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Everything posted by Panther063

  1. Kiko does have to maintain his svelte figure for his boyfreind Nora.
  2. He's lucky if the old guys remember the question, and didn't start waffling on about onions or their war exploits....
  3. Clicking on the mona lisa icon, above the smilies is quicker, in my opinion, it allows images to be inserted.
  4. Reminds me of a girl I know, called Candy, I'll have to remember to try some next time I see her ;)
  5. No, she went to bed in her clothes, and was still wearing them when she got up in the morning.
  6. Name calling, real mature. You have been reported. As for wanting a "quicky" Leora only wants to have his attention, not sex. She likes to tease him and have the focus on her. If you paid attention with your eyes and brain, instead of your dick, you would see her behavioural patterns are those of a needy, attention seeker.
  7. Have you tried spinning around them, instead of putting them up? :P
  8. I totally agree, I don't watch her or even go to ww.com, I only see what is posted here, pictures and videos. If I comment, it is based on what I see, it is not meant to hurt anyone, it is just my opinion. If someone said she has bad legs or fat tits, that is their perception of her, it doesn't make them right. Personally I think she has nice legs and great tits.
  9. Anne, name calling just proves your lack of maturity and insecurities. You really have no idea if the people here are "twats", whether they are the type others should listen to, or their level of intellect, based on the few words they have chosen to describe your actions, which you have openly displayed online for all to see. When you get to have an insight into their habits and lifestyle, then you may pass judgement on them. It is your life, if you wish to continue and ignore those people, do so, but do not expect people not to comment and tell it as they see it.
  10. Another idiot that doesn't know she is a tease and Paul has a life! Open your eyes, if you can draw them away from her tits, and you would see he stays up all night studying, not playing on the computer. Don't pass judgement on him based on what YOU want to happen!
  11. I vote for Isabel and Marcelo, even though they aren't included in the poll. They seem to get out more and do real life stuff.
  12. I can't, I'm not a paid member of RLC.
  13. Like you just did. Have you heard of grammar? Perhaps comprehension classes would help you understand the written word. It's clear to me and anyone with a modicum of intelligence that Tripod2 knows they are video files.
  14. Preparations are underway to go to bed, doubt we'll get to see anything worthwhile here.
  15. The guest looks like she has a nice body too, if Stefan would shut up, they might get changed and go to bed :D
  16. Girl? The first picture makes her look old enough to be Angela's mother. I'm guessing 30's maybe.
  17. Moderators always have a lot more functions and features than we can see as normal members, Jnr Mods can also be limited in what they can see and do. They might even have a hidden thread on this board where they can discuss us as members and any topics they wish, without using the PM function or fear of us ever seeing it. I've been on the back end of a huge forum run by a television network with many features, and a free forum such as this.
  18. Woooooo, wild party going on there. It's 11.30 at night and they are still awake, and, there's TWO bags of chips open on the table.
  19. Don't forget kids using mummy or daddy's credit card. ;)
  20. Just to be polite, I'll point out to you that has been mentioned previously, quite a while ago.
  21. He's been the same with most female guests. I think he's a sleaze bag and would root them all given half a chance.
  22. It looked like he was upset tonight, she was trying to comfort him on the sofa, then left him and he spent the night sleeping there, while she ended up in bed alone.
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