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Everything posted by stanley

  1. I think that's Andrey - the guy from the party that was giving us his facebook name.
  2. Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me? It's a banana
  3. @Jeka&co They spend so much time in the kitchen I think we could do with a 2nd kitchen cam & also a hall cam.
  4. OK, I didn't realise they had a guest, so he may have been covering it from the guest and not Freddy.
  5. When Jeson opened the door to talk to Freddy he covered his penis with his hand so Freddy couldn't see
  6. Also Freddy locked the bathroom door so Jeson couldn't walk in on him in the shower. They seem to be laughing with each other so they don't hate each other. If I hadn't seen their first night I would say they were good friends but not lovers.
  7. Freddy in the shower whilst Jeson is in the kitchen.
  8. They are acting more like friends than a couple. They haven't had full sex yet. Freddy prefers to jerk off to porn on his phone even though his so called boyfriend is alone in the next room.
  9. Jeson sleeping in the livingroom and Freddy sleeping in the bedroom.
  10. They jerked at separate times Freddy at 18:20 and Jeson at about 23:20. Not sure why there isn't a time on the bathroom cam - perhaps @Jeka&co or @Voyeur House TV could get one added?
  11. Freddy and Jeson having fun on their own today. Hopefully tonight they will have fun together.
  12. I can understand what you are saying. As a gay man I don't want to see female-female thumbnails either - definitely not my thing. Until VHTV introduce filters, which I believe they are working on, we will all have to put up with seeing thumbnails of content that we don't really want.
  13. They should not have launched this apartment until both guys were ready to move in. Freddy said to cam that he has invited Jeson to join him tomorrow. Maybe it was just his not very good English, but surely he didn't need to invite someone to join him that was already supposed to be living there. I do wonder if the Jeson that arrives tomorrow is the same guy they planned from the start or did he back out and they have had to find another Jeson to take his place.
  14. I keep thinking Jeson will burst out of the pillar in the livingroom and shout SURPRISE!! Maybe he is in there and fell asleep.
  15. OK these people need to be given lessons in how to throw a party on a cam site. They are doing it all wrong. No party hat in sight and they haven't brought out the twister mat yet
  16. A few seconds after that the blonde hair girl was in the kitchen. I think red covered the cam whilst she was on the toilet not realising that the toilet is out of view of the cam. But she needs to be told not to cover any cam.
  17. If its a guy then he has very big man boobs.
  18. Andrey is definately gay as is Freddy. The 2 girls with arms around one another are obviously lesbians. The guy and girl sat in the middle I don't know.
  19. Hi Jeka - thank you so much for giving us our first ever gay apartment. I'm wishing so much that it will be a big success.
  20. Interesting that all the lesbian apartments on RLC have rarely had any male friends over.
  21. What do gay guys watch on their phones? Nope, not hot naked muscle men....
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