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Posts posted by Robwin

  1. 7 hours ago, letsdothis said:


    I'm not sure what American sayings have to do with this conversation. It wasn't a competition between Americans and Brits or their sayings. But, you know, Rob, if you ever need help with an American saying, you have but to ask. If I know the answer, I'm happy to share it, and I wouldn't insult you even once, let alone multiple times, for not knowing. And, if I don't know, hell,  eI might even look it up for you. Knowledge is for everyone. 

    And, that over-(i.e. know-it-all)-intelligence you insulted me with and accused me of, all comes from Google and other online resources, something an-y-one with Internet access can also do. Plus, it's because I ask a LOT of questions and I like to know the answers to those questions. So, I do a lot of research. And sometimes I share some of that knowledge because, as I said before, knowledge belongs to everyone.

    You need to remember, Rob, I've been reading your 1000s of posts for more than a year, maybe two, IDK. I can say with all honesty and without reservation, I would not want to be down on that level. Talk about a pain in the ass...

    Lol ,sorry Lets wasn't intentional i can assure you but rest assured if i want to know anything you will be my first stop, whatever my level is, which must be pretty low to be on here i must admit :biggrin:

    No offence meant and no offence taken over my levels :biggrin:

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, squish said:

    Rob tried to give up until he realised that he was addicted. Funnily enough my membership lapsed when my card changed. I was on the outside, after 3 years! I decided to subscribe again largely because of this site (sad I know) but I shall keep options open as sadly VH is not what it was largely because of excessive penalties which as a well know troll used to say created 'vanilla' watching and risk aversion.

    You sad bugger so you succumbed eh :biggrin: Not to worry no doubt you are able put up with it all eh and been on for quite a while now eh, must be habit forming  :biggrin:

    This Jabbath moaning habit must be catching :biggrin:

    • Haha 2
  3. 39 minutes ago, bluewinner said:

    you are wrong. they did very well for the short time that they stayed at M&H, they were very often the top view. 

    What i posted late Saturday night..........................................

    Must be earning a fortune been top of the previews all day i think for doing nothing :biggrin: Good eh

  4. 23 hours ago, letsdothis said:

    Neither phrase made any sense (except to a bloody Englishman :biggrin:), so why would one be a clue to the other? The two phrases seemed completely disparate to each other. But, things are easy, once you know the answers. 

    Disparate: essentially different in kind; not allowing comparison.

    Many american sayings often have no sense either to a bloody englishman either as you put it, but not to worry, all work it's way out in the wash as they say no doubt. 😂

  5. 10 minutes ago, letsdothis said:

    It's interesting. When I started writing the post above, neither of your comments had posted. When I hit submit, it took so long, mine went to a new page. I had to go back to see your posts. 

    CC must be working on steam power today it's almost unusable. giving it up as a bad job for now will try again later.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, letsdothis said:

    Neither phrase made any sense (except to a bloody Englishman :biggrin:), so why would one be a clue to the other? The two phrases seemed completely disparate to each other. But, things are easy, once you know the answers. 

    Disparate: essentially different in kind; not allowing comparison.

    Being over intelligent can often become a pain in the ass pal, come down to my level it's far less complicated :biggrin:

    • Haha 1
  7. 12 hours ago, coolcucumber said:

    Put all the guys of this apartment in a line and ask the stranger on the road who might be Ben "the original tenant" among them, i bet that stranger will pick the original Ben the last

    His name is just a smokescreen, all activities and what to do or not are handled by Scott lmao

    Join the club pal, i have no idea who Ben is and to be honest not really that bothered :biggrin:

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