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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. If she feels the same way that you do about him, she can just ask him to leave and he will go away.
  2. They are eagerly waiting for him to leave so they can get back to their favourite topic of " how boring B4 is " 😁
  3. At least his presence and desperation has made this otherwise boring place a little interesting to watch 😁 TBH I did not expect to see him back after how he acted the first time around, but Nana keeps inviting him back. I guess she likes the attention he's giving her, or she might have just noticed that she is often on top cam when he is there and he is desperately trying to get into her pants, so she just keeps him around to earn some easy money without actually having to do anything 😁
  4. The archive operator will miss them 😁
  5. I believe Val is still on Vacation & Relocation too 😁
  6. don't worry, Dennis only has to pay $20 and he can watch Leora naked anytime he wishes to. that's really not a big deal 😜
  7. unless they knew each other outside the RLC, this is the first time they have met. but I trust you have more info than I do πŸ˜‰
  8. She has really nice boobs for her small frame. πŸ‘
  9. So if Leora went to meet Maya off camera, it shows she was interested to make friends in the first place but maybe when they met they did not click. if they are introduced to one another and spend some time together, some of them might like to form a friendship with one or more participants and some might not be interested, but if there is no connection nothing will ever happen.
  10. We will never know if they are never introduced to each other. for example, Martina didn't know anything about the rest of the RLC participants in Barca until she was invited to the Villa by Nelly & Bogdan, and now she has good relationships with many of them.
  11. good idea, I will do that, but TBH I don't think they are taking suggestions very seriously, I normally just get a generic response, they might consider it if more members ask for the same thing.
  12. Yes, they had a good day. I enjoyed watching Leora's dance this afternoon, she put a smile on my face 😊
  13. RLC has four apartments in Prague ( Leora & Malia, Linda & Tibor, Kitty & Smith, and Mirukawa & Dantez ), I was just wondering why the residents of these apartments have never had any interaction with one another. It's obviously hard to find people who are willing to appear on cameras, specially when tenants are not from the country they reside in and do not have an established network of friends and family. it might not be the worst idea for RLC to throw a party in one of these apartments and introduce them to each other.
  14. Unfortunately in the USA, everything is politicised and so many people have lost their common sense.
  15. Me2, I don't think he is that stupid 😁 my guess is he is just messing with people who are concern trolling about the covid all the times πŸ˜„
  16. Leora πŸ’™ is a happy bunny today 😁 I absolutely love her when she is in a good mood 😜
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