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Everything posted by sturmchaser

  1. Pussy juice is known to have incredible healing powers, at least from my experience ๐Ÿ˜‰
  2. You guys are funny! No wonder I love yas. Country strong from birth! ๐Ÿค  But I support LGBT and the rainbow community 100% - wonder why? I love girls with girls! And the best of the best is OUR girls, N&K. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฅฐ I make no excuses for bein country. It's my life. Just wish it was Kira's too. ๐Ÿ˜Œ
  3. Nice touch, Stone. Love me some Hank Junior! ๐Ÿค 
  4. Rejolda has always slept on the floor since Day 1. Still not determined why, she hasn't answered my inquiries. As I've mentioned before, she tried to stash the mattress in the small closet in the hall, with zero success. As for the tooth, it's probably just a canker sore on her inner lip. Nothing to be excited about. They disappear after a few days OTC treatment, which appears to be what she is doing. It sure didn't stop her last night!
  5. Or which year. Could be one giant extremely cruel joke on us all. ๐Ÿ˜ถ
  6. Couldn't agree more. Cam-4 gives us the best overall spectrum, because the apt is so small (but well laid out, for cams anyway). The bedroom cams are acceptable, the bathroom cam is perfect, and the kitchen cams are good. They both tend to chat with us via Cam-3, which kind of cuts off their head, but we hear them speaking English clearly. (Who can forget Rejolda's lesson on the female anatomy on a blown-up condom? It was one of the most erotic non-nude non-sex demonstrations I've ever witnessed).
  7. She is quite animated, not only in face, but in body and mind too. Just like her girlfriend Rejolda. They talk to themselves when doing menial tasks, not necessarily at the cams or to us the viewers, but just in general. Christina is quirky, Rejolda is clumsy, and they are both hilarious to watch. They should be roomies, IMO. Adorable.
  8. Christina is a total BED HOG ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿคฃ Look at how much mattress real estate this poor bastard gets compared to Christina's claim. LMFAO However, it's been my experience that the smaller the girl, the larger amount of mattress space they need. How does that work, exactly? ๐Ÿค” And of course, she commands 90% of the covers. WOMEN! Gotta love 'em! ๐Ÿคช
  9. But it doesn't appear to be a romantic situation, both sitting apart, no close contact, zero nudity (except for Christina's incredibly small halter top accentuating those cute little perkies), so I'd say just a friend, maybe even a brother. Unless I missed something on the timeline.
  10. I like that she doesn't flush every time she pees. New Age girls, much like the hippie chicks of my day, "If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down." I still abide by these rules to this day. I recycled before recycling was a thing LOL. What goes around comes around. Thanks Christina! โ™ป๏ธ
  11. Back with a "bang" is an understatement! Luckily I caught it on the timeline. I lost count how many orgasms she had. And props to her dude, he's got incredible stamina. But the best part was finding out she's a swallower, takes it like a pro, and is proud of it afterward. Thank you, Christina! Outstanding work! It's just too bad that Rejolda wasn't around to watch and/or participate. Maybe next time. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  12. CATCAMS dot com! I swear it's the next big thing! Invest NOW while the litter box is empty!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿค 
  13. Be honest, everyone. We are really missing Butch & Sundance. ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ธ๐Ÿ˜ธ
  14. LMAO Kid, you never fail to constantly crack me the fuck up! I love you man, I really do. Take another long drag on that blunt. But realize that Nina and Kira are going to make love whenever they feel like it, and you're going to love it whenever they do. Yes, they say "hello" and "byebye" to us when they leave, but that's it. Nina and Kira operate on their own terms, not by what is dictated to them. Their choice to remain on cams is a GIFT to us. And much like you, I patiently wait for Monday morning.
  15. I thought you lived in Cali, Kid. Weed should be very available to you. Weed is better for you to relieve N&K withdrawals than that synthetic shit. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  16. Rejolda seems to be MIA tonight. ๐Ÿค” Where are you, little girl?
  17. About +/- 130 hours to go, troops. Stay strong. We can do it.
  18. Dear Rejolda, if you are reading this, please bring this lovely friend of yours back. We like her very much. Thanks - your fans.
  19. Ehhh, okay, I used to love Fritos Scoops with salsa, but you just RUINED them for me. Thanks a lot. Now when I see a bag of delicious Fritos, I'm going to think of FEET. And I'm not into feet. What a dick move. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  20. My chip vice is Tostitos and salsa. If I'm not careful, I can eat half a bag and a whole bowl of hot salsa LOL. Also a big fan of pistachios when I'm OTR. If you're driving down the highway and see a bunch of pistachio shells on the side, yep, I've been there LMAO.
  21. Thanks for the time frame, I got it. A lovely view. Can't wait for the "gurlfrand" either, you cute little pixie!. And yeah, once in awhile the weirdos need to briefly return to normal. I dated quite a few vegetarians and one or two "vegans", but once I grilled them some of my famous lamb chops, they ate it down to the BONE like ravenous hounds. A girl needs her protein, and it only comes in one kind of shake. ๐Ÿ˜œ
  22. It appears she is snacking on an apple? Or maybe a pear? OJ and a bowl of grains in the morning. This little girl's nutrition is excellent! Another rarity in VH land. Good job, Rejolda, keep eating healthy!
  23. Dammit, I missed that! Do you have a time frame? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  24. I gotta agree with you on this assessment. That would explain why she was struggling so hard earlier to haul that giant mattress out of the apartment and gave up, because a 120 pound mattress vs a 90 pound little girl, mattress will always win. She needs VH to send up some beefy dudes to haul that nasty thing out. That creepy looking dude who was doing some tech work in the apt a few days ago could handle it. Yeah, when I go on long hauls and required by law to rest for 8 hours, I can pull into any number of Motel 6's along the route, or at a trusted truck stop. I choose the trusted truck stop and sleep in my comfy cab, because there ain't no damn way I'm sleeping in a Motel 6 (or the equivalent). Besides, the truck stops have far better breakfast options than some lame-ass so-called "continental breakfast." I have a bunch of great stories I could tell LOL. On the other hand, I'd love to sniff those couch pillows. And yeah, I do love those little perkies. She likes to play with them.
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