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Everything posted by stanley

  1. They've put clothes on - they only ever wear clothes when they are either going out or are expecting guests.
  2. Freddy proves wrong the CC posters who say there aren't enough people with big boobs in the apartment.
  3. I hope he invites Andrey, the facebook guy from his birthday party. He seemed like a lot of fun.
  4. I noticed when I woke up this morning that it had been fixed - thank you.
  5. A cam directly above the shower and at least 1 cam in the sauna is something that should really have been there when the apartment went live. If VHTV waited until the apartments were ready before going live there wouldn't be all the negative comments they they get.
  6. Great view of them in the shower. They really didn't think this one through.
  7. I'd rather not have the black square as well. I've never had a problem with the toilet being on cam at Mika & Laynes place. At this apartment the camera is high up so nothing objectionable could be seen anyway.
  8. Sorry I don't understand what you are saying. If you are saying that the gay posts are showing on the main website page, then that is not working as I haven't seen any tweets on your main page since you created the separate feed. In fact your tweet clearly states that it will no longer publish news about gay apartments. How is that not discrimination? How is that better? Please put it back the way it was.
  9. At the very least @Voyeur House TV should give everyone the option of displaying the gay feed, the straight feed or both feeds on their home page. Not forcing us to only see the straight feed. I no longer know what is happening in the gay apartments because @Voyeur House TV is discriminating against the gay apartments. Majority rules someone said? That statement alone is pure discrimination. So all minority groups and cultures don't count because only the majority rules. Does that mean any resident that is black should be hidden away on a separate feed because blacks are in the minority. No of course not, so why should gay apartment news be hidden away. @Voyeur House TV please reconsider this highly discriminating and extremely offensive decision.
  10. This is my favourite apartment. However, since the incident last weekend they have been very subdued and with no guests, no parties, no drinking there hasn't really been much to talk about. Hopefully they will get back to their old fun selves (without the violence) soon.
  11. I am very surprised and disapointed that @Voyeur House TV has decided to discriminate against the gay apartments by no longer making twitter announcements on the main page of their website. I expected better of them and thought they were all about equality and not discrimination. It's all very well having a separate account for the gay apartments, but when that is not displayed on the website it isn't a lot of use. Very disappointing.
  12. I didn't see George there today to fix the bedroom cams - so I guess there was nothing wrong with them and it was a punishment.
  13. I hope when they had sobered up that George showed them the video of what they did. If he did then I hope they were deeply ashamed and embarrased at their behaviour. That could be the reason why they are acting as they are at the moment.
  14. A possible explaination for the knife could be that he picked it up not to use it to stab Chad but rather as a deterant to stop him punching him. I'm not saying that is what I believe, but it could be he said the knife was for defense rather than attack. As both guys seem to be OK and not suffering from stab wounds it's safe to say that it was not used. I do think we should receive a full explaination from VHTV or George as to what happened and the reasons for them being allowed back.
  15. Why have @Voyeur House TV not said anything about Peter. Or did they and I missed it? They told us about Drew being away and Henry being away but I've not seen anything about Peter.
  16. The Freddy apartment and the Chad/Todd apartment complimented each other. I watched Freddy for the sex and during the long periods of nothing happening at Freddy's I watched Chad & Todd. Now we are down to 1 gay apartment, there's not enough happening at Freddy's to keep me interested.
  17. No news so far. Usually when VHTV go quiet it means they aren't coming back and they go silent hoping we will forget about them (like they did with Carol & Artur, Serge & Sandra, Rose etc.)
  18. George left Edda & Joe's around the time of the fight and hasn't returned to Nina & Alans, he and Serena are probably at Chad & Todd's now.
  19. My own personal opinion is they should be kicked out. I said that about Jess and Sam at the time and am consistant in that opinion now. However, we do see a reluctance from VHTV to kick anyone out, whether they beat the shit out of each other or wave guns around they usually are allowed to stay.
  20. They can't handle the drink. They were a different couple when sober. George I think has a big decision to make, give them another chance or find another couple.
  21. They lasted a couple of months after that. It didn't end well as they walked out of the apartment and took (stole) all the cameras.
  22. When they have calmed down the apartment may come back online. Jess and Sam hadn't been in their apartment a week when she beat the shit out of him, ripping the top he was wearing, throwing punches and cutting his back so it bled. They were allowed to stay.
  23. Relax everyone - the apartment isn't really offline due to violence it's due to tech work. Do VHTV think we are all stupid?
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