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Everything posted by moules

  1. He is doing better right now when it comes to performance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. It looks to be the same guy to me. The difference is that the guy with Margo combed his hair forward. This time, the hair is longer, and not brushed forward. Same build.
  3. I bet if he and Ney went to the B-7 garage, his performance issues would vanish.
  4. The guy in Wolf's bed right now, with Ney straddling him has performance issues. IMO, he has a psychological problem with the cameras. In a setting without the cameras, he has no problems 'performing'. He was back at B-4 for another party maybe three weeks ago, but was not called on to perform. I do not think Margo and Woilf would have invited him to join in a quarter with Ulyana if he had not successfully fucked Margo previously. And here he is again, for a third try. Anad once more, with the cameras on, performance issues.
  5. Noldus, Wolf would only do that to show Ulyana if she had met this guy before.
  6. I remember the guy who was supposed to fuck Margo had no tats, had hair that was similar to the guy now with Ney, so maybe he is the same guy! And Wolf was showing Ulyana hat he still has performance difficulties? If it is the same guy, that would explain a lot.
  7. Wolf put his phone in that position so everyone can see who he is talking to. This is about the one month anniversary of the night where Margo's hired cock couldn't perform, and what was to be a quartet, became a threesome of Ulyana, Margo, and Wolf. During the course of the threesome, Ney appeared twice, once to tickle Margo into another orgasm. So Ulyana is well-familiar with guys in B-7 who cannot perform when needed. Ulyana supposedly said it was her first MFF threesome, and she very much liked it. So perhaps they will try another quartet: Ulyana, Massi, Wolf, and Ney.
  8. Great post. Back in the day, I occasionally needed to use interpreters (who are a different breed of cat than a translator). And a good interpreter will halt the conversation, and ask, 'What do you mean by that?' Sometimes this occurred when a word or phrase might have an ambiguous meaning when spoken in another language. It was their job to ensure that the word or phrase was correctly interpreted from one language to another. For sale on Amazon, there is a dictionary of Russian slang: 353 pages and over 5,000 words / expressions. I suspect very few of them find their way into translation software.
  9. My thinking is that popular girls who occupied the Saint Petersburg apartments, especially the nicest apartments, may have special status in RLC. And if they make it to the West, certain behavior is tolerated that would not be tolerated if the girl was from Ukraine, or Spain, or Italy. I think this is a matter of who they know. (An exception would be Kristy, whose apartment I believe was in Moscow.)
  10. Wolf and Sara practice Tantra touching and caressing for 30 minutes before Sara had a Tantric session with Karma.
  11. If Karma is from Ukraine, and has been in Barcelona for three years, she was subsequently given what amounts to an indefinite stay Schengen visa following the invasion of Ukraine. Lali likely had a 90 day stay Schengen visa. Probably Margo as well. They probably left when they did to return before the start of the holidays. Both can return legally to Barcelona next March on another 90 day visa. If Karma is making trips to the UK, which is now outside the Schengen zone, she would only do that if she had a good Schengen visa allowing her to re-enter Spain (within the Schengen zone) For Sara, she was seeking to have her Schengen visa extended indefinitely. One way to do this apparently is to register as the civil partner of someone who is legally residing in Spain and has sufficient income to support both the partner and Sara.
  12. 14:03 Sara, Nadia, and grunge/emo guy left B-4. Nadia and grunge guy taking small bags with their clothes. Daytona stayed behind.
  13. On replay, the thumbnails for top cam at 13:00: Sara's bed is #2, #3, #4. And basically, rien ne s'est passé. My hypothesis of how this group of four seem to know each other, or at least share some common background. Sara was in Saint Petersburg this past summer. Daytona apparently arrived at RLC directly from Saint Petersburg. The grunge/emo guy. He seems to know Sara from before. So I think he is also from Saint Petersburg. Nadia is apparently Ukrainian. Nadia has some talent as an artist, but even more talent as a fashion designer / illustrator. I believe Sara, Daytona, and grunge/emo guy know each other from having attending universities in Saint Petersburg. where they studied fine arts? theatrical arts? design?. Which leaves Nadia. I think she may have studied at a university in Saint Petersburg, at some time between 2014 and 2020. Nadia has supposedly been in Barcelona for seven years, or at least that is apparently how long she has had a relationship with her ex. Nadia may also be an ethnic Russian, but a citizen of Ukraine. (I think Lucien and Alexandra are also ethnic Russians, but citizens of Ukraine.) At least one, and possibly all, of the several owners of RLC are from Saint Petersburg. The owners also have a legitimate business apparently headquartered in Saint Petersburg and to which young people in the creative arts might have an interest. I will also note that Tani is an artist, and I believe she is also Russian. But reports on CC are that she is now being well cared for.
  14. Where would CC be if the only posters were those who constantly applauded RLC? And I am not naming names!
  15. FZ, if the purported subscriber count for RLC of 85,000 is true, or close to it, they don't give a rat's ass about complaining CC posters (for the most part).
  16. Then you will be complaining that the participants are never at the villas, and why am I paying to look at empty beds, etc. etc.
  17. Only exposing the ignorance and naivete of posters jumping to premature conclusions about relationships between people they do not really know.
  18. There will ALWAYS be off-cam places/rooms at the villas, because guests of participants do not always give their consent to be recorded. Failure to obtain consent of a guest resulted in one participant being immediately dismissed from the project. Even without the 'garages', there are places and rooms that are out of range of the cameras. In B-7, there is a level below the bedrooms RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording It is the level that is to the left of and below the railing, and the small bathroom window. In B-6, there was a large space that was off-cam. How would I know that? From the property description when B-6 was for sale.
  19. Having watched Nadia do sketchings, she is very fluid with whatever medium she was using, and with a good result. Nadia may be a better artist than Sara. Perhaps she will do a portrait of Sara.
  20. Longer journey. This is used when they don't have the key to the front door, or don't want to disturb Sara or whomever is living in the penthouse. The shortest route is between the backyard in B-7 and the backyard in B-4.
  21. Selbe Seite RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  22. Nadia and Sara in the bath waving to those outside on the terrace. (cam 3-17) RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
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