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Posts posted by Robwin

  1. 43 minutes ago, Chipper said:

    I think I kow the issue, Nina doesn't feel comfortabe when you are watchig.  set the dvr, go on a vacation, and see what you have when you eturn.

    I assume you have Nina's personal attention and know what's going on in her mind lol. How would Nina know when any particular person is watching them? Do enlighten me would like to know that.

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  2. 1 hour ago, FelixTheCat said:

    No, but who cares about that really. They are all rather crappy. It’s the storyline that makes it interesting. Ain’t nobody here jerking off to any of this stuff. It’s a soap opera at best. I’m not saying I’d enjoy a running commentary like some of those guys in rlc do where they post comments about everything a person does, I’m talking about a commentary that pegs the what’s going on with some flare and insight and perhaps a little humor to mix with that. What we have now in most of the apartments are random pics splattered and mostly people complaining in some form or another. It’s pretty lame and it’s been like that for a long time. I think the real culprit is that the people who follow vhtv just can’t write very well and worse feel the need to hoard information like it was some precious thing. There’s a selfish nature to the vhtv posters. Yeah, I know they hate me so much and there is that element to to it, but even beyond that the running commentary on most apartments is not very good in my opinion. 

    Think you are getting a bit parnoid now just don't think that element is there really Maybe a couple or so who like to harbour past grudges but most couldn't give a dam i don't think. As far as story lines go yeah there may be a handful who seem to want to go overboard and want to know all the ins and outs of tenants personal lives etc but the majority just want to see plain unadulterated sex action. I mean Beverley only has to go on the bed and shove her fanny in the cam and it goes to the top of the previews lol. Same with Jessie and a few others. I doubt if many have the time or inclination to sit there watching much real life. Ypu might if you were like the Nina & Kira obsessives but personally these days for the times i am logged on like to answer some,make a few comments watch a bit of the timeline if it looks interesting from the posts and that's it. I certainly don't spend hours and hours on here at a stretch those days are long gone lol. I will log off now and perhaps have a look in, in about 4-5 hours for an hour and then bed. That's enough for me and no doubt for most people.

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  3. 56 minutes ago, Just In said:

    That young couple are back visiting but no Mira or Henry, I wonder if her knickers will fall off today?😉

    Can't see much happening to be honest but if they are left on their own you never know,  whether M&H are trying to wean these two into the system as they obviously are aware of the cam setup and the reasons for them.

    I assume :biggrin:

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  4. 35 minutes ago, FelixTheCat said:

    I meant this thread. Go back to page 1 and read through the commentary, especially from nicsjom. Best review of the story of this apartment in my opinion. Too bad there aren’t more like this. I think it could be done to any of them really and it would actually be enjoyable. 

    Ithink the current drop of members wouldn't have that much patience and would find it very boring tbh. Then again the cam quality then didn't help much.

  5. 3 hours ago, FelixTheCat said:

     Since there is either a massive revolt in the vhtv forums because of FelixTheCat hate, or perhaps the selfish need for the security of a safe zone, or perhaps the dire nature of what vhtv has become and continues to progress into, i thought I’d highlight what I personally think was the absolute best commentary of an apartment on vhtv ever by a CamCaps poster. @nicsjomwhoever Check it out. 

    I would if I knew where it was, give us a link then.

  6. 10 minutes ago, ze81 said:

    We need a NEW,good real life style cam site.Right now i am not subscriber of any of actual ones,one is about fake lesbians shows and endless vacations and other one about "cool" names given to residents but almost those residents are just boring and not interesting🤣.Positive in this..40€ saved per month😁.

    Hello stranger,stll alive then pal :biggrin: Good to see you back 👍

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  7. 5 hours ago, Dave 27 said:

    Sorry Rob but I have to take issue with you on this one,clarify what do you mean by "minorities pushing for whatever".I'm guessing gay marriage or civil partnerships is one of them.Yes/no.?

    No wrong again i;m afraid, assumptions are a dangerous thing when i was meaning nothing of the sort, @FelixTheCattake note as well. I was thinking more of the BLM movement which is another disastrous thing which seems to have been imported from America. In my opinion the coloured society is doing themselves no favours at all by movements such as this, in fact it is just making things a dam sight worse. I have no problem at all with any sexual deviations of people but what i do have a problem with is them trying to impose their will on the majority of others. We have enough problems in the UK now, and the world over, with so many keyboard warriors on social media who in real life/face to face wouldn't have the guts to say anything.

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  8. 39 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

    I will say it as often as I want. Sorry 😉

    Just another attempt to get your way over others eh. So you work on the principle that if you say the same thing often enough people will believe you eh. Well perhaps most people are not as dumb as you think they are and have the ability to make up their own minds as to what they like or dont like. We are not all like sheep.

    This is a public forum not an indoctrination society as much as you would like it to be. You are quick enough to condemn others for wanting to impose their views and calling them trolls yet you want to do exactly the same.

    Please do perhaps as Dave has suggested eh and give it rest eh, the record is getting a bit broken now or stuck in a groove.

    Thank you,rant over.

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  9. 46 minutes ago, FelixTheCat said:

    So you think an adult should not be allowed to decide what they want to wear cause it may lead to the fall of your pristine world? It’s a always a matter of where the lines are in terms of actual destruction versus perceived destruction. You know it’s too bad I’m not in charge cause I have it all figured out and the world would be better for it. Ha ha! 

    Where the hell that came from god knows? did i mention anything about what to wear? don't think so. So many bad and questionable movements around and the sad thing is they they always seem to eminate from America, no offence intended, but you don't half export a load of crap.

  10. 24 minutes ago, FelixTheCat said:

    Perhaps it would have been better in the long run if they had kept biased CamCap members out of it. It seems pretty obvious that the preferences and tastes of the operators are paramount and the archive request topic is being ignored for one reason for another. 

    Power can often be self destructive when abused.

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