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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. As long as you are keeping dreams and reality separate pal !!!😀 I'm struggling with the thought of an orgasmic blonde and horny teddy bear though😀😀 But you just keep right on dreaming buddy😀👍
  2. For fucks sake don't let her near Alan😀😀
  3. A vision of the future Ash??😀 I can just see it "Guy,get your ass through here right this minute,my wrist is hurting"😀😀
  4. Tosser 2 if you don't mind😀😀No I promise I won't mention your Gaelic C L A Y M O R E would have been much easier though😀😀😀
  5. I'm sure it boosts their ego's no end to threaten a woman,real macho guys NOT!!!.However seeing inappropriate behaviour on VH is the price you pay for watching people going about their daily business.It doesn't excuse it though.
  6. Thanks Just,I'm starting to understand now!!😀😀
  7. Wouldn't dream of it!!😀I don't know what you are talking about😇😇
  8. Stone is perfect in thought,word and deed!!😀😀
  9. Anybody seen or heard from Sparkles recently.Conspicuous by his absence. Oh!!In his club maybe??Just saying.😋😋
  10. Hi hope you are all well.We normally eat quite healthily,fruit,veg,etc but I think the family are feeling sorry for us during lockdown and are plying us with comfort food.They won't let us go to the supermarket and we don't want to upset them.We had one of our granddaughters living with us for 6 years whilst she graduated from Uni.and in that time we converted her to healthy home cooked food and her outlook to fresh vegetables,fruit and good home cooking has made a lasting impression as she now lives with her boyfriend and is never off the phone picking her Gran's brains on recipes and cooking tips.One convert at least😀 We used to have a small vegetable garden but due to several reasons had to get rid which was annoying and we now have low maintenance back and front gardens and of course we don't have your climate!!!. As for the flour situation I must run that tip you gave me past my wife,must admit I haven't heard that one before and yes we do have plain flour.Keep you posted. re:your vegetable plot what do you actually grow?It was always so satisfying to be able to eat your own home grown produce.
  11. Good morning Foamy,When my kids and grandkids were kids,kids,I loved colouring-in with them(mainly because that's the extent of my artistic skill or lack of). I'm now the proud owner of a Hyper complicated Disney colouring-in book and although gratefully received it's driving me f****** crazy.Gone are the big,open easy to fill in pictures of yesteryear.They gave my wife a massive Jigsaw which she loves but if I try to help it sometimes causes more problems than it solves!!! So it's usually back to the colouring-in.Seriously though we are lucky as we have back and front gardens to tend and with the current weather here in Scotland pretty good at the moment we are doing fine.Margaret(my wife) is a damn good cook and baker but at the moment Self Raising Flour is like gold dust,everybody has gone baking mad which is totally understandable so the Apple Crumbles,Victoria Sponges,Scones,Pancakes,etc,etc,are in short supply,maybe a good thing in view of the expanding waistline😀However the family won't let us do our own food shopping although we are perfectly capable of doing it ourselves and the amount of "goodies"they always add on,Sweets,Chocolate,cream cakes,etc,loving it!!! But it's not helping.😀
  12. Redford Barracks - Wikipedia EN.M.WIKIPEDIA.ORG Hi buddy,nothing at all to do with Mr Redford but this sprung to mind.!! Obtuse or what!!!
  13. Dave 27

    Leora & Malia Show

    Phew!!! Thank goodness for that,as you have probably guessed I ain't a movie buff!!
  14. Dave 27

    Leora & Malia Show

    Good morning Slender,Where the f*** did you dig this up from!!!! I assume that's a prop!!
  15. A very close relative of mine!!😀
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