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Everything posted by moules

  1. Ulyana is in the kitchen with Fior and Svetlana. Svetlana is apparently there if the intruder appears again. Fior also.
  2. Radi's father has been to the villa. He is not here tonight. Fior is a RLC employee. From the night of the intruder, it is very likely he lives / stays in another RLC villa very close to B-4.
  3. Looks like a beach party theme for the tub. With Fior as the lifeguard.
  4. Radi slept almost all day in B-5, as did both the tenants and guests, other than Daniel. So her sleep cycle is probably off.
  5. 45 minutes from B-5 to B=4, assuming no wait for Uber/yaxi, and no stops.
  6. As Holly is already undressed at the villa, they must have taken the 2100 Vueling Airlines flight which landed one hour and 20 minutes ago.
  7. Masha wakes up at 11:15. If the Barcelona trio were on a morning flight, they have missed it.
  8. Menage a quartre in the living room? U&O sleeping in Masha's bed, and does not look like they will leave the bedroom.
  9. So quickly looking through the replay thumbnails, this seems to have been a nice fraternal party, without romance, any physical affection, and certainly no manifestations of lust. And as they are leaving tomorrow, and at 1300 are all still in their beds, will all that the three visitors from Barcelona see of Rome be what they view from the backseat of a taxi?
  10. Is this first trip to Rome for Holly, and U&O that we know about?
  11. One day, he was wearing a competitor's jersey with German inscriptions. This was for a German-sponsored endurance race over challenging terrain conditions. I believe only Germans competed. The race was about five years ago, if I recall correctly. The twins, after many months in Barcelona, cannot speak even a bit of Spanish? He and they always spoke English..
  12. Of course, all of it is fact. I believe Harley is from Texas, and all facts are out-size there. So he fully appreciates "facts". There are not many Mexican and German dual nationals. 25 percent of the German population is of Turkish descent.
  13. Bogdan is living in the second villa. He and Nelly have separate bedrooms, for when Martina visits. When the twins Turkish-German boyfriend stopped visiting them at the villa, they then arranged to meet him in the second villa, off-camera. With Bogdan's blessing of course. Not for nothing that the boyfriend is part Turkish. The twins can easily sail from Odesa to the Bosporous, and back into the West. What visa??? Would not surprise me at all that if Tweety returns to Barcelona, that she stays at the second villa, --for the private pleasure of Bogdan. Hell, she may be there even now, and her English lessons with Holly are not from a chalet, or a palace, but from the second villa. I agree with you that Bogdan is very clever in his scheming, so it would be no challenge for him to have Tweety pretend she is doing these classes from some distant place,and not from Bogdan's bed! I tell you, you need two strong cups of coffee EVERY morning to stay ahead of this Bogdan fellow.
  14. Harley is giving the behind the curtain producers at RLC great credit, worthy of an Oscar for directing a very elaborate scenario and getting the girls to act realistically, and all on the first take!! BRAVO!!!!! to the RLC producers.
  15. I think we can conclude that the cleaning lady does not also live in the second villa. And, as suggested by another poster, its possible that the second villa is the source of certain supplies, if these are needed when stores are customarily closed. And when certain participants 'disappear' for a prolonged period, whether they have disappeared not to the office, but to the second villa, is now an open question. As DDHM recalled, at the massage night in B-2 with the neighbor guest, Radi was the first to strip naked and permitted the man to massage her while lying on her stomach. And while the camera angle was not the best, it did appear the guest briefly slid his fingers between her legs, without any objection from Radi. Anna and Lola followed, and IIRC, the guest took greater liberties with them, while Radi watched.
  16. A lot of running around and looking in the backyard. Another visit from the intruder? Or girls easily frightened?
  17. Fior arrived at the villa two minutes and 15 seconds after being called by Dani about the intruder. He was not sleeping in the garage or in his car, so the conclusion is that RLC has a second villa very close to the villa and he is staying there. Who else is staying at the other villa is unknown. The villa went under maintenance very soon after Fior arrived, so we do not know if anyone followed Fior from the second villa. For example, if Bogdan and Nellie are also staying at this other villa, and Bogdan arrived soon after Fior, that the villa was U/M would prevent him from being seen. Having a second villa on the same street as the villa would make sense because RLC could easily connect to the High-speed internet connection that was probably installed specially for the villa. When the four Russians were kicked out of B-1 because of their party noise, perhaps several of them stayed in this second villa until they were re-located to B-6 and B-4. And it was posted in CC, that they all want to be re-united in another apartment.
  18. A 'gay' villa would be a separate subscription. There was zero crossover when it came to subscribers watching girls in a large house in Florida on a webcam site, and subscribers watching gays in a condominium. A couples villa, assuming the villas near B-4 have four bedrooms or more, is that it is often difficult to get two compatible couples, and nearly impossible to get four compatible couples, unless they all belong to the same 'swingers' clubs.
  19. Maybe it will be a gay site. Happened before on a livecams site similar to RLC. The guys were far noisier than the girls, and the site closed after a few months because of neighbor complaints.
  20. Dani called Fior at 23:55:10 Fior, at the gate, buzzed the villa at 23:57:27. So he was within 100 meters of the villa when Dani called him. He did not have a jacket on, which indicates he came quickly on foot. The second villa will be B-7?
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