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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. But more "enthusiasm" than for a long time.
  2. They don't even spread them, they do a supposed bate under covers and hit their target for the next month!
  3. No, it has to be a revolving disco ball!
  4. To be honest I don't think Alan is too committed to this project, his commitment is to Nina for which I cannot blame him.
  5. So does this mean Em is really going to try to turn this place around?
  6. The only apt George has that is more boring than this one has now gone so I think this one must also be in danger!
  7. Not exactly a surprise though, things have not been good here for a while.
  8. More to the point, Em and Edda sharing who knows what
  9. You would need to take a shot of adrenalin and a big bottle of blue pills !!
  10. He can go as the make weight with Joe as part of the deal. Great idea !
  11. Excuse me if I don't get too excited ! As I get older I seem to have less patience !
  12. Its a pity the managers couldn't have a transfer window, Imagine swapping Joe for Em, that way both women would be free to reach their potential and we would only have 1 apartment that was dead
  13. So maybe he lost his job and became clingy with her?
  14. I thought after the first night that lessons had been learned and previous mistakes corrected but i really should have known better! What is it they say "Fool me once....."
  15. Didn't Joe used to go out to work at one time?
  16. Is this the "once in a blue moon" scenario ?
  17. Too many areas not covered by cams and we should have realised from her last 2 places what the pace would be for this one
  18. She just doesn't seem interested anymore.
  19. Yes, even when people did visit you knew nothing interesting would happen !
  20. Apart from Bear does anybody care anymore?
  21. She seemed happy to have Mira licking her but not Henry
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