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Posts posted by Robwin

  1. 9 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

    Amy DON'T let the haters chase you out of VH, we need sensible people on this site

    I don't like the word haters as i can assure you, as i have said before,  Amy hasn't got any haters all it has been is a difference of opinion which we are all entitled to.

    Now it has been put to bed so Amy, get that avatar changed to how it was before, and get your finger out and get your butt back here where you are wanted and respected.

    We all know you are an argumentative sod perhaps that is what we all like about you lol so come on hun lets all start afresh, you never know you may want another argument soon to cheer you up :biggrin::biggrin: lets have the old Amy back now. xxxxx

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  2. What happens next eh well don't really know Amy as you seem to have succeeded in making a martyr of yourself for no good reason. Which is a bloody shame as we all want you back in the forum's where you belong.

    So come on Hun get that large chip off your shoulder and come back to your normal habitat where you are really wanted eh 💕

    • Like 3
  3. 41 minutes ago, ooopel said:

    Signature:ooopel {Gift to all freeloaders}

    If only life was that simple what a wonderful place it would be. Unfortunately the world is not always a land of milk and honey but can be a hard and difficult place that's why many of us come on here to take away some of those troubles and have a laugh and chat so how about it eh and Amy,If you are reading this, get your butt back here hun as we miss you even if you are an argumentative sod lol xxx

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  4. 9 hours ago, Amy3 said:

    Am I the only one who finds it a bit interesting that VH and MH decided to run their little experiment while they were away and Darcie was left in the apt. I don't understand how this was a legitimate test. I mean of course Darcie got a lot of attention, she's Darcie perhaps one of the best looking girls ever on VH. Should it be a surprise that she got a lot of attention from subscribers? 

    The other side of the coin that VH didn't take into account was the impact it would have on this CC community. To that end, I would have to say that the test was a total failure. Oh sure, my haters are loving this, but as you all can see from some posts here, we are the ones who lost and took the damage from this decision. 

    I suppose what bothers me is that VH had to know that this was a significant moment and their response could have be more serving of all sides of the argument. They wasted an opportunity to close the gap and bring us together for the common good of everyone. As it is, they only took themselves into account and now we are left shattered and decided. Not exactly what I was hoping for, but it seems to be the reality for now. Not exactly sure where to go from here. I'm sorry it came to this. 

    My dear Amy i thought you had left but obviously you can't seem to let go and let bygones be bygones.

    Why do you think people hate you eh as there is nothing i have read to suggest that, no one hates you just people with a different opinion to yourself to which they and you are quite entitled to have.

    May i suggest you give it a rest now hun as you are in danger of turning into a drama queen. You say an opportunity was wasted to bring us together for the common good but your continuing ranting is just doing the opposite and possibly turning people against you which i would dread to see happening as we have always seemed to get on so well.

    Think of it this way Amy out of the 1000's of people who probably subscribe to VH the people i seem to only ever see on here you could probably count on both hands so i would therefore assume that the majority of people are either just keeping quiet or just don't give a shit really so you are just going up a one way street with no end.

    So please for the sake of everyone's sanity lol give it a rest hun and let us all get on well like we have always done having a good laugh and piss take at the excitement on VH for want of a better word  eh.....Thanks :heart:

    And i for one am glad to see you still here :heart:

    • Like 4
  5. 1 minute ago, ashleyxyz said:

    Thx everyone for lifting my spirits with your kind words!  Guy just texted me, he gonna be home in 10 minutes, so my plan is to feed him, throw him in the bathtub and hopefully f his brains out! wish me luck! take care everyone!

    :biggrin: Wish you the best of luck in the bath tub will have that image fixed in my mind for a while now lol....Lucky Guy eh, gonna make us all jealous now :heart:

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, ashleyxyz said:

    Thx sparkles for being a friend and understanding, it's folks like you that make it fun on here. I'm gonna feel like a real jerk for opening my mouth about maybe leaving CC, whenever I'm back to feeling myself again, I love being on here, and have made a lot of good friends, some of my work friends who told me about VH and CC don't come on anymore, but I stay because of folks like you, and all my other friends, you all know who you are!

    We all want you to stay ash as we know you enjoy the banter so it would be a shame if you were to leave us so look forward to still seeing you here for a long time :heart:

    • Like 1
  7. 21 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Ella and Issac fell next! How’s that kitchen cam doing? Soon, all of the tenants will turn the free cam into a bare space of mostly nothing unless they true exhibitionist, which Ary and George probably are. But, you watch as most of the tenants change their free cam to a less eventful location. I don’t blame them I’d do the same thing. It’s wrong, re read the Lar paragraph of my previous post. 

    Bottomline is that the free cams bring in new people. They hook the next subscriber. Plus, for the sake of CC they add an interesting element from a new perspective and help create a community of people to banter about what’s happening on the site. Seeing caps on CC isn’t going to be enough to retain their interest here. I was a freeloader on VV for over a year. I know probably better then anyone how important the free cams are. Without them, the VH CC forums will be toast! Soon it will consist of about 5 subscribers with half of them essentially working for VH. Sounds fun doesn’t it! 

    Sad thing is that VH could have cleared this up a week ago, but they have abandoned us all together. 

    Just see my reply in Voyeur House TV as with all due respect to you Amy I am not going to continue this crap any longer, its like a dog with a bloody bone for fucks sake let it go and enjoy what we have both on VH & CC.

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  8. 38 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Freeloaders, this goose has probably already been cooked, but your best hope now is to refrain from making any comment or posting any caps. They want to make this into a private club, let them!

    Come on Amy stop talking a load of crap, no one wants to turn CC into a private club, where the hell did that come from.??

    You have an opinion and some agree with you, others have a differnet opinion and some agree with them.

    Its whats called having a discussion and airing different views there is no need to get all shitty about it just because others disagree with you.

    As Golfer says all this crap is doing more harm than good so come on lets all move on and enjoy what we all have :heart:

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  9. 8 hours ago, Amy3 said:


    I'll say it again! VH should be the master of the free cam, not the tenant! The reason is because the free cam isn't good for the tenant it's only good for VH as a site! The tenant should not get to dictate the location of the free cam. 

    You are scaremongering Amy I feel, after all all this started when one apartment removed the free cams from a certain apartment where they have full on orgy sex in the living room and everyone couldn't believe their luck. Then this was stopped and all hell has been let loose since lol. There are still living rooms with free cams where action does happen, just because it isn't the couple's you want to see is immaterial. I think it is called having your cake and eating it is what you really want which in all honesty is never going to happen ?

    After all Ary for instance, is going out of her way to show all on free cam now so what may have been lost on one is being gained on the other

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  10. 5 minutes ago, jjkopite said:

    This forum is all about discussion but unfortunately some people seem to take it personally when other people don't always agree with them. Long live free speech!!

    Nothing personal I can assure you and yes it is good to have frank and open discussions after all if everyone agreed about everything we would have nothing to discuss lol.

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