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Everything posted by stanley

  1. We need to give them names for the archive moments videos. So unless anyone has any objections, the first guy with the tattoo on his arm can be Freddy and the second guy can be Jeson.
  2. So far they aren't acting like a couple. They showered separately and are sleeping at opposite sides of the bed. They second one that showered even locked the bathroom door when showering.
  3. Freedy and Jeson have arrived. They have showered separately.
  4. Participants were on their way 4 hours ago - must be a long drive for Freddy from Maria & Grisha's place in Bulgaria
  5. It's not all been failures from Jeka. I thought Carol & Artur were great, also Jeff & Violet are worth keeping as are Pavel & Alice. XSGD were his only big failure so far.
  6. Damn, I've been watching an empty apartment now for over an hour, echos of the old realm 16.
  7. I'm sure it isn't the same Freddy. All the time he was in M&G house I never saw him show any affection toward another guy. Are Jeka's apartments and Alex/Lina apartments even located in the same country?
  8. As the times aren't in sync, I'm guessing this is Jeka's handywork.
  9. I couldn't say whether they were real lesbians or not. They were not my thing so I paid zero attention to them. But they were always billed as lesbians by VHTV.
  10. Yes that's them - thanks. They were part of VHTV's launch lineup.
  11. Didn't there used to be a lesbian couple during VHTV's early days?
  12. The gay apartment is going to launch today or tomorrow. If it was to be a George managed apartment he would surely be spending all his time setting it up but he's not been absent from Alan, Nina, Serena apartment over the last week. I think it's more likely to be a Jeka managed apartment but could maybe be an apartment managed by someone new to VHTV.
  13. On this sad day for the world of voyeur cams. I thought we should all pause and reflect on the happy times and the huge number of hours of great entertainment this apartment has given us over the last few months. We've laughed with you, shed tears with you and been captivated by the wild journey you've been on. I personally will never forget the night when Gary rolled over in his sleep and accidently touched Dora with his arm. So Stacey, Xenia, Gary, Dora and not forgetting Leo, I really will miss.........the bat. I want to leave you all with some screenshots of the fun times that were happening minutes before the aprtment when offline.
  14. The Jeka maganaged apartments have always been the worst for having wrong times on them. I have wondered whether we should have a collection to buy him a new watch to use for when he sets up the cams.
  15. I'm pretty sure that the buffering is down to VHTV and not us or our ISP's. I've been having a look at some of the archive moments that have been created at the Alan/Nina apartment this weekend and the videos have large chunks of buffering in them. If the problem was with us then the videos would be saved fine on the VHTV servers. For example - https://voyeur-house.tv/moments/realm14/cam12/serena-george-fuck-suck-on-couch-sept-29 This should have a duration of 53 min 25 sec, but on the player the actual running time is 31 min 13 sec. That is over 23 minutes of buffering in less than an hour. The most recent archive for this apartment is https://voyeur-house.tv/moments/realm14/cam19/nina-alan-late-bath-sex-oct-1 This should have a duration of 1 hour 44 min but actually runs for 58 min 10 seconds - that's a huge 46 minutes of buffering and this video was recorded today. It's a real shame as there has been some hot sex between George and Serena and all of it is unwatchable unless @Voyeur House TV can go back and fix all the archive moment videos
  16. @CamaradsOfficialI don't see them, I only see Left, Center & Right which have always been there.
  17. Has anyone had any responce from these tickets? They have not acknowledged the problem on twitter, their website or here. Very poor customer service. They should be extending everyones subscription for the period the cams have been unwatchable.
  18. Also @Voyeur House TV could the time/date be moved to the other corner on this cam? Often when people are on the sofa they have the date & time over them. Whereas the opposite corner doesn't have activity in it.
  19. If they haven't already been named can I name them? Bearded guy looks like an Adam to me, so that would mean number 5 is Jack.
  20. I'm looking forward to a new house by the manager of Nina and Alan - Mr Manager should have a name, all the other managers have one :) The new feature I would like to see first is thumb previews of cams on the home page so I can see at a glance what is going on and which cam to watch instead of having to click on dozens of cams individually.
  21. That's sad as I liked Carol & Artur a lot. But I appreciate you letting me know. You (thats VHTV not you personally) should never be afraid to tell us things like this, we are all big boys and girls and can take disapointing news.
  22. Hey James, Could you answer my question that support wouldn't answer? Are Artur and Carol returning and if so do you know when. Your twitter said they would be offline for a few days but it's now been over 2 weeks. Thanks
  23. That would be so exciting. I've always wished that a cam site would open up in other parts of the world - to see peoples lives in Asia, Africa etc. And if you was to open up English speaking apartments, I would predict your membership numbers would massively increase.
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