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Everything posted by moules

  1. Certainly, a very quick sale. Like overnight. Ты жопу от локтя не отличишь!
  2. Tesla from car name Tweety from Twitter Matvei from Metaverse Radi should have been named Amazonia, but RLC was asleep at the switch In the wings, Alfie for Alphabet Marcogrande for Microsoft
  3. It will not be difficult to find the exact address for B-6 then, as it is the only old apartment in for sale in the center of old Barcelona with a sauna.
  4. No one has taken it four hours later. I don't think it belongs to Fiora or Harley. One possibility is that it belongs to a participant in B-7, and if B-7 is where Fior was sleeping, then the suitcase was delivered to B-4 because B-7 is not ready for occupancy.
  5. You and I have had this discussion before, in which I brought up the Golden Visa. It was very advantageous for Russian-owned companies doing business outside of Russia to park their income in foreign countries., and the events of the past month have made it even more so. Another example of this is the oligarchs buying so much property in the most expensive sections of London that the area is now nicknamed Londongrad. And the IT infrastructure of RLC is not cheap, it is quite expensive.
  6. I speculated that as her father (stepfather) and she were both wearing masks, and her mother did not visit, that her mother might be ill with Covid. That could simply mean that she is in isolation at home. Assuming her mother is fully vaccinated as are most Spaniards, the risk of serious illness and hospitalization is low. I did not see any post indicating that her mother is hospitalized.
  7. The renovations to B-6 cost at least 50,000 Euros. RLC owns that apartment. RLC is not that stupid that they would spend that kind of money on an apartment that they rent. And the improvements they made to B-6 actually detract from the value of the apartment, because they sacrificed improving the kitchen for the sake of a sauna and a huge tub and a separate shower. RLC spends big on bathrooms, like in B-5. Installing a glass-walled shower in the main bedroom.
  8. Noldus posted that their choice was the guest room in B-4 or to leave the project. This means they are less valuable to the project than whomever is coming to occupy B-6. (And RLC spent so much money renovating B-6, they are not giving it up.) No other participant looks to be moving to B-6 as there is no sign of anyone packing. When and if B-7 (and B-8?) opens, then they might move there, along with the twins, and several others.
  9. The Russians have six month visas. Their ability to stay longer is limited. Radi is a permanent resident of Spain, so she is a valuable asset to RLC for that reason alone. There will be few, if any, Russians joining the project until Putin exits Ukraine. So RLC must rely on Ukrainians or legal residents of Spain for the Barcelona apartments.
  10. Which confirms that there will be new occupants in B-6 very soon.
  11. No sign of Radi's mother. Maybe she is sick with COVID, which would explain the masks on Radi and her father.
  12. I think Harley's and Fiora's stay in B-4 is on;y for a short time. If they could not sleep together in Fiora's big bed in B-6, they won't like sleeping together in B-4. RLC needs B-6 for new arriving participants, which is why Svetlana was cleaning away as they were moving out.
  13. B-6 is best for participants who have at least some fluency in Spanish. It is in the old part of Barcelona. Very urban.
  14. No other participants seem to be packing. So................ Eva and her boyfriend?
  15. I doubt they are returning to Russia, although their Euros would buy a lot of rubles.
  16. Much of last night seemed to be orchestrated by RLC. Who else would be sending text messages at 0400, 0500, 0600 hours that participants immediately read, and sometimes share with each other?. Particularly true for Radi and Rus last night. Then after reading the text messages, some new activity is started, or re-started, in the case of massage. Except for the four in the shower activity, they were bored. Radi and especially Tweety. Kylie's act is boring the second time around, and even more boring by the third time. And pathetic, as she comes across as a one-trick pony. A fading 'actress' desperate for all attention to still be on her. And very peculiar hours for these activities last night, as most of those who would be viewing would live in North American time zones. And at all the other apartments, there was no activity. In my opinion, RLC was watching traffic metrics and this is related to opening of future apartments. There are enough former Ukrainian participants to fill more than one apartment, and there will be no more Russians receiving visas for a while. Tata was sent elsewhere for the night, because Kylie doesn't want her to be too friendly with Rus, or Rus to be too friendly with her.
  17. 00:40, K&R, Radi, and Tweety left B5 together for parts unknown
  18. So the twins left Odessa for Turkey, and are now back in Barcelona?
  19. Holly is not in the villa. Wherever Holly is, or whomever she is with, it seems she is not returning to the villa tonight. Radi brought a bag of her toiletries and cosmetics, enough for a 90 minute show. And Holly usually fades into sleep by 0100 or 0200.
  20. Tata is a wasted presence in B5 because of Kylie. Kylie seems to have little self-confidence, which is why she acts so possessively. Just the opposite of Alex (of Lucien and Alex.) Although I confess I do not understand why Kylie was undressing Tata. As for Radi, Kylie couldn't stop Radi from grinding her pussy against Rus' thigh. It was beyond her reach. Radi is quite bi-sexual when she wants to be.
  21. Tens of thousands of Russian tech workers are fleeing. The route for most apparently is to fly to Turkey or Georgia. Smaller numbers are fleeing through Finland and Estonia, where you can drive across. It is being called a 'brain drain'. Who knows, maybe Dick and Jane will show up. To be paid in rubles in the West is essentially to be paid nothing.. a 500 ruble banknote is worth 3.47 euros.
  22. Its difficult to get back to Russia. There are 6500 Russians in Thailand with no money and no flights. I know that the border with Finland is open, because Russians are leaving that way. I assume one could return to Russia the same way. otherwise, I think you have to fly to the UAE.
  23. The unknown is the time it takes to get a taxi or Uber. All five together suggests either two taxis or a SUV.
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