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Posts posted by Robwin

  1. 7 minutes ago, jjkopite said:

    It seems to be common sense that if you want to sell a product you have to at least let the buyer see something!

    Well at last I agree with you in that they are letting the buyer see something which they do in many apartments but like everything else in life people always want more. I think this subject has been exhausted now but been great chatting about this subject.

  2. 3 minutes ago, jjkopite said:

    Nobody in their right mind would expect everything free, the point I was making was that the free cams left, in the majority of cases, would be a bad advertisement for VH. Lets face it Lisa & Chloe, Mira & Henry, Cleo & Axel, Ella & Isaac , David & Carrie and Clara & Stas hardly give a view that's likely to get anybody interested in this site.

    You could argue that way yes but there are others which are free which do give a good view of action. The views have to be biased in favour of the subscriber and not the free viewers otherwise it is just unfair to the paying punters.

    You mention 6 apartments that show very little well that still leaves 19 or so others that show more so it's hardly unfair.

  3. 1 minute ago, jjkopite said:

    True but at the same time they have to show something to attract new subscribers and quite a lot of the free cams now show virtually nothing, so it is a matter of getting the balance right. 

    Very true but as you say there has to be a balance and recently so many on here seem to want the balance tipped in favour of more free cams. There are many living room cams now that show quite a lot so don't really understand why so many are moaning.

  4. On 22/02/2018 at 3:52 PM, dmac7713 said:

    I just sent a message to vhtv support asking him to add new free cameras

    With all respect why do you think you should have more free cams?

    There are some free cams now where you are able to watch action of very good quality so if you want to see more why should you not expect tp pay for the privilege of seeing more.

    Everything in life is not free unfortunately so if you want to see more then do what many others do and that is pay to see them.

    If you can't afford it then you will have to do without, I would like a Rolls Royce but i can't afford so i don't have one. Fairly easy to understand eh.!!!

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  5. 3 minutes ago, Oldstalker said:

    Have you never heard the expression, "The lights are oShow Replyn, but the people are out."? It has, in english a number of meanings but most usually means that there is no brain to be found.

    We normally say " The lights are on, but nobody's home" meaning as you say nothing up top lol

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  6. Just clicked on this apartment,all lights on, television is on so some body is there SOMEWHERE and fast begining not to care  in this apartment.

    If they want to play hide and seek or silly buggers well they can do it without me i'm out of here grrrrrrr.

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  7. On 22/02/2018 at 6:51 PM, zoifan said:

    Or fuck in the bedroom that has better camera and ligating setup?


    Quite agree, cams and apartment are crap i bet Lisa misses her old apartment, don't understand why the change as she is no better off still only one bedroom and a crap apartment to go with it lol. And her other one had a lovely loggia the loggia here is rubbish.

    Obviously Lisa has been down graded?

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