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Everything posted by moules

  1. I thought it was a toothbrush, but it seems to be a skin massager. I am so intrigued by it I am going to try and find it on the Web.
  2. I agree, but Radi and Tweety may be uncertain where Holly will be sleeping,
  3. Radi and Tweety have gone to Radi's room. I think they are expecting Holly to return to the villa, and don't want her disturbing the mood.
  4. Suitcases appear in T&T's bedroom. Maybe this is their last weekend in B5.?
  5. Given the amount of trash, Fiora and the Vampire have been living in the apartment for some days, and Harley arrived today, and the apartment was re-opened.
  6. The aquarium is gone. Wonder who inherited that? N&B?
  7. Not quite as good as your 'lettuce' pun for Radi's parents! A Candida infection can be caused by stress or hormonal imbalance during the menstrual cycle. So maybe the latter. That she apparently had creme on hand suggests this was not the first occurrence.
  8. I will make a diagnosis from far away. She probably has a yeast infection, and if so,, she will need to apply an anti-fungal creme for 3-7 days to clear it up. The week of treatment presumes this is a mild infection, and not a recurring, chronic condition.
  9. Villa no longer U/M. Villa abandoned. Nobody home. Tenants have fled? Raid by the Guardia Civil?
  10. He probably wants to watch Masha and her gay friend from Berlin relaxing in the bath.
  11. Remember the guy a few weeks ago who got all of them naked for a massage, and a little vaginal massage too. Radi was even first. Making a wager now that he will return.
  12. I don't think she will be allowed to become a participant again unless she controls her alcoholism. Her alcoholism is no longer amusing, nor is it infrequent. I don't know who* enjoys watching a girl, or anyone, physically and psychologically disintegrate, before the camera. *There was a site years ago that paid homeless alcoholics to get roaring drunk and fight while the camera recorded, so there is a small audience. But that's exploitation of the worst sort.
  13. I don't think it will be closed for long. RLC needs to increase the number of apartments, not decrease them. I think the apartment disappeared because Gina left the project. Given the small kitchen, the apartment would be ideal for Radi. More than enough space for her broccoli, beans, cucumbers, lettuce, yogurt, cheese, eggs. and tomatoes. No need for storage of vodka or beer. Radi is quiet. No loud drunken behavior. I don't think they would give it to Harley and Fiora, because of potential noise complaints. I do think at least one person in the apartment should speak conversational Spanish because of its location.
  14. I read a post here that Bruno's brother was found to have an expired visa and is in legal trouble. I assume if Bruno has refugee status, the brother would as well.
  15. Yes, but under the legal code, you can apparently still be given a certificate even if there is no apparent injury. If there is an actual injury, and the doctor places a bandage on the injury, or has to do 'surgery', then the offense is upgraded to a higher level, with greater legal consequences for Bruno (and for her, if she had injured him in some way). Surgery might include minor surgery, such as stitching up a cut. Any interventional treatment by a doctor raises the seriousness of the complaint. A doctor's advice to go home and take an aspirin would not be considered treatment, as I understand the Spanish legal code.
  16. As I understand the Spanish legal code, which I posted a summary of upthread, Gina needed to visit a doctor or hospital and have them provide her with a certificate describing her injuries. With that certificate, Gina would go to the police and file a complaint against Bruno. That would not mean he would be arrested. Gina's complaint would begin a court proceeding, in which Bruno would appear, and as a defense, probably file a cross-complaint against Gina. The end result would likely be a dead end street as far as this incident, unless >>> For Bruno, the greater concern is if he is in Spain with an expired visa. Either the police or an officer of the court would probably need to find him and serve him with a copy of Gina's complaint, and describe his legal rights. That could pit him in a legal bind if it is found he has an expired visa. The complaint could be resolved by deporting him.. If Gina does not file a complaint, he 'escapes' once again.
  17. RLC spent tens of thousands of Euros remodeling this apartment. It probably has the only sauna in the center of Barcelona. So the apartment will not be abandoned. Bogdan and Fior may be busy moving out personal items. Maybe Lorraine and Anthony will be moved there. Or Bogdan and Nelly.
  18. T&T are returning to Spain tomorrow. They don't appear to be seeing much of Rome. It is 1500 and they are just waking up. This seems not to be a trip to see the sights of Rome, and not a trip to have fun with Masha in bed, so did RLC pay for this trip as a vacation for a couple already on vacation?
  19. I didn't see any of the scene. I was simply quoting Alokin's description in Bulgarian, which I Google translated. With respect to assault under Spanish law: This quotation is from a site providing legal assistance to citizens of a foreign country who were victims of an assault in Spain. The Spanish penal code would apply to citizens or residents of Spain, as well as visitors. The spelling of "offence" indicates that this legal advice was not written in the United States. From the description, Gina would need to go to the hospital or visit a doctor and obtain a medical certificate. She then would go to the police and file a complaint against Bruno for assault. But note the paragraph that I put in bold, because it is reported on this forum that she also struck him.
  20. At a streaming webcam site in the U.S. years before RLC, Playboy sent photographers and a video crew to record for the Playboy Channel. They brought in porn stars for the orgy scenes. There were so many participants in an orgy on a bed the bed collapsed.
  21. ^^^"I watched the whole scene, there were no drugs or searches, they looked around the apartment and saw Gina's documents. The police arrived, most likely called by the neighbors, because Gina shouted "Help the police" at the door and the police came for domestic violence." The video recordings of RLC are stored on a master server (may be in Moscow) and on mirror sites (other servers) globally. There is no need for the police to seek a copy of the recordings of what happened in Gina's apartment unless there was physical violence. As Gina does not own the recordings, the police probably would need special approval to obtain them. (I am not a Spanish lawyer.) RLC would not erase any recorded image where there is a question that there might be a recording of a criminal act. And it would have no reason to do so. (RLC did not erase, and it continued to livestream an incident in St. Petersburg, where the ambulance (and police) were called for a sick girl. She was so sick or incapacitated that she was unable to go to the hospital, and the medical technicians began treating her in the apartment,and the camera continued recording.) If anyone saw Bruno hit or physically attack Gina, that is a different matter. But the reports from those who watched indicated this was a verbal confrontation, with only verbal threats. I understand Bruno to be a citizen of a country outside the Schengen Zone. So unless he has a long-term resident visa for Spain, he is probably in the country illegally and could be deported. The Spanish police might seize his passport until they make a determination on whether he is in Spain illegally.
  22. You may need to have English fluency to get it, but very good. Speaking of fluency, one of the present participants is fluent, to varying degrees, in seven languages, not counting Russian / Ukrainian.
  23. Anna took the two camera lens and put them in a drawer with her vibrating rabbit dildo which she put on charge. The camera she put in her camera bag. As Anna's occupation is a photographer (and she is very good) the lens are hers. Rasputin has probably mentored her in the past, and I now think his stay at B-2 was between assignments and another mentoring session. He was rewarded with sex. Before Covid, women in the United States were commissioning photos of themselves in glamorous, sexy poses, presenting the results to their husband or boyfriend. Its called boudoir photography. It may be that Anna wants to offer this type of photography to her customers. Women feel more comfortable being photographed in this manner by other women. Someone posted that Lola works with Anna in her business, so she knows Rasputin from Barcelona as well. Likely that he has fucked Lola before, and possibly Mila as well. Rasputin may have Barcelona as one of his bases.
  24. No family (or Radi's) dog this visit. For certain, the food eaten by Mama and Papa is not the food preferred by Radi.
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