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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. A soccer player recently got 0.375 bitcoin as part of his signing on fee.
  2. It's good to see somebody enjoying their work !!
  3. Maybe he was hoping she would model them for him
  4. Personally I think he sucks the energy out of any environment he is in
  5. Such beautiful performers deserve to be seen in the best light possible
  6. Lets hope it is not a picture of Rock she is looking at!!
  7. What a lovely thought. They seemed to have some interesting conversations at Ana's.
  8. Lets face it, they cannot be making more than pocket money at the moment. I know they are getting free accommodation but this can't be enough surely? Step up or step out!
  9. I agree that when there is a real affection between a couple it takes it up a level and if they are also open with each other ( I don't necessarily mean swinging ) it adds a new dimension to the relationship.
  10. Imagine teaming her with Ana, that would really stir things up!
  11. I would think that if the managers told VH they were going to close the place VH would accept that.
  12. Oh I see, managers of course couldn't ban him from visiting. Thanks for explaining it to me.
  13. Same situation as Rock I would have thought, if you are banned you are banned from everything to do with the project.
  14. What I meant was after losing the apartment, he may have had a place to go but she may not have had so housesitting was a good option for her.
  15. Maybe she is another homeless waif wandering around the projects trying to find a home where she doesn't have to do anything?
  16. I'll put my hand up and admit I am very jealous ( of Stephan )
  17. I think it is more "in spite of the cams - so there"
  18. I think it is only a matter of time before the strap on comes out but the question is - who is Mira going to use it on first? Spoilt for choice
  19. Chemistry between Mira and guest is incredible, never seen her so connected with anybody else apart from Henry!!
  20. All tease and no delivery
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