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Everything posted by moules

  1. Several observations. Some of the current participants in the villas and Barcelona apartments are practicing polyamory. Polyamory is increasingly coming into vogue in the United States. Other current and recent examples: Amalia and Mati are willing to be polyamorous, Jadith is not. While they were in B-5, Thor, Holly, and Tereza were willing to be polyamorous, Father Timur was not. Daytona is becoming bisexual, or reverting to bisexuality. He will be dining at the Y soon. Sara controlled Massi last night. He asked her permission before pulling out his dick to show Nadia. Sara nodded her okay. Wolf appeared to ask Aiziza if she wanted to join in, but she declined. I think her participation is simply a matter of time. Wolf seems to know, or RLC knows, guys in Barcelona who can visit for several days and participate. Best example are Ney's two most recent lovers. The first one engaged in a MMF with Wolf. The current one Ney seems willing to share. IMO, RLC is very, very happy with the content produced by the current Barcelona cast. A quick overview of load balancers. IMO, RLC was experiencing load balancing issues last night because of high demand for the streaming content from several cams in B-4. What Is Load Balancing? How Load Balancers Work WWW.NGINX.COM Load balancing is the distribution of incoming network traffic accross a group of backend servers.
  2. 15 percent of American teenage girls now use contraceptive implants, which are good for three years, and are 99 percent effective. More effective than condoms (87 percent effective). As for Massi, after several fucks the reservoir is dry, so to speak. His ejaculate is seminal fluid without much semen.
  3. Yes, I meant 3-12. I tested it because the bed was occupied. It is working fine. Several hours ago, Sara apparently got a message when there was only the five of them in the penthouse. Everyone was to grab their coat and head outside. The entire villa, except for Seda, left via the front door. I thought they were all going to B-7 to continue the party there. But after 15-20 minutes of being out of view, they all returned via the front door, and migrated to the penthouse. What was a gang of five became a gang of 8-9, I've lost count. I now wonder whether RLC told them to get off-cam so they could reconfigure network settings, before the feed collapsed even more than it had. The gang of five was Sara, Nadia, Massi, Ney's fuckboy, and Daytona.
  4. The girls, particularly Sara, are dancing themselves into exhaustion. too tired for sex. Sara dances like a whirling Dervish.
  5. No lagging or skipping on 3-2, which is streaming Seda in bed. So the problem is very high demand to watch 2-2.
  6. There are connection problems with CC, Cloudflare continues to send messages, about time-outs. So the is a host issue with CC. With respect to RLC, there are lag problems with the servers, which is leading to repeats and skips. This is possibly due to high demand for a particular stream. Too many voyeurs on-line.
  7. These two guys are puppets tonight, and the girls will be pulling the strings.
  8. Now that CC is back up, it seems that Daytona will be staying for this night's show.
  9. Lots of candles in Sara's room often correlate with lots of sex. Quartet on the meno?
  10. Sara is RLC's maestro of staged performances. For example, Sara, and 1.) Wolf, Aurora, and Rachel (in the penthouse Interrupted by Tereza and Timur) 2.) Wolf, Rachel (in the penthouse bath) 3.) Wolf, Margo, LiaLia (in the penthouse bath) 4.) Karma and Daytona (in the penthouse, testing whether Daytona was bisexual) Sara also appeared in B-7 with Ney on the night pf the party in Margo's bed featuring Wolf, Margo, Ulyana, and the stud who was a dud. Wolf led Sara and Ney into the bathroom for a conversation, probably to explain things weren't going as planned because of a 'performance' issue. They left, but Ney returned later to tickle Margo into an orgasm. Sara is well-aware that Massi thinks only with his dick, and plays him for it. He is immature when it comes to relationships with women. She used lipstick to paint her face into a grotesque resemblance of The Joker. Most normal guys would ask her, 'What the fuck are you doing?' Not Massi. He just wants her pussy.. So she manipulates him for the bonus money. She let Lacrim finger her pussy for 10-15 minutes on the LR couch. She lay there while he fingered, scrolling through her phone the WHOLE TIME. Lacrim eventually stopped, and never tried having sex with her again. She was as interested in him as she was in an 88 year old gynecologist who had her in the stirrups. She discussed with Nadia beforehand Massi's wanting to have a threesome. It was reported on CC that Massi wanted Sara to organize a threesome with Karma, but she would not. So for Massi, Nadia became Plan B. What Massi does not know is that Nadia is as controlling of her male partner as Sara usually is of hers. Nadia played along for a bit, but he ultimately got only a brief hand job. [<<< I have only raced through replay, so I am willing to be corrected if Massi got more from Nadia, or from anyone else besides Sara.) Sara is motivated by the bonus money, and anyone also interested in the bonus money would be advised to join up with her in a staged performance. -------------- I will never forget the night in B-2 when Radi, nude, allowed herself to be massaged and briefly fingered by a male guest of Lola and Anna. The massage ended when the guest had to leave the room and go to the bathroom. Once the guest was in the hall, and out of sight, Radi laughed, and with her hand, she made a rapid stroking motion. Lola then laughed even louder, and she made the same stroking motion with both her hands. I thought to myself, very well-played ladies. And a display of more than a bit of a cynical attitude about some men who appear on-cam. And certainly there was no cynicism about Rasputin. Rasputin and Radi and Anna might have won replay of the year.
  11. Massi embracing and kissing Daytona. A three-way of Massi, Sara, and Daytona coming up? Big bonus payout for that.
  12. Sara not so drunk or high on Molly that she doesn't scrub all her lipstick and makeup off. Maybe the Joker Face was deliberate on her part. Her way of saying, this is a big joke.
  13. Show over. A click bait show that Sara discussed with Nadia in the WC several hours ago. Big bonus money for the three of them.
  14. Maybe Sara and Nadia discussed this in the WC earlier.
  15. Massi wallows in his own sense of self-importance, but in reality he is quite unsophisticated and shallow. I think his Israeli ex-gf had him figured out. For all his flashy and fashionable attire, he might better invest in a pair of contact lens so he doesn't need to wear his glasses to find the pussy.
  16. Massi cleaning up broken glass in the penthouse bathroom.
  17. I was trying to be polite, but your description is closer to the mark.
  18. Sara retires to her own bed. 25 percent chance she will fall asleep. That happens quite often.
  19. Sara cannot stand upright. Staggering as she tries to walk.
  20. Sara and Nadia to the WC to discuss things. Daytona excluded from this conversation.
  21. This conversation between Masha and her "boss" is in what language? And your understanding of this conversation with her "boss", is that Babi and/or Masha called the police, or that the "boss" called the police? Big distinction, because if Babi and/or Masha had called the police, the "boss" could simply be a network administrator for RLC, and it was the administrator who earlier took the apartment off-line.
  22. Ok, I could not see the face or either. One under the covers in bed. The one in the bathroom had her back to the camera.
  23. Looks like Babi ? running a bath. All is tranquil.
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