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Everything posted by sturmchaser

  1. This sums it up perfectly.
  2. Well put my friend, you get it. You GET IT. I wish others would. I agree, more naughty friends and different sex (they tried - that's a whole nother funny story LOL) would be nice, but it's not what they do. They have day jobs, they are busy (well, Kira is), they have real LIVES outside of these shenanigans. They just like being on cam - i.e. they are anti-voyeurs, does that make sense? - they do not care about us voyeuring them, but they like putting themselves out there for us to watch. I guess that doesn't make sense either. The CB and MFC and Xhamster stuff - that's not N&K. That's ACTING. Very POOR acting indeed, even I will admit that. I get a bigger boner watching Kira cook couscous on the stove at home. They need to stick to real life. In the 15 days I've been on VHTV, they haven't done ANYthing different than when they were on RLC. To me, and to them, they just made an apartment move - much better place, much better environment - same situation. Which is what I hoped for and I got. It's perfect. I really hoped they wouldn't change who they really are, and they didn't. Like you said, ze, watch others for the crazy sex action, and watch N&K for the joy of pure voyeurism. The refrigerator is fixed, by the way, in case anyone was wondering.
  3. I am sorry to report to you, sadly, Doe is no longer a friend. Doe will no longer be around, ever. There was an incredible break-up among the Three Russkiteers, and it was very sad to witness. And despite what some may claim, it was NOT because of the threesome they had. Granted, the threesome they had created some great tension among all of them, and some quite dramatic moments between N&K, but it was not the ultimate reason for their dissolution. It goes way, way deeper than that. Like you, I would love to see Doe reappear, somewhere. She was absolutely stunning. Her eyes were... doe-like. Soft and innocent.
  4. Mmmmmkay, when we get into lahbstah and crayabs, that's a whole nother ballgame, Cal Ripken Jr! Now we're talkin OLD BAY baby!
  5. As an RLC ex-pat, I hope to befriend and win over the CCF community. I'm a nice guy, really, despite how I came across at first. Very unlike me. I drive a truck long haul and have a dog and two cats, and that's about it. I have read copious amounts of CCF archives, and I know for sure that Ash is a very good soul, a real person and not a faker, and I look forward to her future posts. We can all have fun here! It's just that... I am very passionate about N&K. And especially K.
  6. You got it! And couldn't agree more. Medium-rare? I like to add a dash of ground coriander to my rib-eye, with a wild mushroom/shallot saute, and a generous sprinkle of fresh grated parm on my asparagus. Is that okay with you?
  7. Winner winner chicken dinner!!! Well done eagle eyes! I love all the mirrors in the new place!
  8. Has anyone seen Kira's drumset yet? I *think* it can be seen in cam-5 GR in the lower left corner, but not positive. I know the piano is in cam-5 GR bay window (a very romantic place to compose music indeed), but Kira loves her drums. I hope she still gets to practice in the new place. Of course, as we learned at RLC, the apartment floorplan that is shown at VHTV is not exactly "to scale" LOL.
  9. I spotted Sundance in the early morning, he must have snuck in under the radar LOL Who else can you spot in this snap, and where is he? #VHCATS
  10. I forgive Ash, it's easy to do at first. Back in 2015 we were ALL wondering who was who. Just read the 2014 RLCF archives for a good LOL of confused individuals. But we eventually got it straight (oops, a gay pun). Nina = tatts, cute itty bitties, loves the couch and bed and her phone. Kira = very toned physique, beautiful boobs, an ass that would snap a dick off, loves to cook, can be found in the kitchen. Hope this helps!
  11. 0703 Peter time - Kira's phone alarm goes off (but it's a new alarm sound). Snooze. Until 3 minutes later, alarm. Snooze again. Just like always. Notice neither Butch nor Sundance are allowed in the bedroom now. Butch annoyed Kira so much the past few nights, the boys are banished outside the bedroom LOL.
  12. 0300 Peter time - they are home - showering love upon Butch and Sundance. Time for late night tea! Kira - straight tea. Nina - 1/4 cup tea, 3/4 cup cream. LOL They are simply adorable. 😍
  13. THIS. This right here is the Nina I have known for years. She is powerful and believe me, she is very very vicious. She will defend herself and her wife against any assholes who denigrate or disparage them. And so will I. I've made mention many times on RLCF of Nina's meltdowns and craziness, with Kira being her rock and calmer. I'm 6 foot and a trucker, but I would NOT want to mix it up with Nina in a bar fight. Her level of crazy would f*ck me up LOL. Thanks, Domy.
  14. Why, HELLO there, Faye! Do you like big red trucks and traveling?
  15. I would propose to this perfect creature on the spot. GOD I love redheads and freckles!!
  16. Truly astounding. That's my opening statement. It is truly astounding, no, actually it blows my logical mind that, here I am, a former member in excellent standing at RLC and RLCF, making the transition to VHTV and CCF after The Purge, for one reason, and one reason only - Nina and Kira. I heard a great many things about VH and CCF - "better cams" and "friendlier people." A much different and positive environment at CCF than RLCF. RLCF has its problems, that's for goddamn sure. They could be solved easily, but no one in charge listens to logic. So since The Purge I had not much reason to revisit it, aside from saying "howdy" to a bunch of good friends I made there, and catch up on their recent trials and tribulations that we all had a connection to. I still try to check in once a week or so, after I've been OTR, to let them know I haven't forgotten them. And they always remember me. I thought I was going to get a bunch of new friends on CCF when Nina and Kira went live on VHTV. Boy was I mistaken. The vitriol and ignorance on CCF is ten times as bad as it is on RLCF. Johnny, Scorpio, you guys think you are badasses? You all ain't got nothin on some of these fucking illiterate degenerates on CCF. When these people start to ATTACK Nina and Kira even before their apartment went live - even before they got a chance to watch them - even before they knew who the fuck they even were - attacking and denigrating them as if they were pieces of trash - WELL, guess what I think of those ignorant fucks. You guessed right. It's obviously a very very sad state of affairs at CCF, dare I say even worse than RLCF. It's a shame, too. I had hoped for better things. Good luck, and good night.
  17. Yes, Mom and Dad visited Nina several times, twice brought the dog (forgive me for saying this, but 'Sasha' is the name I heard dad say - a neutered dog, beautiful shepherd, but useless, like...another Sasha we know), one visit for kicks, one visit after Nina had her diabetic attack and the EMTs came and they went UM, and a third time when Nina was under medical distress again, when she came home she had to wear a breathing mask over her face, and friends dropped by for well wishes. That's when we met blondie and the mysterious redhead. Never to be seen again. There was also two times that Kira's brother spent the night in RLC. He shared the couch with Doe and the shark pillow. Nothing happened except sleep. Doe likes girls, and rumor had it, Kira's brother likes boys. Altho never confirmed, I'd say yeah. Ahh the memories! Will look forward to any future visitors in their new, sparkling clean and spacial abode!
  18. I sure as hell have no arguments against that! Good choice, sir!
  19. Ehhh... they are in a new prospekt, they may not know many peeps there. Plus N&K were never really "social" except for a select few. They will only be away for 48+ hours, Butch and Sundance are used to that. It would be nice, however, during their stroll along the river, if they bumped into Eva. Alas, just my ongoing fantasy... LOL
  20. Because I am a friend and confidant, and I refuse to expose her identity, or her feelings.
  21. She is sad. There is a reason for that. Can't tell you why here.
  22. Nobody here except for a few will understand what you just posted.
  23. What a disgraceful comedy CCF is. And to think I thought RLCF had belligerent ignorant assholes. Well well, just wait, open my fuckin eyes to THIS plethora of clueless and invective gang of garbage. I've been around here since 2015. It's 2019. So I'm not a real veteran, but I know a little more than YOU do. RLC forum posters bitched and complained ad infinitum about the chatboxers focusing on the Barcaloungers every single night. In a way, I agree with them. The RLC chatboxers commented MINUTE BY MINUTE the Barcaloungers actions. I was never a fan of the Barcaloungers, but in a way, I agree with them. But the forum people (whom I call Crips here) and the Barca chatbox people (whom I call Bloods here) could never come to an understanding. And they NEVER will. Crips & Bloods. I see the same thing happening here. And WHY is still a mystery. WHY is there so much vitriolic hate being spewed forth? Is it because Nina and Kira are newcomers to the precious Galahad of VHTV? Are you all just Heathers, much like the new kid at school, you want to fuck with them to see what they are made of? Thought so. Both Nina and Kira will always come out on top. The only thing I can figure for the hatred and aggressive attacks against N&K is one of the basic cardinal sins - jealousy. So many "involved" posters who "know them soooo intimately." What a joke. I know who is real in this forum and who is not. Yes, I am one of those converts to VHTV from the disaster that was RLC after The Purge. The reason why I signed up? Nina and Kira. Without them, I would not be here. So far, CC Forum SUCKS. To paraphrase the famous @Foamy T. Squirrel "if you don't like them, WHY are you even watching them?" And WHY would you bother to take the time out of your busy day to spew your negative energy on their page? There are dozens of other options to choose from. If you don't like what N&K have to offer, please, please go somewhere else. That's all I ask.
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