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Everything posted by JoJoGunne

  1. I've seen the video of Nora's dildo action on her own. Very nice. She certainly curled her toes with that one. The only thing I would have preferred seeing is her doing that while wearing her glasses instead of leaving them lying on the bed. I like Nora with glasses.
  2. I have posted numerous videos of this couple in the past, but they are gone. RLC caused my online links to crash and burn and I've deleted my copies to free up disk space. Sorry. But some videos of them still exist on various sites around the internet. It might take some work on your part, but I'm sure you can find them. Good luck.
  3. What did she do? Did she shoot someone?
  4. In regard to that previous post of mine about Win10, I don't want anyone to get the idea their computer isn't going to be able to run Win10 now or in the future...unless they are trying to use some really old hardware. The fact is, MS has done a great job making sure Win10 can be used on some pretty old gear. Here is an article in which TechRadar looks at this issue. They installed Win10 Technical Preview on a computer with an eleven year old CPU, onboard graphics and less than 1GB RAM...and it worked. http://www.techradar.com/us/news/software/operating-systems/you-don-t-need-a-crazy-powerful-pc-to-run-windows-10-here-s-the-proof-1288287 That's pretty amazing. On a side note, I have an HP Stream 7 tablet that's running Win8.1. It has 1GB of RAM and it works like a dream. It's a full-fledged Windows computer in the palm of my hand. It just won't play Crysis. :(
  5. You know, I just had a thought about that watermark. Let's say Alina and Anton are fucking on their sofa and let's say I only record what's happening on that sofa...without the rest of the room in the recording. Will that watermark be less likely to be in the video? See this short video to see what I mean: http://dirtybin.com/5Md Now, I'm not suggesting anyone jeopardize their account to test my question, but if there are any brave souls out there...well, there is a possible solution. edit: You know what? Forget I asked this question. I just watched my own video carefully and I could see the very faint flashes of the watermark in it. So that's not going to work. Too bad.
  6. Don't buy into the conspiracy theories that are dreamed up by the Apple users and the Winh8ers. They will only give you anxiety and heartburn. MS will NEVER charge you a subscription fee to use their OS. That will be financial suicide for them...and they know it. They would be more likely to give away their OS forever than to ever charge a subscription fee. Right now, with Win10, they'll give it away for a year and make you buy it after that. The only reason they are doing that is to get people to give up Win7 and Win8/8.1. After all, those two OS's won't be supported and updated by them for long. They MIGHT, however, charge you a fee to use one of their extra services such as WMP, Skype, Office, etc. But seriously, if you don't want to pay their subscription for those programs, then just don't use them. After all, there are plenty of alternatives. Now...as to their "as long as your device is supported" phrase, that simply means what it says. For example, there are lots of old computer systems that just won't run Win7 or Win8...and sure won't run Win10. They just aren't supported anymore. Try putting one of these OS's on an old 386 machine...and watch it choke itself to death. Well, it'll be the same going forward. Advances in computer hardware will make Win7 unusable and, with the constant updates coming over the years to Win10, the same will happen in the future for that OS. MS is just saying that, if your computer is old and can't hang, they won't make sure Win10 will work on it. That'll be your hint to retire that moldy oldy and get modernized. Let not your heart be troubled...Win10 is going to be the best thing MS has ever come up with.
  7. Sounds like words from experience?hmmmmm Actually, those WERE words from experience, though perhaps not the way you meant them. Nora is known to have...shall we say...less than ideal hygiene habits. I don't know if she's improved since she's moved into this apartment, but she has been known to go a week or more without showering.
  8. I kind of wish I could afford those cards, but I'm still satisfied with my two 680's. I don't think I'll really have to upgrade until Crysis 6 comes out. LOL!!
  9. Kind of an interesting build you have there, but I have a couple questions. 1. I can't find any information about your Nvidia GeForce GT830. In fact, Nvidia doesn't even have any 800 series graphics cards. Is that a typo, maybe? 2. Why did you go with a server CPU? Is it because of the kind of work you do with your computer? Yeah...my Intel CPU was costly, but the two GTX680 graphics cards is what killed the price. Those puppies were just over $500 each. I'm also running the Win10 Technical Preview on an old laptop. For all the heat MS got from Win8, I really do think they'll change some minds when Win10 is released.
  10. I don't understand Spanish and I certainly don't know what is going on here, but watching them in the living room brings back flashbacks of RLC's first lesbian couple. That didn't end well.
  11. You have a very, very good computer...well worth the money you paid for it. I built my system in early 2012 and, except for your more current parts, it is very similar. Intel Core i7-3930k 16GB G.Skill RAM Corsair 1200W PSU GTX 680 x2 240GB SSD 1TB Hard Drive x2 Blu-Ray player/DVD writer Asus Rampage IV Gene MB CORSAIR Hydro Series H100i Water Cooler Coolermaster Haf X case My computer cost me $3500 back then for the parts. Oh...I have Win8.1. I like it, but you have no reason to upgrade yet. Win7 will keep you happy until Win10 is released later this year. At that time, I recommend you take advantage of the free upgrade. Win 10 will be a distinct improvement over Win7.
  12. I started watching RLC in Dec. 2012 and joined CC in Jan. 2013, so I can't talk much about the history of RLC before then. But if you check the "Way Back Machine", you can get some info about various tenants and get an idea when they started and when they left. http://web.archive.org/web/20120701000000*/http://reallifecam.com The earliest entry was in Feb. 2012 and they had 3 couples. Lora and Max, Maria and John and Alina and Anton. I just missed Maria and John, so I don't know much about them except for the videos of them that I've seen. Lora and Max got pregnant and left RLC last year. Alina and Anton are still with us. But CC is a good source of information, as well. You can see the archives of all the past couples, read the threads and get an idea what they were like.
  13. The most common reason is that you posted a pic or vid here on CC or some other site. Now, I don't know if you have or not, but that would be my first guess.
  14. me too :P what is she name camfuze?? 8)thanks jojo ;D monsun it is in the link I gave
  15. I wasn't referring to you in my troll statement. Ahhh...thank you for the clarification.
  16. When the truth is too uncomfortable to consider...call the truthful poster a troll. That works every time.
  17. That suggestion from the article that RLC is based out of WA is an indication of the sloppy investigation and reporting of the writers of the article. If you do a "whois" search of reallifecam.com you get, among other information, this: Registrant Organization: Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc. Registrant Street: PO Box 639 Registrant City: Kirkland Registrant State/Province: WA Registrant Postal Code: 98083 Registrant Country: US Registrant Phone: +1.4252740657 Registrant Fax: +1.4259744730 Registrant Email: [email protected] If you do a search for Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc. , you get this: http://www.enom.com/privacy-protection/default.aspx This is a company who provides ID protection. From their website: Unprotected WHOIS John Doe Productions John Doe 12 Main St Hollister, CA 95023 United States (555) 555-1234 [email protected] Protected with ID Protect Whois Privacy Protection Service PMB 368, 14150 NE 20th St - F1 C/O companyprod.com Kirland, WA 98033 United States (425) 274-0657 [email protected] Since RLC began in Russia, my guess is that is where they are based.
  18. You DON'T have to take risks. But coming here...dangling some webcam that may or may not exist in front of everyone...and then not giving any information on how to find it...is a despicable thing to do. It is very trollish. Look...you say her cam is easy to find...fine, give hints how to find it. And, if a person can't see her cam unless they are invited then what difference does it make if you gave the link, itself? Nobody would be able to see the cam. Why would you be risking her shutting down something that nobody can see? Any way you look at it, you are useless.
  19. Actually, you did NOT "clearly" make a statement not directed at me as evidenced by your use of the plural when referring to the people in this thread. You may not realize it, but words matter...especially if you are using words that don't properly express what you are trying to say. In any case, that you have apologized to SOMEONE is gratifying to me...even if you didn't apologize to me. It indicates that you acknowledge the effects of your words.
  20. If you are not going to post a link, then don't troll this forum.
  21. On the one hand, you quote one member's response...on the other hand, you talk about "members" and "guys" as if you are including EVERYONE who posted a response in your complaint. In my case, I gave the OP a quite reasoned and, I hope, helpful response so I take offense from your implication that I've treated the OP badly. Now...I realize this is the Internet and I shouldn't expect any reasonable behavior from anyone...especially you, but if you consider yourself a person who cares about how people are treated in this forum, then I think you owe me...and others...an apology.
  22. Who cares? Look...I'm getting fucking tired of you popping in here, giving veiled hints about some webcam she's on...but not giving any concrete information. In my opinion, you are nothing but a troll unless you provide a link.
  23. 你好,我想在那网站上买会员,但是看不懂英文,信用卡好像还不可以用。请问你愿意共享下吗??? 使用翻译扩展到浏览器,你就可以阅读网站在你自己的语言。或者,你可以使用谷歌翻译就像我现在在这里做。 What language is that in? According to Google Translate, it's Chinese.
  24. 你好,我想在那网站上买会员,但是看不懂英文,信用卡好像还不可以用。请问你愿意共享下吗??? 使用翻译扩展到浏览器,你就可以阅读网站在你自己的语言。或者,你可以使用谷歌翻译就像我现在在这里做。
  25. I really don't read many of the posts on this forum, so maybe you've already indicated answers to these questions, but I will ask: 1. Are you a voyeur? 2. If you are, why? (feel free to set your own parameters on depth and length of your answers)
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