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Everything posted by moules

  1. For sure!! RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  2. Apparently, Massi said his name is Boris, which is not his soft core film. actor name. (Assuming he is indeed the Ukrainian model and actor.) And he is not a casual friend, if Wolf is sending a short video of Boris' flaccid dick to Ulyana, presumably for a laugh. And Wolf touched Boris' dick in the video. And it was reported that Boris gave Wolf a massage, while Wolf was naked. (< I did not see nor have I searched for this on replay.) I will say that Ney will surely give a ***** recommendation to both Boris and Wolf after what they did to her last night. Better than she ever got from Massi, IMO. Sara will be signing up.
  3. And if Ulyana appears in Margo's bed? Though I think if guest guy is still in B-7, he will first get the opportunity to bed Ulyana.
  4. There is no consensus on whether the guest guy sleeping in Wolf's bed and fucking Ney has previously appeared in B-4 and B-7 over the past month. Several insist he is a different guy than the guy who was part of a quartet with Wolf, Ulyana, and Margo a month ago. If these are indeed two guys, both have very similar physiques and height. Both have no tattoos. Both experienced performance issues. Both seem to have met Margo and Ney outside of RLC. So just consider the future possibilities for Wolf's next show: Ney takes on Wolf, and two similar looking guys in a MMMF quartet!!! I believe that would qualify as a gang-bang, A first for RLC? Looking at replay of the similar looking guy with Margo -- the guy who Margo could not get hard in a dark shower, though she tried her very best -- he was later quite rough with Margo in bed. Slapping her face very hard, etc. IMO, pretty outrageous given his limp dick. But then again, in a subsequent session with Wolf, Ney, and Margo, Ney expertly used two whips to turn Margo's butt cheeks a bright red. Margo it seems, likes pain. BTW, a profile view (captured in color by cam 3-2) of the guy in the quartet show of a month ago reveals a nose similar to the nose of the guy last night. The face is in the same profile as 3-2, and also in color. Maybe they're brothers. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording ^^^ Ney posing as the guy tries to get hard. Wolf had just played with the lighting, to end the night vision.
  5. Sara is promiscuous. The only guy she stayed with in her previous participation was Bruno, who she could out-fuck.
  6. I might note that during the threesome of Wolf, guest guy, and Ney in B-7 last night, there were no participants or guests in B-4, and only B&N in B-7. It was as if RLC cleared the decks of an competition for the Wolf / Ney show in B-7, and the bonus money from top cam. If my supposition is true, then Sara and Massi knew of this performance. Maybe Sara and Massi thought, 'if Ney can have a MMF threesome, why not us with a third guy?'
  7. IMo, it is not advisable to publish transcripts of conversations because participants will now have their conversations off-camera, or in rooms where the audio recording is poor, And then there will be more complaints from CC posters about they are hiding all the time. Regardless, going through the transcript it appears there are translation errors. It is like using chat/GPT to write your papers. A native speaker who is bi-lingual, or tri-lingual will give a much better translation of a Russian language conversation into English, or Catalan into English. And the general rule during my time on CC is not to publish real names. For the same reason that there is a rule not to publish the location of the villas or the apartments. B-6, for example, was/is in a very popular area of Barcelona, easily accessible. And a location where stalkers could loiter without drawing attention to themselves.
  8. Probably Wolf's difficulty in ejaculation is the result of a medical condition known as Delayed Ejaculation. Delayed ejaculation - Symptoms and causes WWW.MAYOCLINIC.ORG Low testosterone is one cause of delayed ejaculation. If Wolf's condition is caused by low testosterone, then Access to this page has been denied. WWW.GOODRX.COM ^^^From GoodRX website blocked from pasting: "(Depo-Testosterone) is a common type of injectable testosterone. Available as a brand-name and generic product, it’s injected into your buttock muscle every 1 to 4 weeks. You may inject it at home, or a healthcare provider could give it to you." He received an injection from Rachel in the penthouse spa, on the night of a planned party in the penthouse with Sara, Aurora, and maybe Rachel, that was interrupted by the unexpected arrival of Timur and Tereza in B-4 Wolf's difficulties in ejaculating may also explain why he rarely, if ever, uses a condom. IMO, a condition that made it difficult to ejaculate would be of great benefit for performances in live sex shows. --------------------------------- Posters have claimed that Wolf and Ney may be brother and sister, and he avoids fucking her because it would be incest. Last evening, Wolf ate her pussy and ejaculated into her open mouth as her tongue cradled his cock. Source: When brotherly love is a crime | Spain | EL PAÍS English ENGLISH.ELPAIS.COM Incest is viewed very differently depending on the country in which it occurs A German couple has fallen foul of the law, while in Spain it is... If Wolf and Ney were really brother and sister, why do everything but fuck? IMO, there is a greater chance of Octavia being Holly's younger sister than there is of Wolf and Ney being brother and sister.
  9. For those who say this is not the same guy as a month ago, I'd like to hear the explanation for why Wolf goes into the room where the guy is naked in bed with Ney, and grabs and wiggles his limp dick, and shows it to Ulyana on Facetime.
  10. And fucking again. wolf moves a mirror so they can watch themselves.
  11. Wolf suffers from a medical condition known as delayed ejaculation. A treatment for delayed ejaculation is testosterone! May explain the injections.
  12. I don't think they are brother and sister. Tani and Thor had a stronger facial resemblance than Wolf and Ney. The guy's performance tonight and absence of inhibitions by all three increase my belief that this is the same guy who had performance issues a month ago, and couldn't get hard for Margo, and was dropped from the evening program. Clearly, this is not the first time that this guy and wolf have paired up before.
  13. Ney is near insatiable. Is this the first threesome of this type in the Barcelona apartments?
  14. Wolf dining at the Y while Ney strokes the guy's cock. CC posters are silent about what is transpiring.
  15. Wolf licking and fingering Ney while she is on top of the guy.
  16. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  17. Ney measuring his erection, and comparing it to the stallion?
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