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Everything posted by moules

  1. If Fior delivered her, then it is likely she has some sort of relationship with RLC. Sara seems to have known her previously. Is she headed for B-1? or B-7? Fingers crossed for B-7. There was talk last week from a reliable CC source that The Child could be leaving soon. First the Black dude, now this girl. The penthouse is becoming Sara's AirBnB. I need to check the listings.
  2. Not nude yet. Her pants are pulled down to her lower butt.
  3. Kelly massaging Octavia, who looks to be nude. Hard to be certain as Kelly is straddling her thighs.
  4. Daniel needs a visit with Sabina to do something with that hair. I have occasionally checked Lacrim's room for further signs that he is leaving soon. I check on the suitcase and open-top bags that he filled with clothes and toiletries that he packed after his tantrum when he said he was abandoning the project. For over a week, the suitcase and bags were in plain view. On Sunday, they were no longer in sight. From replay, he took a few items of clothes from the suitcase and then placed the suitcase in his wardrobe. The same for the open-top bag. So apparently, no imminent departure from RLC.
  5. There were two translations posted on CC of Karma's conversation with Kelly that I found interesting. The first excerpt was Karma describing being with this girl at the queer / fetish / techno party and how their touching and kissing in a corner became more intense until they became one. This is the 'union' sought for in tantric sex. From the translation, it was not clear whether a third person joined them in the corner, and the gender of the third person. The other excerpt was her describing herself as a nerd, and that she wanted to explore and experience more in life. Including sex. And apparently she is looking to be fucked as part of that exploration. Within the world of RLC, she has confidantes. The top two confidantes are Octavia and Sara. When she was leaving B-1 yesterday, Octavia pushed her out the door, and they continued conversing with Octavia standing in the doorway. Octavia didn't realize that the hall mirror revealed her standing in the doorway. She thought the opened door blocked the cam view. As the conversation ended, Octavia and Karma had a big embrace, and it appeared they kissed on the lips. Below Sara and Octavia are two others: Lali and Kelly. She was in Lali's bed next to Lali when Lacrim fingered her, or tried to. The translators have revealed the nature of her conversations with Kelly. And before the party, Kelly was helping her choose what to wear as a top, including one top that hid nothing. She did not choose this one. Last night, Karma and Wolf had an extended serious conversation by the table in the LR, away from the others. I do not know the subject of the conversation, but it reminded me of the serious conversation she had with Sara before they began their romance. Say what you may about Wolf, but many/most girls seem to like him, and are comfortable talking to him. And it is absolute truth that when Lacrim is the competition, Wolf will win that competition hands down. I think he is slowly and patiently working with Neytiri to have her become more comfortable sexually in front of the cameras. After all, how else would Neytiri know that Margo can be tickled into having another orgasm, unless she, Margo, and Wolf had prior adventures in bed? It is possible that Sabina may become a Karma confidante. And maybe Nadia. I think she looks to women her age who are not show girls. And by going to this fetish party on Saturday night, she is confidant about her English and/or Spanish language skills.
  6. Odds are increasing of Karma spending the night in the penthouse.
  7. Looks like that would be the one. Want to know what a first-class queer techno party looks like? Come down and find out for yourself. Fet!shwear essential.
  8. It is likely that Sara is the provider, and the other two are the consumers.
  9. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Wolf, Margo, and Neytiri in B-4 before heading out to the party on Saturday night around midnight. -------------- Sara and Karma on Sara's bed. The bath being prepared for Neytiri and Cecelia and ?
  10. Sara brushed her teeth, and lying on the bed. Karma up to see her.
  11. They left B-4 around midnight. Wearing leather and bondage gear. They did not reappear until after 04:00.
  12. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording This is Karma returning to B-1 at 00:29 this morning. She is wearing the clothes that she was wearing when she left B-1 around 00:00 hours on Sunday. She was gone for about 24 hours, and left to go to a party.
  13. She did not go rock climbing with the clothes she was wearing.
  14. You have to be careful of translators transposing masculine for feminine. The interaction she described to Kelly at the party was apparently with a girl / woman, and then they became a trio, and it is unclear whether the third person was a guy or another girl because of the possible transposing. Karma had gone to a B&D or a BDSM party at a club, for which tickets were sold. The party was sold out. Wolf, Margo, and Neytiri went to the same party. When she arrived at B-1 about 24 hours after she left, she was wearing the same leather / bondage apparel she wore to the party. She had to retrieve her street clothes from B-1. Quite likely, she took off her leather / bondage clothes at some point after leaving the party.
  15. As for Lacrim, he clearly buys his clothes at a second-hand shop, which is why he is so au courant in his attire. <sarcasm> I can't speak for what is currently fashionable east of the Elbe River, but no grown men are wearing vests in Barcelona. He owns two suits. Perhaps, he masquerades as a 20th Century Swiss business tycoon at Halloween parties, when he is not pretending he is member of the local gendarmerie, or showing his queer half.
  16. The reappearance. The tales she can tell!! RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording She slept in Octavia's bed with Octavia, and wearing only a T shirt. Ulyana is still not to be seen. Was she at the same party?
  17. As I read this, Schengen visa for couples : how to visit or stay with my partner ? WWW.AXA-SCHENGEN.COM I'm not a citizen of a Schengen country and I want to visit my boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife who lives there, how can I do this ? She could become the civil partner of Fior, and she could stay indefinitely. (That assumes that Fior is not already the civil partner of Ulyana!!)
  18. It depends on the traffic and time of day. To the airport, 30-45 minutes.
  19. RLC has the capability to constantly count how many viewers are watching each cam in real-time, and probably has the capability to count viewers by country in near real-time. (Except viewers using VPN.) It is possible/probable that the ranking of top cams on replay is based on an algorithm that combines real-time viewers, replay views, and a count of hose who saved a scene for My Collection.
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