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Everything posted by moules

  1. Assuming this is the same boyfriend who slept in the same bed with Lia and Mia, the boyfriend fondled Mia and neither Mia nor Lia objected. All three were nude in the presence of each other at some point.
  2. Radi and tesla have gone to bed in Tesla's bed. No party. I guess Fior is in the fitness room.
  3. Fior, Radi, and Tesla are going out to a party. Fior doesn't look dressed up enough. Maybe he is their driver to wherever they are going. Radi looks stunning.
  4. Fior is a made-up name by Noldus. Slavic for Fiona's boyfriend. And he is more than a maintenance man Even Bogdan doesn't get to take four Barcelona girls away for 15 hours, and more than once.
  5. Radi must be spending the night in B4. she is in the shower with Tesla.
  6. She left carrying a large tote bag and a backpack. No beach towels, no bathing suit. This leaving at 0800 is similar to last week, when she left with the same tote bag and backpack, and it was said that Fior was taking the three B4 girls and her to some distant beach. I am convinced these early morning departures are for an RLC project.
  7. Gina's behavior shows signs of someone using meth. Euphoria, energy, talkative, loss of sleep. This apartment is a train wreck every week, and she is the engineer. This friend of Bruno's who stayed with her seemed to be acting as a caretaker. Bruno must have left Stalla at the beach. She has not returned to B1.
  8. As someone said, this new guy is seriously ripped. Either he plays a sport or is an underwear model. Radi and he should workout together.
  9. You are admitted to the hospital if you are seriously ill. The doctors can give you treatments in the hospital that cannot be given at home. He may have an underlying condition that puts him more at risk, for example, diabetes, and that can be a consideration on whether to admit someone to the hospital. A newspaper article from the Associated Press nearly two weeks ago. "BARCELONA, Spain (AP) — Julio Miranda had never felt the threat of the coronavirus too close. With an appointment for his first COVID-19 jab scheduled for mid-July, the 48-year-old house painter was, like many in the vaccine-abundant developed world, eagerly awaiting the end of his personal pandemic worries. Then a colleague fell ill last month, followed by his boss’ wife. Gradually, all but one of his five coworkers found themselves in bed. Miranda, who is from Chile, also started feeling stomach cramps. Soon, he was lying on the sofa, struggling to draw every breath. “It’s only when the virus hits you that you take it much more seriously,” Miranda said this week from a hospital room overlooking Barcelona’s beachfront where he recovered after a week in intensive care, conscious but connected to a machine aiding his oxygen intake. The increase comes amid the advance of the delta variant of the coronavirus that spreads more easily. And it’s being driven mostly by younger, unvaccinated patients who require less ICU care but are turning in droves to health centers and emergency wards. If they reach the point of needing hospitalization, they typically spend longer in regular wards until they recover. Most hospitalized patients don’t need much breathing support and get well enough with corticosteroids. But doctors are seeing people in their 20s and early 30s developing serious pneumonia. In Spain, the young are largely socializing while unvaccinated because authorities have strictly prioritized the elderly and most vulnerable groups. As a result, 21 million — or half of the country’s adult population — are fully vaccinated, but fewer than 600,000 of those are younger than 30, according to the latest Health Ministry data." The northeastern Catalonia region, for example — where Barcelona is — only allows bars and nightclubs to operate their outdoor spaces starting this weekend, and yet authorities have allowed a music festival to go ahead with thousands of people. Concert-goers are required to test negative for antigens before joining the fun. Ana Aguilar, a 20-year-old nurse at the Hospital del Mar, sympathized with those who want to party but said her generation needs to be more patient. As a medical worker, she also expressed the frustration of a never-ending cycle of virus surges." [Hospital del Mar is right on the beach. You can walk from your sunbed to the Emergency Room.] _________________________________ Thursday 22 July 2021 In Catalonia, the virus reproduction rate has fallen for 15 consecutive days, and today stands at 0.97. The virus is in a recessionary phase and each infected person is passing the virus to an average of 0.97 others. The cumulative incidence rate of the coronavirus in 14 days has increased from 1,220.89 to 1,234.03 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. There have been 7,585 new infections and 17 deaths registered in the last 24 hours. Today, there are 1,938 hospitalised patients, 66 more than yesterday. There are 440 patients in intensive care, an increase of 36 in the last 24 hours. A total of 4,831,137 (62.56% of the population of Catalonia) have now been vaccinated, 19,634 in the last 24 hours. This includes 3,744,757 (48.49% of the population) who have received their scheduled two doses.
  10. Radi has so much stuff she has to move it from one side of the room to the other before going to sleep. She has not reached the stage of the Collyer Brothers. Look up Collyer Brothers on Wiki.
  11. I think this friend of L&M has a job, and Monday was a day off. As for Lia and the friend having sex after they left, this did not happen. How do I know? Lia's purse was so small it would not hold a hairbrush. L&M and Radi are so conscious of their appearance they would not visit a boyfriend without a hairbrush and a bag of cosmetics.
  12. I am Arkady Petronovich, I have 175 million rubles I need to sneak out of Russia before Vladimir grabs it. .I buy a villa in Catalonia with 43 million rubles (about 500000 Euros) for a Golden Visa for myself. I buy another villa in Catalonia for 43 million rubles for my son-in-law. A third villa for my mistress. And a fourth villa for my accountant. Four Golden Visas! Apartments in St. Petersburg cost 135000 rubles per square meter. I need barrels full of rubles to buy these, so you can understand why I want out of Russia. In the year 2000, 26 rubles bought you one Euro. This month, it is 88 Euros. Buying apartments for RLC is the smartest investment of my life!
  13. He is with RLC. He has been seen helping Bogdan. He was Fiona's bf, so he is nicknamed Fior.
  14. I think Barcelona became the center of the non-Russian apartments for four reasons. Property is comparatively cheaper than in other major European cities. The IT infrastructure exists, which is important. The weather is nicer. And maybe most importantly, the Golden Visa. A Golden Visa issued by Spain can be had by investing 500,000 Euros in Spanish real estate. A Golden Visa allows you to live anywhere in the Schengen Zone. If you want to leave Russia temporarily or permanently, a Golden Visa is very, very very desirable. That's why I am betting there will be more apartments bought by RLC in Spain. if I lived in Moscow and wanted a Golden Visa, I would give RLC 500,000 Euros and have them buy me an apartment.
  15. After looking at replay of this morning, I will say 95 percent chance that the guy and the twins have engaged in mutual masturbation and oral sex, 75 percent chance that he and Lia fuck, and 50 percent chance that he and Mia fuck. Last night, the guy and the twins used the bath sequentially, he went last. This morning, he was in the bath washing himself, was aroused, and Lia got naked and joined him in the bath. A bit of touching that didn't go further because they had things to do this morning. I assume this guy lives in Barcelona, and they speak English because the twins don't speak Spanish? or French? (he looks as if he might be Moroccan.) He doesn't speak Russian. If the twins only very recently re-arrived in Barcelona, they must have met him before their current stay at an RLC vacation 'hotel'. The twins conversational English is quite good. I think this guy knows the twins comfort zone very well, and he is patient. He is sensitive to Mia's shyness and does not want to rush her, or make her feel left out either.
  16. If nothing comes of this tonight, the twins reputation on CC will be beyond saving. They are both very comfortable with his hand being where it is.
  17. Oui. C'est une stratégie de marketing. Mais le timing est plus pour l'Europe que pour l'Amérique. Il est 1400 heures dans l'Est des États-Unis
  18. He put his phone on the charger by the bed. The evening is just starting.
  19. Guy now in the shower. Twin peeking through the bedroom window.
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