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Everything posted by moules

  1. Thanks for correcting my error on how Radi came to know about the intruder. I had not read the previous thread.
  2. From the replay, Dani, Holly, and Radi are in Holly's bed. All is normal. Radi apparently gets a text and is told to check the cams using her phone. She does, and immediately Dani and Holly are also looking at Radi's phone. Within about 15 seconds Dani is calling Fior. It is about 23;55. At 23:57, Holly opens the door to the penthouse cautiously and begins turning on lights in the hall. The gate buzzer rings, Holly and Dani open the front door. Fior quickly enters using the front door, and races down the stairs toward the kitchen, with Radi following him showing him an image on her phone. It is now 23:58. Fior was not in the garage, else he would have come down the stairs from the garage and entered the villa that way. Even if RLC had called Radi, and also called Fior just before calling her, that would give Fior only about one more minute to get to the villa. (Its also quite possible an RLC member has Radi's phone number, and was the one who texted her.) Based on the time sequence, RLC has another villa within 100 meters of B-4. Fior arrived on foot, it would have taken longer if he had gone to a car and driven to the villa from where he was. Who else lives in this other villa? If N&B also live there and were home, I am sure Bogdan would have joined Fior, although the villa quickly went U/M so perhaps he did and we could not see him because the villa was U/M.
  3. Regarding when the paperwork is signed, it may also depend on the language fluency of an arriving girl. For example, ifTata only speaks Russian, I think that Fior or Bogdan would have met her at the airport, and papers could be signed before arriving at the apartment. Are the two guests who were there when the apartment was no longer U/M friends of Tata, or K&R?
  4. The twins flight arrived in Odesa at 12:12 EET. Once the German/Turkish bf no longer visited them at the villa, and Gina was booted from her apartment, they ceased being interesting to watch. Someone mentioned they thought it was the bf at the door of B-1 about 10 days ago with a dog, though he could not be seen. Judging by Mia's (?) reactions at the doorway, jumping up and down, and both twins being affectionate with the dog, it probably was him.
  5. If Radi has kept her bathing suit on, there would be tan lines. When she lived in B-1 and went to the beach, you could tell by the tan lines that her bottoms provided minimum coverage, like Wicked Weasel micro bikinis.
  6. Twins taking boxes stored at top of wardrobe, either to start packing, or send more things home.
  7. He grabbed a towel to hide his diminutive penis before he took his wet shorts off.
  8. From a quick skimming through last night, the guest under-performed because he either has a small penis, or he never had a true erection. Even Dani grinding her pussy against his penis didn't bring it to life or result in an ejaculation.
  9. Strange. Mila seems to lack focus and has little energy. Maybe she was supposed to leave, but is in Covid quarantine, and can't leave until she has a negative test. The cleaning lady basically did EVERYTHING to organize her room.
  10. Looked at replay, and the cleaning lady seemed to be leaving when Mila came down and they had this conversation, and the two of them went back to Mila's room. And there were several moments where Mila seemed to be offering the cleaning lady clothes, perhaps for a daughter or relative, given that Mila's clothes wouldn't fit the cleaning lady.
  11. What are the cleaning lady and Mila doing? They seem to be organizing Mila's stuff in the wardrobe.
  12. Radi's Russian speaking friend is fashionably dressed. With a job in Barcelona, she speaks Spanish, and probably English as well. Like Radi.
  13. Radi walks her to the gate to the Uber ride. I think if she was auditioning to be a participant, Radi, Radi's lover, and Holly would have had a long bath in the penthouse. I think there is a good chance she will visit again, as she is very comfortable with the cameras.
  14. Radi's lover leaving. She probably has a real job in Barcelona, and has Sunday and Monday off.
  15. Perhaps Nana is being allowed to stay to finish her English language course. Interesting that Tweety is also continuing her English language course. Tweety's and Holly's course seems to be a one-on-one course with the instructor. We will have to see whether Tweety's continuing her studies was a clue to a future return.
  16. Nana has left the project, but has probably not left Barcelona from the way she packed. And has probably not said good-bye to the Uber guy.
  17. Radi and Leora (and Masha when she is trying to wear out a boy-toy) are essential for RLC;s business model. Prospective subscribers are looking for nudity and sex, and on the blurry thumbnails of the freecams, which RLC participants reliably offer nudity much of the time they are on cam. It is no coincidence that lately Radi has been timing her 'shows' to reach peak audience in the North American time-zones How many in Europe are watching her at 0300 CET?
  18. Maybe Gina? Where did Gina show up for a visit after she and Bruno were booted from the apartment in the center of Barcelona?
  19. The way she has packed, using shopping bags, she is staying in Barcelona.
  20. Mila is shown as still with the project.
  21. With B-2 quickly moving out, and the cleaning lady supposedly already cleaning the apartment, this suggests there are replacement GOV arriving in Barcelona,. However, I also remember someone recently posting that the Russian quartet wanted to again have an apartment of their own, and not be split up.
  22. He might faint. Masha needs to have smelling salts in her toy box. Copnik runs short sprints, Elvis runs marathons.
  23. Average monthly salary in the Ukraine, selected cities and regions, March of 2021 Kyiv city 20132 UAH Lviv Oblast 11937 UAH All of Uktaine 11612 UAH 20000 UAH = 642 Euros. -------------------------------- In 2021, average monthly salary in Barcelona is around 3,000 euros
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