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Posts posted by Robwin

  1. 44 minutes ago, sr71gn said:

    So you are telling me that you think all these super hot girls would be hotter in pants??? My thinking is exactly opposite of you--and then when it comes to easy access -game over

    If any of the girls wanted it they would soon get them off no worry :biggrin: It's only the hands up skirt lot that like dresses etc :biggrin:

    • Like 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, Dave 27 said:

    Hi, Oxy chose to leave the project so is now a guest so as you suggest if she is to continue with someone else it will have to be in another Apt.She may not want to rejoin the project?. And will Stifler eject Turbo?, so many if's but's and maybe's. One thing's for sure Stifler's going to have to make his mind up cos this place ain't making no money.👍

    Quite the expert now pal i'm impressed. I don't have a clue as to who many of them are to be honest. Some stick in my mind but others, well they come and go :biggrin: 

    Benjamins apartment just seems a mish mash of anybody who care's to drop in just don't watch it, mostly piss poor cams anyway.

  3. 8 minutes ago, budda said:

    Mira & Heny had their first apartment in October 2017.
    Since then, almost every time they have had guests, we have seen "interesting" evenings with threesomes, foursomes, orgies, etc.
    In recent months - unfortunately - all the evenings organized by them have not had sexual activities.
    Even last night Henry was unable to have sex with the blonde guest.
    What happened ? Maybe M&H can no longer excite their guests or maybe they invite people who are not inclined to interact sexually?



    Even Felix looked pissed off and left after not long there :biggrin:


    1 hour ago, phil4466 said:

    Strange, because if you scroll down on page 17, you should see pics of the blonde fucking in Hannah's bathroom. My mistake was to include the link this page, and not on the exact post. Sorry for that (and for the text "Cathy etc..." which was automatically added).

    I think the blonde, the do nothing girl lol, has been fucked in M&H's bathroom but never in public, but only by her b/f the long haired git.

  4. 8 minutes ago, fornika said:

    She actually lived there for awhile and lead a "normal" life. Except for anything sexual for fear persecution in the country .

    Pictures/videos of her showering are out there .

    Well she was here for 3 days recently without changing clothes,night and day, or showering, must have hummed a bit when she left.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Dave 27 said:

    Pssst,Rob,don't listen to him,he doesn't Google he always comes to me first,I told Let's not to mention it cos I'm a bit shy,this being the Font of all knowledge is a heavy load to bear you know.😁👍

    Aahhh the secrets coming out now so you are the genius, must go and lie down now i think and contemplate this astounding revelation :biggrin:

    • Haha 3
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