i started watch them in May 17 and they already was directing other places) they entered directly in the project and not through other tenants. Like many other past & present examples that are their own managers
  2. Maybe you should start to read what you post before say that type of shit.. You didn't ask for a name, you ask who she is You welcome and don't worry, i will just ignore your next charades
  3. What's difficult to understand from the sentence "It's their boss" 😁 Anna
  4. Exactly, it wasn't. And also "catch" them checking them on timeline and funny reacting to other places. So the "they can't access to VH" also isn't a true theory
  5. Yes, but the eyes makes everything more special cause they do it without a physical contact (like mouth, tongue, fingers & lips). Poor Guy 😎 😁😁
  6. So, you are saying that your eyes works like a cum button?? 😁😁
  7. Eye contact is always better (and the reason why i selected that frame)
  8. Why cock blocking? her presence never stopped him doing anything
  9. At three months it's when they start to have guests to increase views 😉 Weirdly they don't have sex for almost 3 hours!! Guess already are in crisis and that will be a frozen pussy soon
  10. Three months online already.. time flew quickly in this realm
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