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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. Yeh I'm done with it.Thanks for chipping in Slender.๐Ÿ‘
  2. I've checked his post and he doesn't specify that as the reason.Am I missing something here?I admit I said to Cool that Jabs and him opened the club which I believed to be the case and now know I was wrong.Sparkles didn't specifically say that that was what he was referring to though,he just said stop using my name and nothing else.
  3. If possible,it could be difficult not the first time(your words) What does that tell me,it doesn't even make sense.Is it part of a post I sent,when?to you? You say you quoted my post,where exactly, my post isn't there just a few words.
  4. This is my final word on this:As you can see from Sparkles post he accused me of lying and I have asked him numerous times to show me the evidence.However he has chosen not to contact me so I can only assume he has no evidence.Most stuff on here I don't take to seriously but I (like most people) object to being called a liar.If I have lied it was done inadvertently or through ignorance and I would apologise.As far as I'm concerned his behaviour says a lot about the person he is.If I accused someone of lying I would at least tell them my reasons.However I wish him no harm and hope him and and his nearest and dearest are safe and well.If anyone is interested his post to me is on Page 14
  5. Hi Stone,do you have similar hours of daylight where you are in Canada?I used to deliver the Scotsman newspaper on Nightshift and it was a beautiful experience at this time of year driving back to Edinburgh from the likes of Inverness,Aberdeen or Fife at 3.30/4.00 am with the sun out in a clear blue sky and more importantly very few vehicles on the Motorway.Happy days indeed.
  6. Hi Squish,why does nobody just straight out ask Nina what her future plans are and if she even wants to return.IF she replies what she might say may shatter a few dreams but at least we would have a definitive answer yes/no.
  7. Just think of the lucky guy in the fish market that gets to slap the labels on๐Ÿ˜€
  8. Hi Amy,are you in the Medical Profession in some shape or form?.You can always tell me to mind my own business though.
  9. If only you knew then what you know now you would never have got caught,all part of growing up I suppose.!!
  10. Good one Rob,believe it or not when I looked at it I thought which smartass is gonna make that remark๐Ÿ˜€ You didn't let me down pal.๐Ÿ‘
  11. Hi slender,this brings back memory's,i used to hide a copy of this under a chest of drawers beside my bed when i was just a young teenage lad.During the summer one year I went to Scout camp and on my return to my horror my mum and dad had decided to shift the bedroom furniture around.It was a case of a face to face with my dad, embarrassed or what.I'll bet he had a good sketch at it without my mum knowing.๐Ÿ˜€
  12. She also had a bear I've often seen her little lamb But I've never seen her bear!!! Probably the first rude joke I ever heard,6/7 years old. Really had to share that๐Ÿ˜€
  13. Well all I can say is that the level of toxicity and bullshit which I read for myself didn't bother me one bit,I simply read it and moved on.It's maybe just me but all that stuff I don't take personally and as long as nobody is falsely accusing or disrespecting me I don't really care.I've got guys like you and a good few others that I can crack on with.๐Ÿ‘
  14. Hi jj,fair point.I've only been a full time member of CC for a year and a half but interaction traffic has been affected by Jabs club whereas to my knowledge there has been no noticeable changes before that I have seen anyway so the only conclusion I can take is that this club is having a much bigger effect than any of the other clubs.However if the statistics prove otherwise then I stand corrected.๐Ÿ‘
  15. When are you going to expose me as the liar you say I am.Be a man and show me your evidence that backs up your accusation.You called me a liar so prove it and if what you say is correct I'll apologise.
  16. Hi Just,all I said is that the club has up to a point had an effect on interaction and that's a fact you have admitted it yourself,I didn't at any point say what level of split there is.I would have to be in the club to see what the split is anyway.Don't you think it's a tad unfair that club members have access to all main forum chat while CC members who choose not to join have no access to the club,can you not see how annoying that is.You can pick and choose when you feel like joining us.Divisiveness personified.
  17. Well for starters,you can tell me when and where I told lies,you can't just call me a liar without facts and justification.If I have I will apologise.
  18. Hi Cool,a lot of CC members decided to join a club opened by Jabs and Sparkles and now split their time between the two places hence the drop in interaction level.If you need to know more I suggest you ask them.๐Ÿ‘
  19. Whilst I get totally what you are saying,it's the nature of the beast,tenants join up fuck each others brains out and after a while it inevitably becomes boring.So the only thing that VHTV can do to retain interest is open another Apt.new people,different penis size different pussy shape new Apt new camera angles etc,etc.It beats me how VH subscribers can pay a premium Sub.to watch the same thing day In day out.If you want and it's nothing new but the Internet is full of exactly what you are watching on VH and it's free.But Mother Nature is a funny old gal and everyone isn't the same so people have their own reasons for continuing to pay up and that's their business nobody else's.In summing up I cannot see how VH can radically change anything,it is what it is,take it or leave it. P.S.They could always reduce their prices๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€
  20. Baba o' Riley??๐Ÿ˜ƒ That's it I think,flogged this one to death!!Good laugh though๐Ÿ˜€ P.S.Do you think Happy has got it yet๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€
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