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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. And a burden if you are trying to move on !
  2. No she would be better in a new environment the first time solo as "nobody" would know what she had done towards breaking the ice.
  3. Henry quite rightly objected to Billy taking photos !
  4. Other houses please note - This is how it is done
  5. Bea didn't seem to enjoy it or was she just being coy?
  6. Mira is like a cat on a hot tin roof, she can't stay still.
  7. I don't think Mira has come down from last night, she's still hot
  8. Well they are comfortable with each other so who knows?
  9. If they are only doing it for the money then they are definitely not true swingers !! I was in the lifestyle for over 10 years and everybody I ever met would be likely to react to being offered money to perform by hitting somewhere painful very hard.
  10. To the majority in the lifestyle the thought of being offered money to play would be an insult. Most swingers (not all!) are open to being observed as part of the fun so why would you want to insult them? If they are only willing to do it for money I wouldn't say they are true swingers, just professional sex workers!
  11. Amy, you say things because you care, not to provoke a reaction like some. If we didn't invest in people and their relationships on here it would get very boring, very quickly!
  12. It would be good if Lisa and Chloe went from being friends to being friends with benefits . It would be the hottest thing to happen here since Logan and Em months ago and would really invigorate this apartment .
  13. I think we need some new players here, the old gang is getting predictable and boring
  14. Yeah Alan looks really interested doesn't he - not !!
  15. I suppose George will have to start working on this script next
  16. An awful lot of good sense spoken here, I agree with everything (apart from the anus quote ) written.
  17. Everything is better post-Rock if only Ana could realise it.
  18. Also hope she has got rid of those damned lights !
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