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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. I don't think you'll have to worry about #2 ever happening.
  2. I have said my piece on what has been instructed on Multiple Occasions so I'll leave it at that. If you guys want to keep the Debate going here in this Topic figuring that it may change things that's fine by me. Have at it.
  3. Actually some Cops are thieves. Just in Toronto, London and Ottawa, Ontario in the Asian and Italian Communities Stores operate Criminal Activities out of the back of their Stores and they pay Police Thousands of Dollars per Month to keep the heat off them so they can continue their illegal Drug & Gun Sale Operations. I would imagine there's quite a bit of that activity in the USA as well. Most of those are run by the Mob that hold Merchants as Hostages.
  4. That was just something I copied and pasted from an article I read somewhere. I can't even remember the page I seen it on. But the part posted seemed to fit in with what I had quoted at the time.
  5. This is the way Admin wants it for now so we'll just have to follow the details what I described in a post a couple weeks ago and we'll go at it from there. Sitting here debating the issue is not going to make minds change. It hasn't even been a full day yet. Things have to be given a chance. If the General Chats were never ever made at the Start of 2016 we would already still be doing Multiple Topics and it would fly without a hitch. I know some Members started here after 2016 so they have never experienced the Multiple Topics. All you have to do is go back into Past Topics prior to 2016 and it should give a fairly good idea at how Topics should be made. There were Topics for every little thing done in Apartments.
  6. Eventually RLC will sink their claws in and figure it out then the DMCA will take it from there. Enjoy the Videos while you can still get them.
  7. I don't think Admin is forcing anything upon anyone. Admin wants to try something different for a Month or Two and see how it works out. If it works out then things will stay as is and if it doesn't work out we'll just go back to the General Chat Format. One day or a Week is not going to give results. Everything takes a bit of time.
  8. If you look through all the Topics in Nina & Kira's Apartment there are 6 Pages of Past Topics. That should give everyone a good idea of how we're trying to get things to go. Your Topic is fine but we just don't discuss everything they do in the Apartment all in one topic. That was our purpose for closing off the General Chat Topics was to get away from that type of thing.
  9. Things can either be moved or it can stay the way it is. If it stays the way it is then everyone is going to have to grow thicker skin and accept the Post as is and not keep making Unnecessary Reports because they don't agree with someone's Post. We Read these Topics on a Daily Basis and if something appears to be of a Flaming Nature and Tossing Jabs and Insults at one another one another create a Report for that and we'll make it known and certain comments will be removed.
  10. That can be accommodated.
  11. If you go back to the Post where something from Twitter was posted and read forward you should see close to 2 pages of Banter that actually has no bearing on this Apartment Topic. Some of it is just knit picking at one another.
  12. I can only do one topic at a time. Things that don't belong I'll place it in sub topic and it can continue there.
  13. We're going to try it for a Month or Two and see what happens and decide from there. That's the wishes from Admin and we're going to follow it.
  14. All we're trying to do is get away from any similarities of a General Chat Topic that we just previously closed. If something extraordinary takes place then make a topic for it. Behavioral Study is fine but it should not consist of their everyday life in General. If they get in their Mood Swings and Unhappiness with each other then that's behavioral.
  15. Everyday life consists of a lot of different things for some. That's why Multiple Topics can be made to discuss those different thing in a Topic of their own.
  16. If it resembles any type of a similarity to a General Chat that we just closed recently. The Topic will removed. Please Note the Text in Red. Effective June 01,2018. The General Chat Topics will be Discontinued. ** (Please Do Not Make any Further General Chat Topics Beginning June 01,2018 or After. They will only be Removed) ** It is Encouraged that Members make their Own Topics as Opposed to having a General Chat and Having Everything Discussed in One Place. This is a Forum and Forum's are Meant to have Multiple Topics Open for Discussion. We will try it this way for a Month or Two and See What Transpires. Example: A Thread with 100 or More Pages looks like One Thread, Whereas 50 Threads with 10 or More Posts Would Appear to Have More Interest. Admin, Forum Admin & Moderators Thank You for Your Cooperation.
  17. That's the way things were done before the General Chats were ever created and it went along with no problems. It shouldn't be so difficult to do.
  18. All you do is look at the Title of the Topic and base your opinion on what the Topic is about. If the Opinion given is not about what the Topic describes then it's in the wrong topic and the comment could be removed.
  19. There is no more General Discussion Topics for RLC. Each Member can make their own Topics if they wish to do so but not anything that resembles a General Discussion where Multiple things are discussed in one Topic.
  20. For each Apartment the Main Topic is supposed to be about things that pertain to that Apartment whether the comments be on a Positive or Negative note. If it's about something other than that Apartment then just create another Topic.
  21. There's a whole Open Board below all the Apartment Topics anyone can make another Topic. Then it keeps things separate from the Main Apartment topics.
  22. I'm just trying to keep everything on Topic as much as possible. The odd comment here and there is fine but when a General Conversation begins it can take 2 or 3 pages then all the comments have to be moved over to the General Topic as they don't actually pertain to the Topic at hand.
  23. Any Talk of VHTV in General should be in the VHTV General Topic and not in Apartment Topics. Thanks.
  24. Politics has it's own Space on the forum it can be found on this Link: https://camcaps.net/forums/forum/64-worldwide-political-discussions/ Thanks.
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