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Everything posted by moules

  1. I don't know the payment rules for participants. Was Tweety paid for the many days she was in B-1 with Holly, and not identified as a participant? Do GOV get paid when they are on vacation, or are they paid only for the days they are in residence on-camera? My guess is the latter. And I will say in Tweety's case, she is not on the RLC payroll while she is skiing in the Alps. And its quite possible that neither she nor Holly were paid while they were in Dubai and the Maldives. This gets tricky. Under Spanish law, employees are entitled to 22 working days of vacation annually (equates to 30 calendar days). For someone like Radi with 400 days of continuous employment at RLC, is she now entitled to 22+ working days of paid vacation?. There was a case in the United States some years ago, when the girls who worked at a site similar in concept to RLC filed a lawsuit against the site owners, claiming they were not receiving overtime pay for the many hours they were appearing on cam. I do not know how it turned out.
  2. Who said that she would rejoin with a boyfriend? Why can't she rejoin and move back to the penthouse bed that she was sharing with Holly? When Holly suddenly appeared in B-5 and rejoined the project, she was there for Masha's visit, and Holly didn't bring her friend the photographer except for a dinner She and Masha were not a 'couple' on vacation. When Masha left, Holly again left the project The more I think about this, if Tweety was really leaving the project, she would have flown back to Barcelona with Holly, gathered her clothes etc., and flown to Zurich, Milan, Geneva, wherever, to go on the skiing vacation. Would have delayed the start of the skiing trip by 2-3 days, and avoided all the speculation about her leaving, being terminated, returning..
  3. How do you know Tweety was 'terminated'? Gina was shown as leaving the project, and a few days later she rejoins the project with her own apartment. As I posted before, I think that Tweety's lack of passable fluency in English, and presuming her companion is from the UAE, his non-fluency in Russian, suggests this is more of a fling than an enduring relationship. Having spent a bit of time in St. Tropez over the years, the first several times with an American girlfriend who had been educated in the French-speaking cantons of Switzerland, language fluency is key to moving comfortably in the circles that her companion moves in, and particularly so when the two individuals are from entirely different economic strata.
  4. When Holly arrives at the villa without Tweety, the first question the girls would ask if they didn't already know, would be 'Where's Tweety?' And I think the odds are good that Tweety will rejoin the project. We'll see if Holly starts packing Tweety's clothes. That will be a clue that she isn't So the 'peace' in the villa as you describe it may be because Barcelona has not seen the end of Tweety.
  5. I believe RLC has very sophisticated software that constantly measures 'pageviews' so they know this very minute how many are watching Radi and Holly in the kitchen and how many are watching Martina in the bathroom, and the tracking software knows which are the freecams.. Let me add RLC has someone on duty for the network 24/7/365.
  6. I need to be educated. If Radi lying on Holly's bed with Holly is top cam, do they split the bonus money that comes from top cam, or is it all Holly's because it is 'her' cam? Piedpiper, I think Holly is popular because she is seen as the girl-next-door type, and not the girl taking off her clothes as she struts up and down a stage. Plus, she doesn't have copniks as boyfriends.
  7. I will say that Radi's clothes are such that she would easily fit in among the girls who find their way onto yachts tied up along Quai Suffren in St. Tropez. And she is the only one of the RLC girls I can say that about.
  8. The answer for Radi and Leora is obvious. They are reliable exhibitionists when most of the other girls are not. Particularly with the Russian apartments closed, they offer a casual subscriber nudity and maybe some sex, simulated or otherwise. For the other girls, its hit or miss, with the exception of Masha and her current insatiable lust. When the Russian apartments were open, there were enough of them that the casual subscriber could usually find something of voyeuristic interest, no matter the hour that he/she tuned in. If RLC has 30 apartments instead of 11, Radi and Leora are no longer critical to RLC's business model.
  9. Tweety and Holly did not go to Duai and the Maldives on their own. As someone posted, Holly has a gallery of photos of her past trips to Dubai. They certainly did not pay for the hotel suite in Dubai from which Tweety Factimed Masha and Radi. One of the companions for this vacation (assuming there were two) invited Tweety to go skiing. There was no plan to go skiing when they left Barcelona, because they left their winter clothes at the villa. Odds are that she and the companion will go their separate ways when the skiing trip is over. Odds are that she will return to the villa so she and Holly can practice their English to enhance their future value. Tweety's English is very rudimentary, and I bet her companion has very limited fluency in Russian, like pronouncing PECTOPAH in phonetic English.
  10. Or she has left the project for several weeks of skiing, and will rejoin the project. If her clothes that are still in the penthouse wardrobes are not packed up by Holly, that may be an indication she will return at some point.
  11. Radi is an introvert who largely abstains from alcohol. If she took a Myers-Briggs test, she might classify as an INFP. INFP Personality Profile and Characteristics WWW.VERYWELLMIND.COM The INFP personality is characterized by introversion, creativity, and strong ethics. Learn more about the characteristics of INFPs. INFPs tend to be introverted, quiet, and reserved. Being in social situations tends to drain their energy, and they prefer interacting with a select group of close friends. While they like to be alone, this should not necessarily be confused with shyness.2 Instead, it simply means that INFPs gain energy from spending time alone. On the other hand, they have to expend energy in social situations.
  12. There are two flights a day on Emirates from Dubai to Barcelona. The second flight arrived in Barcelona at 1300. She should be past or at the end of her 10 day isolation.
  13. I am guessing that Holly flew on to the Maldives after Tweety tested positive. Holly flew back to Dubai from the Maldives on Jan 4, which would be the original schedule for returning to Barcelona on Jan 5. Holly stayed in Dubai for two days Jan 5-6, before leaving early this morning for Barcelona. Dubai would not release Tweety from her isolation / quarantine to leave on the same flight as Holly. Either that, or Tweety has met a young sheikh of one of the ruling families, and has said to herself and RLC: "Fuck Barcelona"
  14. Dubai Health Authority WWW.DHA.GOV.AE How long is the isolation period for Coronavirus? A person who is newly infected with Coronavirus will remain in an isolation facility for a period... How long is the isolation period for Coronavirus? A person who is newly infected with Coronavirus will remain in an isolation facility for a period not exceeding 10 days if the patient does not have any symptoms or has mild symptoms only. ^^^^ So Tweety may still be in Dubai in the luxury hotel, and if so, she probably never traveled to the Maldives.
  15. Holly and Lorraine left the villa together. As Bogdan was still wandering around the villa about that time, they may have met him outside.
  16. Bogdan retrieved Nelly's special lamp (which she uses for facial treatments) from the storage room at the villa today.
  17. Yes, after looking again, it appears that Holly packed her backpack in a new suitcase. And Tweety and her suitcase have yet to appear. Perhaps she is in quarantine.
  18. As they left the villa, they only took two suitcases. Holly had her yellow one, and a backpack. And Tweety had a blue black one, which was only half full., and a small backpack. I even made the comment on this forum that I doubted they were going for a week in Dubai and a week in the Maldives if that was all the clothes they were bringing. I suppose its possible that Holly bought another suitcase, similar in color to Tweety's, for the new clothes she bought or received as gifts.
  19. Bogdan again in the villa, checking the electrical wiring. If Tweety was having difficulty at the airport, I think he would be there not at the villa. So perhaps Tweety is shopping or has an appointment in Barcelona for tests.
  20. The transfer would be in Dubai. 7+ hour flight from the Maldives to Dubai. 5+ hour flight from Dubai to Barcelona. Both flights on Emirates.
  21. Last flight for today from Dubai landed in Barcelona an hour ago. An earlier flight from Dubai landed four hours ago, a 'red-eye' flight.. H&T should be arriving at the villa soon if they were on the flight that landed at 12:09. If not, .............
  22. He came down the stairs from the office, took the key to the storage room, and retrieved Nelly's lamp.
  23. Bogdan at the villa, retrieving Nelly's lamp that she uses for her facial treatments. Maybe Nelly will be visiting Gina off-cam.
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