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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. Good things are meant to be savoured slowly
  2. Its been a while since I bothered to look on there, since they bombed the forum in effect.
  3. Most of Camards apts just seem to be for camming though.
  4. You would have thought VH would have realised something so basic !!
  5. They need to invest in more servers to provide a service!
  6. Could you get smaller than the one they were in? Cardboard box maybe?
  7. How come this site is still open? Must be getting just about zero interest now?
  8. Think you could be right about that, quality does seem down but at least is loading and visible so better than nothing.
  9. Maybe they are going to set up Lisa and Chloe as party central !
  10. Fits in with this apt, everybody is good at their job!
  11. Wont do much good with a reply of "We are working on it"! If my business treated their customers like this we would be out of business!
  12. About the same as everything else on this site over the last few days !!
  13. I even gave them 3 different error codes that all said it was their servers causing the problems.
  14. Or if enough customers complain they listen and do something !
  15. Agreed ,regardless of whether it was Anna or VH, action seems to been taken.
  16. Yeah, the finger is insulting, the blanket hiding is just annoying!!
  17. Not the first blanket boy and will not be the last unfortunately . I think they should have see through blankets !
  18. You are stuck in a spiral of ever decreasing circles and eventually disappear up your own ass !
  19. Very true, a sensible response as normal from you.
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