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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. Thanks for that Sparkles but unfortunately I don't understand what that means so can't do anything about it.This is when I wish I could understand techy stuff.So frustrating😥
  2. Oh well that's me fucked,it's CC Subs.time coming up soon so have to seriously think about whether to renew cos if I can't see who's posting, what's the point(not that it's your job to fix my techy problems pal).
  3. I've got "no posts here yet" in the VHTV online Apt's page.Is it only me.?
  4. Quite right JB,could be they are quarantining and bored out their skulls,maybe.!!😏
  5. Obviously TBG's delusional therapy treatment has been put on hold due to covid.👍
  6. C'mon Harley we all don't REALLY know each other to be able to make a judgement like that.You,me,and the other members have lives outside of here(some don't unfortunately)and because we watch RLC or whatever for however long doesn't define us and definitely doesn't make us sad.I personally don't watch RLC or VH but as Moos say's if that's what you like then go for it it's an individual's own private business how they want to live their lives and spend their money.You've been on here a lot longer than me but it seems you have an axe to grind about RLC but a word of caution,you could end up sounding like someone who got themselves banned for a similar obsession.Let it go,you can be far more interesting than this.Just saying pal.👍
  7. Hi buddy,it's the only way he can get members to speak to him is if he does typing errors😁👍
  8. Hi Nack,I was having a wee dig at Blue(in fun)regarding his post"there has never been two guys in this place".It's a new Apt and we don't know who lived there before. Sorry for my dismal attempt at humour😞
  9. Hi Blue,who lived here before Kira and Emily,just saying pal😁😁👍
  10. Fuck!!!!!!how did I miss that one😩 Anyway onwards and upwards,I'm claiming a senior moment😁👍
  11. Hi Rob,if you check all the previous posts on this topic between me and JB you'll see what I was getting at but if I was you I wouldn't bother it's not worth it pal😁
  12. You only posted to Please Please Me😁and as for Lucy I saw her standing there.This is all becoming a bit of a Magical Mystery Tour😁
  13. Or Lets(Google/Wiki) Mcdothis😀👍
  14. You know fine well what I'm saying👍 Balloon!!!! 😉
  15. At Halloween we fill a tub with water and throw in some apples and the kids(and adults)try (using their mouths) to extricate the apples from the water.It's messy,wet, but great fun so that's"dooking" pal.What's it called in your neck of the woods?.
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