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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. Everyone on RLC is there for the money. There's no other reason. 😁
  2. Everyone has an ignore button feature. If you use it then his posts will not show when you're reading.
  3. Don't think this dudes dogs bark up the same tree. 😁
  4. The first thing she likely done when she got back was strip down and spread her legs.
  5. 'He Betrayed Us': Why Trump's Call To Protest Is Flopping WWW.MSN.COM The vast majority of pro-Trump online groups seemed to shrug off the former President's rallying cry So much for his supporters helping his cause. Once bitten, twice shy. 😁
  6. A Mortician will have a fun time reading the tats through all the wrinkles. 😁
  7. A lot of politicians never finished high school either so what's her point.
  8. I have no pity for drug addicts. Let them suffer their consequences.
  9. I didn't look at the foot, I just seen animation on the toes. I'll change it.
  10. He's only corrupt because Trump says he is. We all know how Trump acts when he's backed into a corner. He comes out with his name calling and acts like a 10 year old kid in a 78 year old body.
  11. Apartment Topic for Kamila & Danildo. Note: We don't allow Camarads Uploads to Public Boards on Cam Caps.
  12. The old saying holds true. A fool and their money are easily parted.
  13. Vladimir Putin pays surprise visit to occupied Mariupol in Ukraine | Ukraine | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Russian president makes first trip to Donbas region since invasion, in show of defiance after ICC arrest warrant This was a chance for the ICC to grab Putin and they missed the opportunity. 😁
  14. The walls are closing in on the Orange Grifter. He'll soon be whimpering like a baby wanting his pampers changed. 🤣🤣
  15. Don't believe everything you read. It may corrupt your mind. 🤣🤣
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