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Everything posted by stanley

  1. I think the only 3some we are going to get tonight is with the guest, Freddy and Freddy's phone.
  2. @Jeka&co was supposed to be fixing the cams today so we had good sound on all cams - I guess that didn't happen.
  3. I presume it's too high because of the toilet. But I think we are all big boys here, we can handle seeing a guy taking a piss if it means a better view of the bath.
  4. We need a second cam in there maybe an overhead one pointing down.
  5. Twitter feed says 21:00. But it's now 22:00 - did they get the time wrong or are they running late?
  6. Sorry used wrong word. You can't download, only stream/play them.
  7. Sometimes twice is better than not at all. :) I'll delete my version so people don't download it twice thinking it's a different video.
  8. It is a crazy situation. We know they aren't a couple, they know they aren't a couple - Everyone knows they aren't a couple. But they still have to keep up the pretence of being a couple. It's not the first time VHTV have put 2 strangers in an apartment and told them to pretend to be a couple. Why do they do this? Can't they just be honest with us and say they are 2 singles looking for love - who knows maybe sometimes the matchmaking will work and they might fall in love, but more often than not it won't work. Freddy & Jeson haven't worked as a couple - but they can still entertain us as 2 singles given the chance.
  9. Jeson is sat on the floor in the dark in the livingroom. Freddy is in the bedroom. I'm not sure how long this can carry on for. Maybe it would make for a better atmosphere if it was officially announced that they had "split up" and were continuing as housemates.
  10. Them being constantly on their phones is not unique to this apartment. Misty's phone is glued to her hand, Lisa is always on her phone. A quick look through other apartments and at least 5 others were using their phones. I don't have the same problems with this apartment as others do. I'm really enjoying it. This weekend we've have Freddy/Jeson sex and Jeson/Guest sex. Multiple baths/showers. We've had an interesting conversation in English (how many other apartments have that!), we've had arguements, we've had guests. I'd much rather have this apartment than some of the others where very little happens. There are 15 "straight" apartments here and if nothing is happening in 1 there will always be something happening in one of the others. But we've only got 1 gay apartment, and have nowhere to go when things aren't happening. Once we get the second online and then hopefully the 3rd and 4th etc. the periods of inactivity will be less noticable.
  11. The couple are Alex & Lena. They are managers who don't have their own online apartment anymore, the other guy is Eric, of Eric & Layla fame.
  12. The video is available here - https://voyeur-house.tv/moments/realm16/cam12/guests-listening-to-freddy-and-jeson-having-sex-14th-oct-2017 I love how at the end the guest does an imitation of what he heard
  13. Videos have now been released and are in the archive https://voyeur-house.tv/moments/realm16?&page=1
  14. Beard guest showered a few days ago and was too shy to show us his cock. I'm guessing he will be too shy to have sex on cam as well. Could be that Freddy and beard guest had sex off cam earlier whilst they were away from the apartment.
  15. I'm hoping that the gay apartment that George is opening will have a real gay couple who were in a realtionship before VHTV. This Freddy & Jeson apartment would have been better being a 2 bedroom apartment with each brought in as single guys with the freedom to bring home guests - kind of like a gay version of the Misty apartment.
  16. He does spend time with them but also spends time on his own. I don't find it rude at all. None of them are a couple they are friends living under the same roof.
  17. I'd recomend listening to the archive moment video where Jeson is talking to the guest in English. It explains a lot about the situation. Jeson says he spends time on his own because he doesn't really fit in with the others, particularly they don't get his humour.
  18. They approve and release every video not just this one.
  19. It's already been created, just waiting for VHTV to approve and release it.
  20. Jeson has spent the last hour in the bath. He hasn't wanked so I'm hopeful he's going to have a guest round for sex tonight.
  21. @Voyeur House TV On which date did your site launch? The very first VHTV related post here was on 1st November 2016 so we must be coming up to your 1st birthday very soon. Do you or the managers/participants have any special plans on how you will celebrate your 1st birthday?
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