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Everything posted by Sparkles

  1. No, she also talks, play game of thrones & sleep.. possibility she also eat & drink
  2. Well they are totally different girls like the photos show. Why ridiculous? is it suppose to people guess what will be the names that future tenants will choose to have on the project? You have many examples like that: Anna vs Hannah, Alisa vs Alissa, Kira vs Kira, Sofi vs Sophia vs Sophie, Dana vs Dane, Deen vs Dean, Maddy vs Maddie (and all this are official names)
  3. You are wrong, he is referring to Amelia like his own CC nick says Amelia is the guest girl from mirana&bahus (realm 6) that he have on the gif he placed in one of her sex sessions with Owen. Amelie is a tenant (with Lucas) from realm 8
  4. Contract signed and quickly became ridiculous 👎
  5. Leya really needs to improve her self-esteem
  6. The dynamic of the place is ruined since that arrival.. Hope&Yan very rarely have their own moments in bedroom
  7. humm what user? My guess is that they have different accounts in all these sites and download the videos (they also use to steal from rlc foruns, don't know if are still doing that)
  8. Of course they earn a lot of money. why do you think hotscopes and similars exists?
  9. Of course!!! There was a CC memo about it! But only for this place
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