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Everything posted by moules

  1. Be very skeptical of what Tweety or Holly say to Luna in English, particularly in a room where it can be easily overhead by English speakers, and when it affects their personal lives. On Saturday night in B-7, Tweety and R&K exchanged very big hugs at B-7 as either she or they were leaving. Can't remember which. Maybe this is a sign that R&K will no longer be with RLC when Tweety returns?
  2. Holly is telling this to Luna in English? She is explaining this to Luna after Tweety told Luna she was going to Istanbul where she said she knew no one, and also said she might return to Barcelona to visit friends. And also asked Luna to store her clothes in Luna's large wardrobe. This probably is the same guy who met Tweety in Dubai, and then took her skiing in the Alps, and then took her shopping in Paris. Maybe there is another guy for Holly, or maybe Tweety, her friend, and Holly will be a threesome.
  3. She tried on the clothes that were in the blue suitcase. They did not fit her. The clothes were in shopping bags or the sort that Tweety was putting clothes in when she was packing her suitcases.
  4. Holly repacked her wardrobe with either her clothes or Tweety's clothes. When Tweety spoke in English with Luna about going to Istanbul with no friends there, and no apparent purpose for moving to Istanbul, she may have been speaking in half-truths. She may have expected the conversation to be overheard. It may be also that Holly now has family in Turkey, who are refugees from Ukraine, and she may have brought clothes for them.
  5. She was trying the clothes on before Luna. They were far oversized. I now think Tweety is headed to Bali as well. The clothes Holly removed looked to be expensive, not clothes that I would expect Tweety to leave behind.
  6. The blue suitcase contains Tweety's clothes. She is probably emptying it to take it to Bali
  7. ---Or she is leaving B-4, or even leaving RLC. She has the smallest bedroom in B-4, and if she were staying in B-4, I think she would want to take Tweety's old room. Similarly, Bea has stayed in the smallest bedroom in B-2 after Cleo left. Lavi's room has a nice private balcony. Facetime conversations with Tweety could be an indication of a trip to Istanbul. But I have read no post indicating that Tweety has had any such conversations. There are currently four or five participants whose participation in RLC seems to be limited to occupying a bed. So perhaps more room changes are in order.
  8. There was a post that reported that Tweety had arranged with Luna to leave some of her stuff behind. Tweety took three suitcases with her when she left for Istanbul, although none of them were very large suitcases. Comparison of cost of living in Istanbul compared to Barcelona. This indicates that Istanbul is much less expensive than Barcelona, so the euros she saved from working at RLC will support her for a while An important note: Turkey had a nearly 70 percent inflation rate in April, and the prices may not reflect this. At that rate, Istanbul could quickly become more expensive than Barcelona. The Turkish lira is the official currency of Turkey, One euro buys 16 Turkish lira currently, the value of the lira has dropped about 40 percent against the euro since September 2021. Cost of Living Comparison Between Barcelona, Spain And Istanbul, Turkey WWW.NUMBEO.COM
  9. The view from 4-6, beyond the door is of a hallway with two doors on the left side. Beyond the right window seen in 4-6 are stairs going up. I think these are the stairs going down in 1-1. So it is possible there is another large room to the right of the stairs at the backyard level of the villa that is not on camera. indeed, there are no cameras positioned in the backyard floor level of the villa, and it is probably as large an area as the area on level one. ----------------- From the weathered age of the concrete cap of a wall seen in 2-5, and of the concrete stair steps seen in 4-4, B-7 looks to have been built around the same period as B-4, and subsequently remodeled and renovated by the previous owner, or by RLC, or by both. .
  10. I see Licien and Alex are still at B-7. I think they can be categorized as guests who are transitioning to participants. The question which I expect nobody on this forum can answer is: did Nelly continue with her alcoholic behavior while she and Bogdan were living at B-7, before it came on-line.? It does appear from the tours of the newly opened villa that none of the residents of B-4 had visited there before B-7 came on-line. Were there no parties? If her alcoholism continued, I am quite surprised Nelly did not occasionally appear at B-4 intoxicated or drugged, or both.
  11. Looking at Alex and Lucien on the terrace, I would say there is a very high probability of them returning to RLC as participants. The only questions are when and where.
  12. For future porno nights in Barcelona, Alex and Lucien visit Eva and Mat. Sam and Masha fly to Barcelona for a visit with Alex and Lucien. Dick and Jane appear for a reunion fortnight. For Dick and Jane, which of their favorites should they bring as well? RLC will need another villa for those nights. And Marltina and Alex would be an interesting coupling.
  13. Point the cursor on the screen, the pause icon will appear.
  14. It was in the hall of B-5 as they were standing around. Nelly reached out and began groping Kim's butt. I thought to myself, Nelly acts as if she is all too familiar with caressing Kim's butt lovingly,.... and more. Kim just smiled. There were others standing there, and only the camera could catch a view of what Nelly was doing.
  15. It appears to be a load balancing problem at RLC. Too many peepers viewing the new villa, and the inhabitants. RLC trying to minimize this buffering by cutting way back on the thumbnails for the live cams. They have added 35 cameras to the Barcelona feed, that is a lot of additional bandwidth. (And which is why requests for additional cameras may be more in the future than in the present.
  16. Must have arrived from outside Spain; no small bags as is typically the case of those moving in from Barcelona. I think she was scheduled to arrive some days ago, which is why Cleo had packed her suitcases a week or more before actually leaving.
  17. Alexandra and Lucien occasionally visited B-4. Alex shares, unlike Kylie They occasionally did a threesome with Kim, thin blonde girl but no fucking of Kim on cam (everything but). Bogdan and Nelly would visit them in B-5/ From Nelly's caressing of Kim's fine butt, I suspected that they and Kim would also visit Bogdan ans Nelly's apartment after the ;atter moved out of B-5, and before they re-appeared B-4 Alex and Bonnie, who was the female half of another couple also living in B-5 at the time, had a passionate, all too brief lesbian affair. Think Marlene and Nelly without excessive alcohol.
  18. I know there was concern about their safety from where they apparently lived in Ukraine. One of the best couples, IMO. I think they will be participating again.
  19. She is either naive, or isn't telling the whole story. The inflation rate in Turkey was almost 70 percent in April, so there is much economic turmoil, and this will continue. 70 percent is nearly double the rate for 2021. Makes for a very unhappy citizenry, and there will be low consumption of discretionary goods, because people are spending so much of what they earn on the basics.
  20. I think if Tweety is leaving tomorrow, she first needs to get another suitcase. she has too much stuff in open-top bags.
  21. I think Tweety is going to Turkey because members of her family are now in Turkey, having fled Ukraine.. I don't think the friend who took her skiing, and to Paris, and to Dubai, and to the Indian ocean is Turkish. Turkey is an economic basket case under Erdogan's economic policies.. I think she intended to remain in B-4 when she had Bogdan hang her paintings in her new room. About this time, there were apparently phone calls with her family, wherever they were at the time. Several days later, Tweety took the paintings back to the penthouse. Near the end of April, there were 85,000 Ukrainian refugees in Turkey, and 75,000 in Spain..
  22. Unfortunately for your scenarios, there is zero indication that Eva and Mat are coming to the gathering in B-7 today. And by having Luna in the penthouse, that greatly reduces the opportunity for a Eva and Mat and Lorraine, Part II. Luna in the penthouse will be as bad for voyeurs as the twins in the penthouse, once the Turkish/German bf stayed off-cam.
  23. My guess from the way Tweety has packed is that she packed for her trip, and also packed if RLC moves her while is on her trip to Turkey. Who knows, maybe there is a B-8, INelly and Bogdan's old apartment available? Zac and Luna's? Maybe Thor and Samson get their own place, which would free up beds in B-7.
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