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Everything posted by moules

  1. Took all five of them about 35 minutes from when they closed the door behind them at B-5 to their arrival at B-4.
  2. All five have left. Several in a Zombie state.
  3. Looks as if B4 is leaving B5 for B4.
  4. Radi back in B5. All the others present are semi-comatose.
  5. Lorraine is from Moldova. Moldova is not a member of NATO, and thus is vulnerable if Putin continues his pursuit of folding former republics of the USSR / CIS into a resurrected Russian empire. Moldova said that 230,000 Ukrainian refugees had entered Moldova as of one day ago.
  6. Radi came back with three bags of clothes, and wearing new yellow outerwear. Tweety returned wearing what she had on when she left. So more likely that the evening was spent at Radi's parents. Tweety was stepping on ants or termites by the door to the penthouse. Bogdan the Exterminator will now make an appearance
  7. Radi and Tweety probably spent the night at Radi's parents, or at Cecelia's (assuming Cecelia has an apartment). If Radi returns with bags of clothes, her warm-weather clothes, then we'll know they visited Radi's parents.
  8. The sauna is not original to this apartment and was likely installed by RLC.
  9. Based on the kitchen cabinet doors and the kitchen countertop, and the tile facing on the bathtub, I believe this apartment is in the same building as G&D.
  10. On LR-!, the window faces west, and the reflection of the sun indicates the sun is low in the sky at 17:38, but the reflection disappears by 17:40. Could be clouds. Looking at the satellite map and terminator, the twilight looks to be closer to that in Rome than Prague
  11. Looked to be too much daylight in the living room window on camera one at 18:20 for it to be Prague. Sunset in Prague was 17:48. Rome sunset was 18:02 Barcelona is 18:44. So not Barcelona.
  12. Has there been any communication from former participants, for example, the twins, who returned to the Ukraine recently? I read that many residents of Odessa, for example, had fled to Moldova, which is a relatively short distance away. And no Russian planes are being allowed in European airspace, so no participants from Russia for a while, unless they are already in Barcelona, or at least west of the Russian border.
  13. Having been in the Ukraine, particularly Kharkiv and the Seversky Donets area, I would not characterize the population's views of Russia that way. By ethnicity, over 75 percent of the population is Ukrainian, less than 20 percent is Russian. And the majority did not appreciate being under the Soviet yoke then, or the Russian yoke now. The only republic that prospered in the CCCP was Estonia, and it did so well that Russians or residents of any of the other republics could only enter Estonia with a special internal passport, which was rarely granted, even to members of the KGB. Millions of Ukrainians died in the Great Famine in the 1930s, and there are allegations that the famine was a deliberate genocide undertaken by the Kremlin. I always felt that the Russians were traumatized by the Great Patriotic War. In talking with them, they didn't fear the U.S., as much as they feared the Germans.
  14. Radi stores her summer clothes at her parent's house. There is no room in all of the RLC apartments with wardrobes and closets large enough for all of Radi's clothes. And for the wannabe obstetricians lining up to deliver Holly's baby, Google menstrual cup.
  15. 'Cecelia' is either also being paid by RLC, or Radi is paying her from Radi's RLC pay.
  16. Holly is also drinking and smoking, which is not recommended behavior for a pregnant woman.
  17. is that not either Holly's or Tweety's small yellow suitcase in the wardrobe on 3? If so, maybe Tweety is taking Lorraine's old room.
  18. My opinion is that Radi prefers the smaller bedrooms. That was the case in B-1,and also in B-4. In B-4 she even has re-arranged her bed to bring it closer to the cameras. She is no fool. In her bedroom, there is a greater intimacy between her and those watching, which increases her popularity and top cam rankings. She is no different than a burlesque dancer who plays to those in the front seats, and ignores those in the balcony. Look at the parade of girls who appear in Radi's bed. Mila's bedroom in B-2 is the only other bedroom that offers such intimacy, and it is too small., as the camera angles are not the best. But even with that, Radi still spent a lot of time in Mila's bed, --in a bed that is meant for one person. And she is never in Olivia's bed.
  19. All of B-4 has disappeared. Lorraine, then Radi, left. Maybe a party for Dani somewhere? At the other villa? (Camera 2-9 skips on replay.)
  20. I wouldn't ship expensive clothes to the Ukraine unless I was accompanying them. Especially now. Might never see them again. The Balenciaga top she is wearing today cost 1140 Euros. Probably bought in Paris, although they do have a boutique in Dubai.
  21. Tweety has re-packed one suitcase with what appears to be her winter clothes, or the most expensive clothes. Holly unpacked the B&D gear that Tweety brought back. The clue that Tweety is leaving the penthouse or villa is when she packs all the cosmetics she brought back with her. She probably visited some expensive shops and was guided through what to buy. I do not recall Tweety being sophisticated about cosmetics before her vacation.
  22. Tweety did not bring back many new clothes. She brought back many, many cosmetics.
  23. Looking at arrivals at Barcelona, maybe a Swissair flight from Zurich, or AF from Paris (CDG).
  24. Yes, she put stuff away in the wardrobe she had before. She took a taxi from the airport, and the driver brought her suitcases to the door.
  25. Two new suitcases, plus the one smaller one that she left with and which was only half-packed when she did. Radi very affectionate welcome at the door, tears in her eyes. Holly very happy as well.
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