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Everything posted by moules

  1. With Kim reappearing, will Alex and Lucien be the next to appear? Say what you will about Lucien, they were a very sharing couple. And now Bogdan shows up, I was always suspicious that A&L, B&N, and Kim had private parties in B&N's apartment, that would have been top cam moments of the month..
  2. No rush to ready Tata's room for the next participants.
  3. Masha left her panties on while in the bath with E&M, who were naked. On the couch in the living room, E&M join Masha, M. lights several candles. Masha falls asleep. E&M have an animated conversation while Masha sleeps. This is looking like Masha on her last trip to Barcelona. C&C move out of B-5 early to Masha's apartment in Rome. Holly unexpectedly moves in to B-5, presumably as a companion for Masha. Masha's arrival is delayed. After she does arrive, there is no romance between Holly and Masha for the remainder of Masha's stay. On Masha's previous trip to Barcelona, she and Holly camped out in the fitness room for some fun. This trip, Masha and Holly seem to be keeping their distance. Masha leaves B-6 today at 13:40 without even a fraternal kiss or hug, or wave, to M. who is in the living room (Eva is asleep), Masha acting very cold and distant, as if she is in her own world.
  4. She left at about 19:30. The only departures from Barcelona that make sense at that hour are to Romania, Bulgaria, and Lithuania (21:30-22:00) so she probably either took the train or has remained in Barcelona.
  5. More vodka for Eva and Mat. Masha has fallen asleep.
  6. Masha and Eva cuddling. Candles are lit. We will see if anything happens.
  7. So I am guessing it was Mr. and Mrs. Rus who invited Daniel and the other guy to the party. Maybe they invited Ginger also. None of those actually living in the villa seemed to take responsibility for these guests. The three who slept in the fitness room could have slept upstairs, so that they did not do so was perhaps deliberate. Daniel is a toxic presence at any party. He seems to have a toxic reputation among the women of Barcelona, because he has never brought a female guest, or another couple to any of the apartments.. A possible reason for the new villa not opening yet is that they are waiting for the high-speed internet connection. The B-4 villa has 47 listed webcams. That requires a lot of upload bandwidth.
  8. Ginger and her boyfriend finally leave. The end of this party is like the closing chapter in a dark Maxim Gorky play or novel. The hosts are indifferent to the guests. Daniel and his male friend are like homeless vagrants with no place to go to. The sense of alienation is pervasive.
  9. She has more sense than that. 50/50 chance the time he did fall that he could have ended up a quadriplegic. Perhaps he was spared by being so drunk and not really comprehending what was happening,
  10. Radi did a wicked impersonation of Daniel, for Cecelia's benefit.
  11. E&M leaving. Holly looks to be staying.
  12. Eva rubbed her clit in the bathroom before re-joining the group. Not sure what that may lead to. And it looks as if Holly will be spending the night away from B-4.
  13. Can we assume that Tweety's sugar daddy is not a practicing Muslim? Ramadan has started, so no daytime sex. Burt there she is on Facetime for many minutes tonight, when she should be fucking!
  14. Tweety did not pack many clothes. One half of the suitcase was cosmetics. Looking at departures from Barcelona, her likely destination was Paris. Did she not arrive back in Barcelona on a flight from Paris? She was dressed for cold weather. Paris temperature is 7 C.
  15. The state security forces in Russia are very powerful. Putin rose to the rank of colonel in the state security forces, in his case, the KGB. You can very easily become a political prisoner in Russia, There is almost no limit to what the state security forces can do to political prisoners. Example: Darya Polyudova – Polyudova was charged under article 280 of the Russian criminal code (“public appeals for extremist activity” and “public appeals for actions aimed at a violation of the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation”) in connection with her participation in preparation for a march that did not take place. In reality, she was indicted for criticizing Moscow online for its support of Russia-backed separatists in Ukraine's east. She is recognized as a political prisoner because the offense did not take place, her right to a fair trial was violated, and the government disproportionately used pretrial detention given the nature of the charges. She was sentenced to two years in prison, becoming the first person in Russia convicted under a 2014 law criminalizing calls for separatism on the Internet. Her case illustrates the government’s prosecution of Russian nationals who criticize Russia’s actions and policies in Ukraine. {This case was five years ago. Russia has now passed new laws that are even harsher.]
  16. It may be that they arrived in Turkey with only their backpacks. I am sure everyone fleeing took as much as they could, and the airline would be very concerned about weight. Every seat taken, and the cargo hold full. It may be they were allowed to bring only-carry-on bags. No checked baggage. We will know more after they receive their first pay, and they then buy clothes, and more clothes.
  17. That the other evening featuring Radi as a porno cinematographer was produced by RLC was underscored by Radi 's actions last evening. From replay, no tactile touching, no affection, between her and K&R, or between her and K. As Radi left their bedroom after cleaning her face in their bathroom, she waved good night to them, and went to Tata's room to sleep. Radi is typically affectionate when saying good night with those who have previously shared her bed.
  18. I think if they were able to get to Bulgaria without passport check, for example, by being driven across the border, and once in Bulgaria, which is within the Schengen zone, they could more easily travel to other countries also in the Schengen zone, and avoiding airports, where they would need to show their Russian passports and no visa other than the visa from Turkey.
  19. From several newspapers in England and France, it appears that Russians arriving in Turkey receive a two-month visa. This visa is not a Schengen visa, as Turkey is not within the Schengen zone. Perhaps they were able to travel by bus to Bulgaria, which is within the Schengen zone. And then maybe by train to Hungary or Austria, and then to Italy. I think you are correct in your suggestion that they traveled by train or bus from Rome to Barcelona, avoiding passport checks at the airport. One article mentions Russians buying property in Turkey to obtain the Golden visa.. Another article described some Russians using Turkey as a temporary stop, and then going to Georgia (which is being overrun with Russians fleeing Russia) or former CIS republics. Georgia is issuing visas allowing indefinite stays, but it also is not within the Schengen zone.
  20. I think they are refugees and couldn't take much., Assuming they reached Poland, Poland probably gave them unrestricted stay visas, and from Poland they traveled to Rome, and from Rome to Barcelona.
  21. Yes. From replay, the suitcase was there when Radi answered the door, and she knocked it over.
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