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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. You made a good point there Rob that I hadn't picked up on,yeh your right the Anti Amy stuff is becoming just as annoying,boring and repetitive.They should make a choice: (1) Club and no Amy or (2)Open forum and accept or ignore whatever you like or don't like. Do they not realise they are actually the minority constantly banging on about Amy and a lot of the majority are pissed off listening to it.
  2. So what Jabs,why don't you and your gang not just ignore him?.If he was physically assaulting you or something serious to you personally I would get it but it's nowhere near as bad as that.Misc wants him banned!!why?because Amy has said things he doesn't like to hear,how grown up and mature is that๐Ÿ‘ŽSquish wants to post in the club, well on you go then if that's where you prefer to be but do us a favour and stay there and stop dropping in here now and again to stir up trouble.If you all can't handle Amy's rhetoric like mature adults then maybe this is too much of a grown ups forum for you.
  3. Believe it or not guys but the late great man used to deliver milk to my granny here in Edinburgh back in the 50's.His family home was only a couple of minutes walk from my home back then.He lived in a 3 storey tenement in an area known as Fountainbridge in central Edinburgh.It's all demolished now to make way for redevelopment so there you go.
  4. You trying to steal my job Slender mate!!!๐Ÿ˜
  5. A lot of what is being said about Amy's sexual orientation on here has to be guesswork as none of us actually know Amy. As far as i understand it he is married with kids and has a regular job.Does he live his daily life with his wife,kids,and job as a woman or a man.?Has he actually transitioned or is he merely a crossdresser.?How do you know exactly what level of transsexualism Amy is at?.You're assuming/guessing but you don't really know do you.? I don't give a toss what someone's sexual orientation is,it doesn't matter to me and I try to be respectful and friendly to anyone who wants to meet or chat with me. Footnote:Before any smartass comes on I fully realise that maybe,just maybe Lipstick is Amy.
  6. If some people would only mind their own business Naga.As far as I'm concerned a bit of friendly off topic chat is preferable to some of the on topic bile and vitriol that goes on .I know Rants is there for a reason but so what. Have as good a day as possible Naga and you and yours stay safe.
  7. I chatted to Amy many times and I considered myself to be shall we say one of the more understanding members on here of her /his obsessions.As far as gender reference is concerned Amy never complained to me about it.
  8. Damn it Happy I thought you said Google Transitioner!!!
  9. I've been to both Shields many times,I'm going to bore you now pal When my kids were young(a hell of a long time ago)we holidayed at a camp at Whitley Bay(Whole lotta Rosie was in the bars juke box๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘) so one day we decided to head out as the boys wanted to go through the Tyne Tunnel so there we were in a Morris Minor Reg.XLC 93 emerging from the south end and we somehow ended up on the beach there and we had a great day.I've been down your way many times,Cresswell,Blyth,WB,we were at a wedding in Shotley Bridge,Beamish Museum park(brilliant place)and about two years ago my grandson's football team were down at North Shields for a tournament. As for working anything out Naga it was just guesswork or to quote Ozzie"a shot in the dark"๐Ÿ‘.You once told me you are a Geordie๐Ÿ‘
  10. Hi Naga,"gave away your location"pal,even if I knew I would never say,but the stalkers are the price of fame buddy.๐Ÿ˜Margaret and I often walk my daughter's Cocker Spaniel on Portobello Beach in Edinburgh but I don't live anywhere near there and as for stalkers they run in the opposite direction.๐Ÿ‘
  11. Hi L,I suppose we mustn't forget the anonymity part of the forum which some members take more seriously than others.As far as I'm concerned as long as no one knows my bank details,my surname,e-mail,or exact home address then I'm pretty much an open book.As for the silly nonsense you mentioned,well !!!!. CC is split when you think about it: (1)Some members only post on VH or RLC topics(their choice of course) (2)Some are the opposite and can crossover and actually give the "watching" a break. It's an open forum though.JMO.
  12. It's nice to know that some of us on here are just ordinary people going about our everyday lives and the Forum is merely a "fill in" for a bit of crack,well for me it is anyway.Of course at my age the "inclination" shall we say is not as strong as it used to be.๐Ÿ˜
  13. That will be a deer with no eyes then Naga?๐Ÿ˜ Sorry couldn't resist!!
  14. Hi Jonno,don't mention orgasms at the butcher's or you'll get Ash started up about kielbasa's again๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
  15. Like taking wee doggies for walkies on the beach at North/South Shields maybe ??.๐Ÿ‘
  16. https://camcaps.net/?app=core&module=system&controller=content&do=find&content_class=forums_Topic&content_id=17048&content_commentid=1636002962
  17. I have just found out how to see who's currently posting while this stupid "no replys here" message is on the Apt's page.None of you techy cleverclogs told me to click on "All activity".I was wondering how you were all still talking to each other and I thought I had been dumped.๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ As per usual Rob mate,fill yer boots๐Ÿ‘
  18. As far as attempts at humour are concerned you should know by now that there is no low I won't stoop too.๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ‘Oh and BTW it's a shit crap day up here right now pal. ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž
  19. "What rate she charges" Milly,Mill,Million๐Ÿ˜ฅ It wasn't very funny to start with pal but now you've really spoiled it.๐Ÿ˜Ÿ
  20. I hope her name isn't a clue๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜
  21. Good work as expected buddy๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜ The amount of people that misspell or misuse that word!!.However I'm still struggling with my Desmond's so who am I to,too,talk๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜€
  22. BTW,it's tenterhooks numpty heid๐Ÿ‘. Lets Mcg will no doubt let you know.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘
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