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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. He seems to be telling her what to do instead of being tentative like the last couple of guys she has had and she is doing it!!
  2. No idea, I don't think I have seen him before and this is one of the appts that I watch
  3. This is totally out of the blue, Lisa still has the ability to surprise us ! I was beginning to think there was more chance of her getting with Chloe the way they had been looking at each other
  4. Shows what can happen if you pray hard enough
  5. Well, that's 1 different guy so who knows what tomorrow may bring?
  6. Seems quite a while ago now that Lisa actually looked like she was enjoying sex instead of just doing it.
  7. That is the road to heaven ! To get rid of it would be a sacrilege
  8. I think every now and again a movie comes along that strikes a chord inside that effects us and we can relate to.
  9. No, he will probably be crying in a corner !
  10. We would be completely lost, thank God he is here to help us understand what is going on !
  11. And if Veronica joined in it would break the site !!"
  12. Ash, you really will have to keep your jealousy under control
  13. I would bring my own supply of "little blue pills" and eat them like sweets ! I may have a heart attack but I would go out smiling
  14. Maybe I should start to write scripts for some of these apartments and then I could claim "Managers Privileges" like George.
  15. Amazing how many of these places don't have one.
  16. I could always take Henry ( if Mira can spare him ) with me to distract Isaac
  17. Just don't fancy the idea of Isaac being there, something about the guy raises the hair on the back of my neck up !
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