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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. She has got a partner who suits her!
  2. Sounds a bit like what Camarads started to do and look at that site now!
  3. If she cockblocks Misty she'll end up getting her head ripped off.
  4. Anybody else get the impression Nyu is horny?
  5. But the one they removed was probably the most watched free cam on the site. I can understand why they removed it - paid views earn money, but I also understand why people are upset about it and everybody is entitled to express their views, not just be dismissed!
  6. And a lot of the free cams are worthless now, also the thumbnails are very new, they weren't around when I started watching VH or when you started watching so it was the views from the free cams that got you interested I'm sure!
  7. Ash - when you keep comparing all the men on VH with Jeff and Bogdan you do realise you will always be disappointed?
  8. Coming from somebody who always speaks such sense....Thank you
  9. So would you have subbed without the free cams when you first saw this site? I don't think so!! Free cams serve a purpose - advertising! I agree the amount of free cams will never be enough for some people but to have free cams that show nothing does not make sense.
  10. Trump's latest brainwave is to arm the teachers so they can shoot any kids that act out!
  11. Well, it does appear to be more of a business relationship then anything else
  12. I think their problem is that their personality doesn't come over so no interest is built in them as people.
  13. I am not aware of any personal attacks on the tenants but not everybody has your very optimistic view of these 3 and people just express their disappointment at the way this place has gone over the last 6 - 8 weeks. Unfortunately they just do not seemed to have developed any further they way people hoped after a good beginning.
  14. Let us be honest, if we didn't have speculation we wouldn't have a forum!!
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