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Everything posted by moules

  1. I have not checked replay, but it appears from the live stream that three pieces of Margo's luggage have already left the villa. When she packed the first suitcase several days ago I thought from the way she was packing -- by putting single items into the suitcase, and apparently leaving similar items in the wardrobe -- that she was packing for an extended vacation. Perhaps most of her baggage will go to a separate destination from where she will be traveling tomorrow. With Holly, most of her luggage was stored under the stairs in B-4 before she left on another exotic vacation
  2. Where did Margo live before arriving at RLC? I count four large pieces of luggage and a backpack. Not sure that is all of it. I wonder if she is leaving some of her B&D stuff for Wolf.
  3. A third possibility is that she is leaving for an extended holiday trip, and will return to a different RLC apartment. This would be similar to what happened to Holly.
  4. Margo is packing more than one big suitcase this morning, so I will say she is leaving the project. Empty shelves in the wardrobe. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  5. If I were the owner of RLC, I would pay you double! On a more serious note, 1> AI video generators are getting better every year. 2> RLC has a gazillion bytes of recorded video in its library 3> In a very few years, RLC could be creating virtual apartments and virtual participants, using AI generators and its petabytes of stored video. (1000 terabytes = one petabyte). And could a subscriber tell real participants from AI-generated characters (avatars)? 4> Coincidence that Neytiri is an avatar? 5> I predict Wolf's recent orgasm produced by the skilled hands of Margo with Ney watching will be a gold mine when it comes to AI generative video. 6> If RLC is indeed thinking of creating AI generated participants in the future, I would expect even more sex spectaculars, gymnastic sex, kinky sex, boundary-pushing sex. A future AI Daytona possessing Massi's dick Would a future AI Sara snicker at that? Come back in five years for the answer. How delicious would it be for an AI Dick and Jane to take up residence in a B-7, and command them to have their way with a future Octavia, a future Esmi?
  6. IMO, last evening's escapades occurred because RLC told the participants there would be a substantial bonus pool available for B-4 and B-7 participants only. My guess is thousands of euros. This is RLC incentivizing certain behavior, the greater the potential reward, the more outrageous the behavior. To facilitate last night's behavior, B&N disappear from B-7. Cecelia, and only Cecelia, arrives from another RLC apartment. All the participants (other than B&N) living in B-7 and B-4 stay home. No other visitors. Much of the sex occurs in a brightly lit setting with good camera views. Wolf, Neri, and Margo seem to pause their activity while Cecelia and Massi fuck in the other bedroom. Wolf and Margo on the B-7 kitchen table, when it would be easier on the LR couch, but the lighting and camera angle on the table is great. IIRC, Wold even moved the table closer to the camera. Turning off the lights in Margo's bath was the exception, but nothing much subsequently happened anyway. I will never be surprised by anyone's behavior in a villa or apartment if that behavior is being financially rewarded. So I ask, would Sara and Karma have an oral sex threesome with Daytona, if RLC says to all three: there's 2,000-3,000 euros in it for you if you do
  7. Thank you, and Mauri also. My supposition that he probably was Russian was based on his first two appearances in RLC being solely with Russian participants. Andorra is not within Schengen, so perhaps he has dual nationality. On his first visit to the villa, I thought Sara was impolite to the Black guy guest when all three were on the balcony. She was aggressively affectionate, and could not keep her mouth and hands off the bald guy. So if she also calls him "baby", I think he may hold a special place in her life. Also, I am far from being an expert in Schengen rules, and I know nothing about visa rules in Andorra, but perhaps it is possible for to 'launder' Russians on 90 day visas by having them stay in Andorra for a while. I myself like the helicopter option. See how to get to Andorra from Barcelona. How to get from Barcelona to Andorra: best options WWW.MITAXI.NET In this post we explain in detail what are the best options available to go from Barcelona to Andorra. Also, Andorra is one of several European micro-states that are not part of the EU. Not clear from the discussion on the link below how easy or difficult it is to circumvent 90 day rules and whether all passports are checked on entry. Using Andorra to avoid 90/180 trouble? TRAVEL.STACKEXCHANGE.COM According to Glen Brown, “One of the greatest things about Andorra is that the country is outside the EU and this is why you get duty free... Also another micro-state, Monaco, has no passport control. Would be expensive to hide out there for 90 days.
  8. Back to the bald-headed guy who visited Sara the other night, and brought his dog. He first appeared when Sara brought him to the villa with the Black guy. Within minutes, all three are on the balcony. Sara and the bald guy immediately begin kissing and caressing. The Black guy leaves, he is sleeping in the LR. Bald guy and Sara get into bed and there is sex, --all under the covers. He has an orgasm because Sara gets paper towels to clean him up. He leaves. His visit lasted maybe 90 minutes. This meeting was so quick it was if he had a long time between connecting flights at Barcelona airport and needed a quickie. Sara obviously knew him from before. Two days later he appeared at Harley's and Fiora's. IIRC, he slept in Harley's bed. I cannot remember whether they had sex or not. I concluded he is Russian, and probably visiting Barcelona. Now he appears again. This time he brings his dog. Dog looks to be the same breed as Taco. (Does he know Martina, too?) The dog seems to know Sara. (I remember Taco jumping all over G-4.) And I now conclude the dog indicates he currently lives in Barcelona. So is he a real bf of Sara? Do they know each other from Saint Petersburg, or from Barcelona? Does he work for RLC? Does he have a Schengen visa? As for the tattooed guy in the green pants who Sara gave the ring to, and who has addiction issues according to Sara, it seems he is not a real bf but possibly her civil partner, or maybe not. -------------------- I will note that the three ladies with the most risque attire in the LR last evening were Margo, Ney, and Karma. IMO. And the one thing I have learned from watching RLC is that instant judgments and interpretations of behavior are typically more incorrect than not. And I use my judgments about the bald guy as an example.
  9. Seems to be more like packing for a trip than leaving the project. Maybe an extended trip for the holidays?
  10. After looking at replay, last night's session between Karma and Sara was more about intimacy than having convulsive orgasms. Why do I say this? Karma didn't bring her heavy artillery: her Lovense vibrator. (I am rather surprised these remote controlled vibes are uncommon on RLC. compared to certain other sites.) For the convulsive orgasms, Karma used her Lovense in conjunction with a second vibe that she pressed against Sara's pussy. And a **** bate by Ney. She was really into it. And with Margo now having dined at the Y, I have no explanation why Wolf has not yet done the same. There was a line of dialogue in a vintage porn movie about 'eating a pussy like you were eating a ripe mango'. Yesterday, Ney's pussy as she bated looked so sweet and juicy and delectable!
  11. Ok. I didn't recognize Karma with her hair braided that way!
  12. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Anyone recognize this girl that Fior apparently brought to B-7 around 17:00?
  13. IIRC from her bio, Ney is 22. And I think Wolf and Margo were into the kink scene together before Ney.
  14. This is where in the phone conversation he mentions his 'clients'. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  15. It is worth listening to the phone conversation he has in the DR with someone, perhaps in a business capacity. Ney is present, and the conversation is in English. This conversation is before she starts sucking his cock. After you listen to the conversation, you wonder if his 'services' are in great demand. He certainly has the most expensive and fashionable men's wardrobe of any male that has participated in the Barcelona apartments.
  16. When a video clip is worth a thousand words. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  17. Massi leaves for Barcelona. Dressed very fashionably. Ney comes down to his room and gives him a quick kiss before she leaves for B-4. Ney now in bed with Lali, and joking and laughing.
  18. Interesting that when Massi leaves, Margo and Ney converse in their native language, and not English. Last night in the bath, Margo seems to be explaining the "business" to Ney in English. Talking to the cameras as well as to Ney?
  19. Margo arrives. The cocksucking continues. Laughter. Margo gets a very good view.
  20. I only watched live that part of the evening when Neytiri whipped Margo's butt. Ney was very skilled, and she has whipped Margo's butt before. Ney was theatrical as she flogged Margo, but the red marks on Margo's butt cheeks were very real. This, and the dancing and pirouetting that followed seemed to be done for later viewing on OF or some other subscription site that Margo has. I think the history of Margo and Wolf with Ney is becoming more clear. She was/is their accomplice / apprentice in B&D shows that were / are produced for an audience outside of RLC. Last night, when Ney straddled Wolf on the bed, was the most intimate that Ney and Wolf have been, and this was in the presence of Margo. Margo having earlier dined at the Y. (Ney) I can easily see a future quartet of Wolf, Margo, Ney, and Massi. Massi now has Ney's highest recommendation. +++++++++++++++ I wonder if Cecelia took Massi's ex back to her off-cam apartment. And will we see the ex again before she returns to Israel? The ex seems more interested in girls than guys.
  21. Sara's guest friend packing her suitcase. She also understands and speaks English, but less fluently than the other four.
  22. I need to listen to it again with better headphones. Part of the problem is there were simultaneous conversations happening. I was very surprised by Daytona's fluency. The type of fluency you have if you spent considerable time living in an English-speaking country. Karma talked about a nightmare of a wardrobe falling on her. Massi's girl talking about living in a tall apartment and having to take shelter. As she did not try to speak Russian, I wonder if she is Israeli.
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