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Everything posted by moules

  1. Gina looks unhappy lying in her bed. She and Bruno were not invited?
  2. Mila now being spanked by Radi for staying in Radi's room.
  3. Not clear what she is crying about. I think it was Harley who knelt beside her and was trying to console her.
  4. The guided tours by a lady in the window take you down the alleys. Only 32.5 Euros. Prostitute Guided Red Light Tour - Where your guide is a sex worker! REDLIGHTDISTRICTAMSTERDAMTOURS.COM The Red Light District tour in Amsterdam where your tour guide is a sex worker from the area! Get the true story of the women behind the... RLC is not very creative. They should think about Megan's guided tours of the villa, dinners with Gina. Spanish lessons from Martina. Shopping excursions with Radi. Money to be made!
  5. She started at 23:00, and has now quit at 00:20. Half-marathon if she had been running.
  6. Agree 1000 percent. Sixteen Russian apartments were closed on the same day in June 2019. This put great pressure on the participants in the Barcelona apartments to do things that are 'interesting' to the subscribers. If RLC had 25-30 apartments, all RLC would need is 'activity' in 5-6 of them at any point in time to keep subscribers faithfully renewing. How many people would tour the streets and alleys of Amsterdam if there were only 2-3 ladies in the window?
  7. Radi arrived at the villa about 17:45. She left B-2 at about 12:15, in a great hurry.
  8. Radi arrived at B4 about 17:45. She did not bring her laptop to B2, so she did not need a good internet connection.
  9. I don't think Radi has lost weight. Her tight clothes are still tight. She is very toned from all her exercising. She was exercising this morning in Mila's room when she apparently received a text from RLC scripters. She dressed quickly, collected her super-size bottle of Coca Cola and her vegetables and left B2 at 12:17. All this was done in a great hurry. She had no time for make-up or even to brush her hair. This is not typical Radi, given the care she takes about her public appearance. I thought she would soon re-appear in B-4, but, two hours later, no sign of her anywhere on RLC. A visit to B&N's new apartment?
  10. History of Gina leaving B4 in April On 4 - 20, Gina left the project. On 4 - 23, new apartment with Gina and her boyfriend has been added.
  11. I can guarantee that Nelly will be returning to the villa. Her aesthetician lotions, potions, and tools, and the bright lamp she uses were put in the villa storage room., and not taken up to the office.
  12. You are probably right about their new place being on-line. Nelly can be paid as a participant.
  13. The villa garage was converted to an office for RLC. Bogdan will likely be in the office frequently. This will leave Nelly alone at their new apartment to practice with her violin for hours and hours? Or lperhaps eaving Nelly to visit Gina frequently? Or perhaps leaving Nelly to visit Martina, or morel likely, Martina visiting Nelly for wild sex, off cam? Or allowing Nelly to come to the villa occasionally for massages and cosmetic procedures?
  14. The farewell hugs of Nelly and the twins and Nelly and Radi were such that Nelly will not be far away, nor will she be away for long.
  15. The massage table remains in the fitness room. A sign that Nelly will be visiting the villa in the future?
  16. Nelly left with Fior. Nelly affectionate hugs with twins and Radi.
  17. I posted this in B2 forum. "Whispered conversations between Lia and Radi in Mila's bedroom begin about 23:50. Looking at this again, perhaps Lia is telling Radi about some past relationships of those at the party. Bruno and Gina are still at the party, and Gina briefly uses Mila's bathroom and completely ignores Lia and Radi as she leaves and rejoins the party Typically, a drunk Gina is bubbly and friendly.. Perhaps she is already unhappy about something. " That said, I did not think that the twins were that flirtatious with Bruno in the living room. Particularly as they have visited the G&B apartment several times to vape and drink. Perhaps something happened on the balcony. One of Gina's many problems is her insecurity. If Sara is still in Spain, Gina ought to talk to her about how to be 'top' to Bruno.
  18. Whispered conversations between Lia and Radi in Mila's bedroom begin about 23:50. Looking at this again, perhaps Lia is telling Radi about some past relationships of those at the party. Bruno and Gina are still at the party, and Gina briefly uses Mila's bathroom and completely ignores Lia and Radi as she leaves and rejoins the party Typically, a drunk Gina is bubbly and friendly.. Perhaps she is already unhappy about something.
  19. All of B4 arrived at same time, even though Radi left B1 about 15 minutes after the others.
  20. Mila to bed, and does not seem to be feeling well. Leaving Lola, Harley, and Fiona. Harley and Fiona give no sign of leaving.
  21. Radi didn't pack for staying overnight.
  22. ^^^ No. Bruno had an extended friendly conversation wit the twins. Bruno and Gina left. Bruno and Gina went back to their apartment. Gina to bed. Bruno leaves on his scooter. Maybe he will appear later, though I doubt it.
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