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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. What was Bob Marley's song again We're camming,camming,camming etc,etc.😀
  2. How ya doin bud missing your sparkling repartee.
  3. Piper is currently showing us her dance moves in a black thingy.In my opinion she is the most naturally sexy woman on VH and I never get bored of watching her by her self or with anyone else for that matter.😘
  4. Giselle has just arrived and must be really turned on to see Alan in that ridiculous onesie.I hope when they get down to doing the do she takes it straight to the washing machine.😷
  5. Good morning Jabbath,as you know I am new to CC and I enjoy chatting to everyone but I think that people like Ash are unfortunately in short supply.She is so bubbly and funny and I guess could talk for the USA.You and some others are my go to people if I need to know something.Gawd you must be thinking I have come to you to confess.!!Sorry just one of these mornings.
  6. Gonna share what your laughing at.It's the best medicine😀
  7. Hi Ash,oh you know,up and down,in and out,wet and dry,mostly very wet and never boring.Always boring never boring(is that an oxymoron?).Anyway moving on,I replied to your post about your 75 bucks win and how good it would have been with 2 or 3 zeros on the end - no more working your asses off,more time for up and down,in and out,wet and dry mostly wet you know what I mean.Ever had a fit of the giggles when doing the do.One morning the wife and I were going at it when suddenly a guy building a fence outside started to saw and we thought let's fuck to the rhythm of him sawing,well it was as if the bastard new what we were doing,he speeded up,slowed down,speeded up and of course we were trying to be serious and the giggles were building.Well to top it off the bastard went and got his electric saw to finish the job and you know how fast they go.We would have ended up in A&E.Needless to say my dick lost the will to live and we were both poorless.We didn't know how we felt about the guy.Great laugh or no fuck?😀😀
  8. Hi Ash,sounds like you get it fairly regularly.You go gal.😀😀
  9. Hi Jabbath,if you hear anything about the camera incident will you let me know please.Cheers
  10. I have just checked the timeline timed around 12.00 and the pink thing I was referring to was Kate covering the cam with a pink hand towel.
  11. It sounds daft but there was a guy in the kitchen looking at paperwork with the girls when he spoke to them and gestured towards the camera and something pink then covered the cam and that was it.Honestly I'm not cracking up.☺
  12. Come on you Russian speaking dudes.What's going on.Hope it isn't trouble for them.!!
  13. Yeh and what made it worse was Bob wore it as well.Talk about caring and sharing Ewww
  14. On a purely domestic note that onesie of Alan's will be walking to the washing machine itself soon.Boring I know but just saying.😷😷
  15. Re.your ref.to Em and Sid:Quite a number of months ago you put me right on them as I didn't understand there dynamic.Just saying.
  16. You insist!!!!This is an open forum and I can say what I fucking like.If you don't like it ignore me.And just for the record I did not start another wrangle,I simply gave my opinion that you didn't like.And you can quit the new users shit.I would have thought an experienced CC member like you and others would welcome fresh blood.I am not Some red arsed kid FYI.
  17. If you are referring to me using the V word will you point out where exactly I said I wanted to discuss it.
  18. Sorry but it really bugs me that exactly what is going on in B&S just now is no different from what goes on in APTS that get ignored.They will be boring soon and It goes on and on and on.I find it odd that a few months ago when there was regular APTS with people who sadly have left nobody moaned about them being boring,they were generally accepted.
  19. So next weekend or whenever this APT will never be boring.This is just a quick fix and this place will get ignored until the next place comes along.I admit that this is the nature of Voyeurism(and I use the word loosely)that people and places change but to go overboard for this episode to me is overreaction overload.jmo
  20. I dunno what you are all getting so excited about.You can watch exactly the same in many other APTS if you just care to look.A fuck is a fuck,a BJ a BJ no matter where.
  21. Wall Street here we come.Never be poor again eh!A few zeros on the end would have been nice.😋
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